Expression-Language Implicit Objects (EL表达式隐式对象)



Implicit Object Description
applicationScope This is a Map that contains all application-scoped variables. The Map is keyed on the name of the variable.
cookie This is a Map that maps cookie names to a single Cookie object.If more thatn one cookie exists for a given name, the first of these cookies is used for that name.
header This is a Map that contains the values of each header name.
headerValues This is a Map that maps a header name to a string array of all the possible values for that header.
initParam This is a Map that maps context initialization parameter names to their string parameter values.
pageContext The PageContext object.
pageScope This is a Map that contains all page-scoped variables. The Map is keyed on the Name of the variable.
param This is a Map that contains the names of the parameters to a page. Each parameter name is mapped to a single string value.
paramValues This is a Map that maps a parameter name to a string array of all the values for that parameter.
requestScope This is a Map that contains all request-scoped variables. The Map is keyed on the name of the variable.
sessionScope This is a Map that contains all session-scoped variables. The Map is keyed on the name of the variable.
posted @ 2010-11-10 23:10  庚武  Views(205)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报