Rolling from door accessories

Hit him with an axe, eh? they have crushed him Traitor, he sold Christ! living alive serve the thief right. With a bar! Is he alive? Only when the victim ceased to struggle, and his shrieks had passed into a long-drawn, rhythmic death-rattle, the mob began hurriedly to change places about the bleeding corpse on the ground. Every one went up to it, gazed at what had been done, and pressed back horror-stricken, surprised, and reproachful.


O Lord, the people's like a wild beast; how could he be alive! was heard in the crowd. And a young fellow too must have been a merchant's son, to be sure, the people they do say it's not the right man not the right man! O Lord! They have nearly murdered another man; they say he's almost dead Ah, the people who wouldn't be afraid of sin were saying now the same people, looking with rueful pity at the dead body, with the blue face fouled with dust and blood, and the long, slender, broken neck.


A punctilious police official, feeling the presence of the body unseemly in the courtyard of his excellency, bade the dragoons drag the body away into the street. Two dragoons took hold of the mutilated legs, and drew the body away. The dead, shaven head, stained with blood and grimed with dust, was trailed along the ground, rolling from door accessories

posted @ 2013-05-29 11:09  wt152  阅读(132)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报