


pip install allure-pytest
pip install pytest
pip install allure-python-commons 



allure --version

pytest --version
This is pytest version 5.1.2,




1、pytest -s -q --alluredir report:在当前目录下创建一个report文件夹

2、pytest --alluredir report:在当前目录下创建一个report文件夹,并生成json文件 

3、pytest -s -q --alluredir 路径  result / py.test --alluredir 路径 result:在路径目录下创建一个result文件夹

4、allure generate report/ -o report/html:基于生成的json文件,产生HTML版本的测试结果报告

5、allure serve target/allure-results:自动打开浏览器显示测试结果报告





Could not parse arguments: Expected a command, got -h
Usage: allure [options] [command] [command options]
      Print commandline help.
    -q, --quiet
      Switch on the quiet mode.
      Default: false
    -v, --verbose
      Switch on the verbose mode.
      Default: false
      Print commandline version.
      Default: false
    generate      Generate the report
      Usage: generate [options] The directories with allure results
          -c, --clean
            Clean Allure report directory before generating a new one.
            Default: false
            Allure commandline config path. If specified overrides values from
            --profile and --configDirectory.
            Allure commandline configurations directory. By default uses
            ALLURE_HOME directory.
            Allure commandline configuration profile.
          -o, --report-dir, --output
            The directory to generate Allure report into.
            Default: allure-report

    serve      Serve the report
      Usage: serve [options] The directories with allure results
            Allure commandline config path. If specified overrides values from
            --profile and --configDirectory.
            Allure commandline configurations directory. By default uses
            ALLURE_HOME directory.
          -h, --host
            This host will be used to start web server for the report.
          -p, --port
            This port will be used to start web server for the report.
            Default: 0
            Allure commandline configuration profile.

    open      Open generated report
      Usage: open [options] The report directory
          -h, --host
            This host will be used to start web server for the report.
          -p, --port
            This port will be used to start web server for the report.
            Default: 0

    plugin      Generate the report
      Usage: plugin [options]
            Allure commandline config path. If specified overrides values from
            --profile and --configDirectory.
            Allure commandline configurations directory. By default uses
            ALLURE_HOME directory.
            Allure commandline configuration profile.



usage: pytest [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] [...]

positional arguments:

  -k EXPRESSION         only run tests which match the given substring
                        expression. An expression is a python evaluatable
                        expression where all names are substring-matched
                        against test names and their parent classes. Example:
                        -k 'test_method or test_other' matches all test
                        functions and classes whose name contains
                        'test_method' or 'test_other', while -k 'not
                        test_method' matches those that don't contain
                        'test_method' in their names. -k 'not test_method and
                        not test_other' will eliminate the matches.
                        Additionally keywords are matched to classes and
                        functions containing extra names in their
                        'extra_keyword_matches' set, as well as functions
                        which have names assigned directly to them.
  -m MARKEXPR           only run tests matching given mark expression.
                        example: -m 'mark1 and not mark2'.
  --markers             show markers (builtin, plugin and per-project ones).
  -x, --exitfirst       exit instantly on first error or failed test.
  --maxfail=num         exit after first num failures or errors.
  --strict-markers, --strict
                        markers not registered in the `markers` section of the
                        configuration file raise errors.
  -c file               load configuration from `file` instead of trying to
                        locate one of the implicit configuration files.
                        Force test execution even if collection errors occur.
  --rootdir=ROOTDIR     Define root directory for tests. Can be relative path:
                        'root_dir', './root_dir', 'root_dir/another_dir/';
                        absolute path: '/home/user/root_dir'; path with
                        variables: '$HOME/root_dir'.
  --fixtures, --funcargs
                        show available fixtures, sorted by plugin appearance
                        (fixtures with leading '_' are only shown with '-v')
  --fixtures-per-test   show fixtures per test
                        prepend/append to sys.path when importing test
                        modules, default is to prepend.
  --pdb                 start the interactive Python debugger on errors or
                        start a custom interactive Python debugger on errors.
                        For example:
  --trace               Immediately break when running each test.
  --capture=method      per-test capturing method: one of fd|sys|no.
  -s                    shortcut for --capture=no.
  --runxfail            report the results of xfail tests as if they were not
  --lf, --last-failed   rerun only the tests that failed at the last run (or
                        all if none failed)
  --ff, --failed-first  run all tests but run the last failures first. This
                        may re-order tests and thus lead to repeated fixture
  --nf, --new-first     run tests from new files first, then the rest of the
                        tests sorted by file mtime
                        show cache contents, don't perform collection or
                        tests. Optional argument: glob (default: '*').
  --cache-clear         remove all cache contents at start of test run.
  --lfnf={all,none}, --last-failed-no-failures={all,none}
                        which tests to run with no previously (known)
  --sw, --stepwise      exit on test failure and continue from last failing
                        test next time
  --stepwise-skip       ignore the first failing test but stop on the next
                        failing test
                        Comma-separated list of severity names. Tests only
                        with these severities will be run. Possible values
                        are: blocker, critical, normal, minor, trivial.
                        Comma-separated list of epic names. Run tests that
                        have at least one of the specified feature labels.
                        Comma-separated list of feature names. Run tests that
                        have at least one of the specified feature labels.
                        Comma-separated list of story names. Run tests that
                        have at least one of the specified story labels.
                        Url pattern for link type. Allows short links in test,
                        like 'issue-1'. Text will be formatted to full url
                        with python str.format().

  --durations=N         show N slowest setup/test durations (N=0 for all).
  -v, --verbose         increase verbosity.
  -q, --quiet           decrease verbosity.
  --verbosity=VERBOSE   set verbosity
  -r chars              show extra test summary info as specified by chars:
                        (f)ailed, (E)rror, (s)kipped, (x)failed, (X)passed,
                        (p)assed, (P)assed with output, (a)ll except passed
                        (p/P), or (A)ll. (w)arnings are enabled by default
                        (see --disable-warnings).
  --disable-warnings, --disable-pytest-warnings
                        disable warnings summary
  -l, --showlocals      show locals in tracebacks (disabled by default).
  --tb=style            traceback print mode (auto/long/short/line/native/no).
                        Controls how captured stdout/stderr/log is shown on
                        failed tests. Default is 'all'.
  --full-trace          don't cut any tracebacks (default is to cut).
  --color=color         color terminal output (yes/no/auto).
  --pastebin=mode       send failed|all info to pastebin service.
  --junit-xml=path      create junit-xml style report file at given path.
  --junit-prefix=str    prepend prefix to classnames in junit-xml output
  --result-log=path     DEPRECATED path for machine-readable result log.
  --html=path           create html report file at given path.
                        create a self-contained html file containing all
                        necessary styles, scripts, and images - this means
                        that the report may not render or function where CSP
                        restrictions are in place (see
  --css=path            append given css file content to report style file.

  --collect-only        only collect tests, don't execute them.
  --pyargs              try to interpret all arguments as python packages.
  --ignore=path         ignore path during collection (multi-allowed).
  --ignore-glob=path    ignore path pattern during collection (multi-allowed).
                        deselect item during collection (multi-allowed).
  --confcutdir=dir      only load's relative to specified dir.
  --noconftest          Don't load any files.
  --keep-duplicates     Keep duplicate tests.
                        Don't ignore tests in a local virtualenv directory
  --doctest-modules     run doctests in all .py modules
                        choose another output format for diffs on doctest
  --doctest-glob=pat    doctests file matching pattern, default: test*.txt
                        ignore doctest ImportErrors
                        for a given doctest, continue to run after the first

test session debugging and configuration:
  --basetemp=dir        base temporary directory for this test run.(warning:
                        this directory is removed if it exists)
  --version             display pytest lib version and import information.
  -h, --help            show help message and configuration info
  -p name               early-load given plugin module name or entry point
                        (multi-allowed). To avoid loading of plugins, use the
                        `no:` prefix, e.g. `no:doctest`.
  --trace-config        trace considerations of files.
  --debug               store internal tracing debug information in
  -o OVERRIDE_INI, --override-ini=OVERRIDE_INI
                        override ini option with "option=value" style, e.g.
                        `-o xfail_strict=True -o cache_dir=cache`.
  --assert=MODE         Control assertion debugging tools. 'plain' performs no
                        assertion debugging. 'rewrite' (the default) rewrites
                        assert statements in test modules on import to provide
                        assert expression information.
  --setup-only          only setup fixtures, do not execute tests.
  --setup-show          show setup of fixtures while executing tests.
  --setup-plan          show what fixtures and tests would be executed but
                        don't execute anything.
  --variables=path      path to variables file.

                        set which warnings to report, see -W option of python

  --no-print-logs       disable printing caught logs on failed tests.
                        logging level used by the logging module
                        log format as used by the logging module.
                        log date format as used by the logging module.
                        cli logging level.
                        log format as used by the logging module.
                        log date format as used by the logging module.
  --log-file=LOG_FILE   path to a file when logging will be written to.
                        log file logging level.
                        log format as used by the logging module.
                        log date format as used by the logging module.

  --alluredir=DIR       Generate Allure report in the specified directory (may
                        not exist)
  --clean-alluredir     Clean alluredir folder if it exists
  --allure-no-capture   Do not attach pytest captured logging/stdout/stderr to

forked subprocess test execution:
  --forked              box each test run in a separate process (unix)

  --firefox-path=path   path to the firefox binary.
  --firefox-preference=name value
                        additional firefox preferences.
                        path to the firefox profile.
                        path to a firefox extension.
  --driver=str          webdriver implementation.
  --driver-path=path    path to the driver executable.
  --capability=key value
                        additional capabilities.
  --event-listener=str  selenium eventlistener class, e.g.
  --host=str            host that the selenium server is listening on, which
                        will default to the cloud provider default or
  --port=num            port that the selenium server is listening on, which
                        will default to the cloud provider default or

                        regular expression for identifying sensitive urls.

distributed and subprocess testing:
  -n numprocesses, --numprocesses=numprocesses
                        shortcut for '--dist=load --tx=NUM*popen', you can use
                        'auto' here for auto detection CPUs number on host
                        system and it will be 0 when used with --pdb
                        limit the maximum number of workers to process the
                        tests when using --numprocesses=auto
  --max-worker-restart=MAXWORKERRESTART, --max-slave-restart=MAXWORKERRESTART
                        maximum number of workers that can be restarted when
                        crashed (set to zero to disable this feature) '--max-
                        slave-restart' option is deprecated and will be
                        removed in a future release
  --dist=distmode       set mode for distributing tests to exec environments.
                        each: send each test to all available environments.
                        load: load balance by sending any pending test to any
                        available environment. loadscope: load balance by
                        sending pending groups of tests in the same scope to
                        any available environment. loadfile: load balance by
                        sending test grouped by file to any available
                        environment. (default) no: run tests inprocess, don't
  --tx=xspec            add a test execution environment. some examples: --tx
                        popen//python=python2.5 --tx socket=
  -d                    load-balance tests. shortcut for '--dist=load'
  --rsyncdir=DIR        add directory for rsyncing to remote tx nodes.
  --rsyncignore=GLOB    add expression for ignores when rsyncing to remote tx
  --boxed               backward compatibility alias for pytest-forked
  -f, --looponfail      run tests in subprocess, wait for modified files and
                        re-run failing test set until all pass.

custom options:
  --base-url=url        base url for the application under test.
  --verify-base-url     verify the base url.
  --metadata=key value  additional metadata.

[pytest] ini-options in the first pytest.ini|tox.ini|setup.cfg file found:

  markers (linelist):   markers for test functions
  empty_parameter_set_mark (string):
                        default marker for empty parametersets
  norecursedirs (args): directory patterns to avoid for recursion
  testpaths (args):     directories to search for tests when no files or directories are given in the command line.
  usefixtures (args):   list of default fixtures to be used with this project
  python_files (args):  glob-style file patterns for Python test module discovery
  python_classes (args):
                        prefixes or glob names for Python test class discovery
  python_functions (args):
                        prefixes or glob names for Python test function and method discovery
  disable_test_id_escaping_and_forfeit_all_rights_to_community_support (bool):
                        disable string escape non-ascii characters, might cause unwanted side effects(use at your own
  console_output_style (string):
                        console output: "classic", or with additional progress information ("progress" (percentage) |
  xfail_strict (bool):  default for the strict parameter of xfail markers when not given explicitly (default: False)
  enable_assertion_pass_hook (bool):
                        Enables the pytest_assertion_pass hook.Make sure to delete any previously generated pyc cache
  junit_suite_name (string):
                        Test suite name for JUnit report
  junit_logging (string):
                        Write captured log messages to JUnit report: one of no|system-out|system-err
  junit_log_passing_tests (bool):
                        Capture log information for passing tests to JUnit report:
  junit_duration_report (string):
                        Duration time to report: one of total|call
  junit_family (string):
                        Emit XML for schema: one of legacy|xunit1|xunit2
  doctest_optionflags (args):
                        option flags for doctests
  doctest_encoding (string):
                        encoding used for doctest files
  cache_dir (string):   cache directory path.
  filterwarnings (linelist):
                        Each line specifies a pattern for warnings.filterwarnings. Processed after -W and
  log_print (bool):     default value for --no-print-logs
  log_level (string):   default value for --log-level
  log_format (string):  default value for --log-format
  log_date_format (string):
                        default value for --log-date-format
  log_cli (bool):       enable log display during test run (also known as "live logging").
  log_cli_level (string):
                        default value for --log-cli-level
  log_cli_format (string):
                        default value for --log-cli-format
  log_cli_date_format (string):
                        default value for --log-cli-date-format
  log_file (string):    default value for --log-file
  log_file_level (string):
                        default value for --log-file-level
  log_file_format (string):
                        default value for --log-file-format
  log_file_date_format (string):
                        default value for --log-file-date-format
  faulthandler_timeout (string):
                        Dump the traceback of all threads if a test takes more than TIMEOUT seconds to finish. Not
                        available on Windows.
  addopts (args):       extra command line options
  minversion (string):  minimally required pytest version
  base_url (string):    base url for the application under test.
  selenium_capture_debug (string):
                        when debug is captured ('never', 'failure', 'always')
  selenium_exclude_debug (string):
                        debug to exclude from capture
  saucelabs_job_auth (string):
                        Authorization options for the Sauce Labs job: ('none', 'token', 'hour', 'day')
  sensitive_url (string):
                        regular expression for identifying sensitive urls.
  rsyncdirs (pathlist): list of (relative) paths to be rsynced for remote distributed testing.
  rsyncignore (pathlist):
                        list of (relative) glob-style paths to be ignored for rsyncing.
  looponfailroots (pathlist):
                        directories to check for changes

environment variables:
  PYTEST_ADDOPTS           extra command line options
  PYTEST_PLUGINS           comma-separated plugins to load during startup
  PYTEST_DISABLE_PLUGIN_AUTOLOAD set to disable plugin auto-loading
  PYTEST_DEBUG             set to enable debug tracing of pytest's internals

to see available markers type: pytest --markers
to see available fixtures type: pytest --fixtures
(shown according to specified file_or_dir or current dir if not specified; fixtures with leading '_' are only shown with the '-v' option


posted @ 2019-05-07 11:41  乱石之渐  阅读(2407)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报