随笔分类 - 00.汇编与逆向工程
摘要:+ + + + + + +| 段名称 虚拟地址 虚拟大小 物理地址 物理大小 标志 |+ + + + + + +| Name VOffset VSize ROffset RSize Flags |+ + + + + + +| .text 00001000 00000092 00000400 0000
摘要:In the x86 assembly language, the TEST instruction performs a bitwise AND on two operands. The flags SF, ZF, PF are modified while the result of the A
摘要:#include #include using namespace std;int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ if(argc >encryptMask; if(encryptMask 255){ cout<<"between 0 and 2...
摘要:INCLUDE Irvine32.incmyProc PROTO, x:DWORD, y:DWORD.data.codemain proc mov eax,0EAEAEAEAh mov ebx,0EBEBEBEBh INVOKE myProc, 1111h, 2222h ex...
摘要:.386.model flat, stdcall.stack 4096ExitProcess PROTO, dwExitCode:DWORD.dataval2 sdword 1result dword ?.codemain proc call Example_cdecl call Exa...
摘要:data segment pkey db "press (rgb) key to change color:$"endsstack segment dw 128 dup(0)endscode segmentstart: mov ax,data mov ds,ax...
摘要:data segment a db 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 b dw 0 ;sum of a table db 11h,22h,33h,44h,55h,66h,77h,88h,99h endscode segmentstart: mov ax,data...
摘要:data segment s1 db 'Good,better,best,$' s2 db 'Never let it rest,$' s3 db 'Till good is better,$' s4 db 'And better,best.$' s dw offset...
摘要:参考《汇编语言》-- 王爽data segment s1 db "welcome " l1 equ $-s1 s2 db "to " l2 equ $-s2 s3 db "fasm!" l3 equ $-s3 green db 0...
摘要:data segment first db "BaSiC" db "iNfOrMaTiOn" len equ $-first ;×Ö·û´®³¤¶Èendscode segmentstart: mov ax, data mov ds, ax ...
摘要://Main.cpp#include <iostream>using namespace std;extern "C" int DoubleIt(int n);int main(){ cout<<"Value return by Double It is:" <<DoubleIt(2)<<endl; return 0;}.586.model flat,C.codeDoubleIt PROC,inval:DWORD mov eax,inval add eax,eax add eax,eax retDouble
摘要:http://kipirvine.com/asm/4th/ide/vs6/cppProject/index.htmUpdated 11/25/2002Before beginning this tutorial, you must have already installed a command in your Tools menu in Visual Studio that assembles an ASM source file without linking. In our samples, the tool will be calledAssemble 32-bit.Click her
摘要:page 60,132TITLE 设置光标;------------------------------------ .MODEL SMALL ;------------------------------------.DATA .CODE MAIN PROC FAR mov ah,02h ;表求设置光标 mov bh,0 ;页号0 mov dh,08 ;第8行 mov dl,15 ;第15列 ...
摘要:1。寄存器传值 1 page 60,132 2 TITLE 堆栈传值 3 ;------------------------------------ 4 .MODEL SMALL 5 .STACK 64 6 ;------------------------------------ 7 .DATA 8 BCX DW 65535 ;被乘数 9 MULS DW 2 ;乘数10 ;------------------------------------11 .CODE ...
摘要:以下是未简化的: 保护模式下的初始化 .386 or .486 ;指令集.MODEL FLAT,STDCALL ;内存模型.STACK.DATA ;承受后是所有数据.CODE ;随后是指令代码END
摘要:assume cs:codesg,ds:datadata segment db 'Happy New Year!' ;15 bytes db 5 dup(00000010B) ;green color db 0 ;for white space attr db 3 dup(00100100B) ;green bgcolor,red color db 0 db 5 dup(01110001B) ;white bgcolor,blue colordata endscodesg segmentstart: mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov ax,0B800H ;de