1 using System;
2 using System.Net;
3 using System.Net.Mail;
4 using System.Text;
5 using System.ComponentModel;
7 namespace Tmiqpl.Net
8 {
9 /// <summary>
10 /// 简单邮件传输协议
11 /// author: Tmiqpl
12 /// </summary>
13 public class SMTP : IDisposable
14 {
15 #region 预定义
16 private string server = null;
17 private string username = null;
18 private string password = null;
19 private int port = 25;
20 private bool network = true;
21 private bool ishtml = true;
22 private string subject = null;
23 private string body = null;
24 private string from = null;
25 private string to = null;
26 private string errortext = null;
27 private string[] attachement = null;
28 private Encoding bodyencoding = Encoding.Default;
29 private Encoding subjectencoding = Encoding.Default;
30 private Component conponent = new Component();
31 private bool disposed = false;
32 private string[] cc = null;
33 private string[] bcc = null;
34 #endregion
35 /// <summary>
36 /// 初始化邮件传输协议
37 /// </summary>
38 /// <param name="servername">邮件服务器地址</param>
39 public SMTP(string servername)
40 : this(servername, 25)
41 {
42 }
43 /// <summary>
44 /// 初始化邮件传输协议
45 /// </summary>
46 /// <param name="servername">邮件服务器地址</param>
47 /// <param name="prot">端口</param>
48 public SMTP(string servername, int prot)
49 : this(servername, prot, null, null)
50 {
51 }
52 /// <summary>
53 /// 初始化邮件传输协议
54 /// </summary>
55 /// <param name="servername">邮件服务器地址</param>
56 /// <param name="prot">端口</param>
57 /// <param name="username">用户名</param>
58 /// <param name="password">密码</param>
59 public SMTP(string servername, int prot, string username, string password)
60 {
61 this.ServerName = servername;
62 this.port = prot;
63 this.UserName = username;
64 this.PassWord = password;
65 }
66 ~SMTP()
67 {
68 this.Dispose(false);
69 }
71 protected void Dispose(bool disposed)
72 {
73 if (!this.disposed && disposed)
74 {
75 conponent.Dispose();
76 }
77 this.disposed = true;
78 }
79 /// <summary>
80 /// 发送
81 /// </summary>
82 public bool Send()
83 {
84 SmtpClient _client;
85 if (this.ServerName == null)
86 {
87 this.errortext = "(SMTP) 服务器未定义";
88 return false;
89 }
90 _client = new SmtpClient(this.server, this.port);
91 _client.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
92 if ((this.username == null) || (this.password == null))
93 {
94 _client.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
95 }
96 else
97 {
98 _client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(this.username, this.password);
99 }
100 if (this.network)
101 {
102 _client.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
103 }
104 else
105 {
106 _client.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.PickupDirectoryFromIis;
107 }
108 if (this.from == null)
109 {
110 this.errortext = "发件人地址未定义!";
111 return false;
112 }
113 if (this.to == null)
114 {
115 this.errortext = "收件人人地址未定义!";
116 return false;
117 }
118 MailAddress from = new MailAddress(this.from);
119 MailAddress to = new MailAddress(this.to);
120 MailMessage msg = new MailMessage(from, to);
121 if (this.subject == null)
122 {
123 this.errortext = "邮件主题未定义!";
124 return false;
125 }
126 msg.Subject = this.subject;
127 msg.Body = this.body;
128 if (this.cc != null)
129 {
130 if (this.cc.Length > 0)
131 {
132 foreach (string cc in this.cc)
133 {
134 msg.CC.Add(cc);
135 }
136 }
137 }
138 if (this.bcc != null)
139 {
140 if (this.bcc.Length > 0)
141 {
142 foreach (string bcc in this.bcc)
143 {
144 msg.Bcc.Add(bcc);
145 }
146 }
147 }
148 if (this.attachement != null)
149 {
150 if (this.attachement.Length > 0)
151 {
152 foreach (string att in this.attachement)
153 {
154 msg.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(att));
155 }
156 }
157 }
158 msg.BodyEncoding = this.bodyencoding;
159 msg.SubjectEncoding = this.subjectencoding;
160 msg.IsBodyHtml = this.ishtml;
161 try
162 {
163 _client.Send(msg);
164 return true;
165 }
166 catch (Exception e)
167 {
168 this.errortext = e.Message;
169 return false;
170 }
171 finally
172 {
173 msg.Dispose();
174 }
175 }
176 #region 属性
177 /// <summary>
178 /// 获取或设置 SMTP 服务器地址
179 /// </summary>
180 public string ServerName
181 {
182 get { return this.server; }
183 set { this.server = value; }
184 }
185 /// <summary>
186 /// 获取或设置登陆 SMTP 服务器的用户名
187 /// </summary>
188 public string UserName
189 {
190 get { return this.username; }
191 set { this.username = value; }
192 }
193 /// <summary>
194 /// 获取或设置登陆 SMTP 服务器的密码
195 /// </summary>
196 public string PassWord
197 {
198 get { return this.password; }
199 set { this.password = value; }
200 }
201 /// <summary>
202 /// 获取或设置 SMTP 端口
203 /// </summary>
204 public int Port
205 {
206 get { return this.port; }
207 set { this.port = value; }
208 }
209 /// <summary>
210 /// 获取或设置是否通过网络 SMTP 服务器发送
211 /// </summary>
212 public bool IsNetwork
213 {
214 get { return this.network; }
215 set { this.network = value; }
216 }
217 /// <summary>
218 /// 获取或设置邮件内容是否以 HTML 格式发送
219 /// </summary>
220 public bool IsHtml
221 {
222 get { return this.ishtml; }
223 set { this.ishtml = value; }
224 }
225 /// <summary>
226 /// 获取或设置邮件内容
227 /// </summary>
228 public string Body
229 {
230 get { return this.body; }
231 set { this.body = value; }
232 }
233 /// <summary>
234 /// 获取或设置邮件主题行
235 /// </summary>
236 public string Subject
237 {
238 get { return this.subject; }
239 set { this.subject = value; }
240 }
241 /// <summary>
242 /// 获取或设置邮件发送人
243 /// </summary>
244 public string From
245 {
246 get { return this.from; }
247 set { this.from = value; }
248 }
249 /// <summary>
250 /// 获取或设置邮件接收人
251 /// </summary>
252 public string To
253 {
254 get { return this.to; }
255 set { this.to = value; }
256 }
257 /// <summary>
258 /// 获取邮件发送失败后的信息描述
259 /// </summary>
260 public string ErrorText
261 {
262 get { return this.errortext; }
263 }
264 /// <summary>
265 /// 获取或设置邮件附件
266 /// </summary>
267 public string[] Attachement
268 {
269 get { return this.attachement; }
270 set { this.attachement = value; }
271 }
272 /// <summary>
273 /// 获取或设置邮件抄送地址
274 /// </summary>
275 public string[] Cc
276 {
277 get { return this.cc; }
278 set { this.cc = value; }
279 }
280 /// <summary>
281 /// 获取或设置邮件密送地址
282 /// </summary>
283 public string[] Bcc
284 {
285 get { return this.bcc; }
286 set { this.bcc = value; }
287 }
288 /// <summary>
289 /// 获取或设置邮件内容编码格式
290 /// </summary>
291 public Encoding BodyEncoding
292 {
293 get { return this.bodyencoding; }
294 set { this.bodyencoding = value; }
295 }
296 /// <summary>
297 /// 获取或设置邮件主题编码格式
298 /// </summary>
299 public Encoding SubjectEncoding
300 {
301 get { return this.subjectencoding; }
302 set { this.subjectencoding = value; }
303 }
304 #endregion
305 /// <summary>
306 /// 释放该对象非托管资源
307 /// </summary>
308 public virtual void Dispose()
309 {
310 this.Dispose(true);
311 GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
312 }
313 }