

DjVu is a web-centric format and software platform for distributing documents and images. DjVu can advantageously replace PDF, PS, TIFF, JPEG, and GIF for distributing scanned documents, digital documents, or high-resolution pictures. DjVu content downloads faster, displays and renders faster, looks nicer on a screen, and consume less client resources than competing formats. DjVu images display instantly and can be smoothly zoomed and panned with no lengthy re-rendering. DjVu is used by hundreds of academic, commercial, governmental, and non-commercial web sites around the world.

Source Packages
Source TAR.GZ djvulibre-3.5.23.tar.gz
Binary Packages
Fedora/Redhat Available from Fedora.
Mandriva Available from Mandrake Club.
Suse Available from OpenSuse.
Debian Available from Debian (apt-get!)
Ubuntu Available from Ubuntu (apt-get!)
SGI Irix 6.5 (mips) djvulibre-3.5.5-irix6.5-mips.tar.gz
Solaris 6 (sparc) djvulibre-3.5.5-solaris6-sparc.tar.gz
Cygwin (x86) djvulibre-3.5.17-1.tar.bz2
OS/2 (x86) Available on Hobbes
Windows (x86) Available on Sourceforge
MacOS (x86,ppc) Available on Sourceforge
Related Projects
DjView4 An improved DjVu viewer for (unix, windows, mac).
WinDjView A DjVu viewer for Windows (under development).
JavaDjVu A Java class for viewing DjVu files without plugin.
SDjVu A DjVu viewer for the Symbian cellphone OS.
GrxView Pro A Palm OS image viewer with DjVu support (non free).
DjvuDigital Ghostscript based tool for converting PS or PDF files into DjVu files.
Pdf2DjVu Poppler based tool for converting PDF files into DjVu files (gpl).

for windows setup file:

posted @ 2011-01-28 10:21  庚武  Views(565)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报