Structures 结构体


As we showed in the first example shader, it is often convenient to

be able to define structures in HLSL shaders. For example, many

shader writers will define an output structure in their vertex

shader code and use this structure as the return type from their

vertex shader's main function. (It is less common to do this with a

pixel shader since most pixel shaders have only one float4 output.)

An example structure taken from the NPR Metallic shader

that we discuss later is shown below:







struct VS_OUTPUT


float4 Pos : POSITION;

float3 View : TEXCOORD0;

float3 Normal: TEXCOORD1;

float3 Light1: TEXCOORD2;

float3 Light2: TEXCOORD3;

float3 Light3: TEXCOORD4;



Structures may be declared for general use in an HLSL shader as

well. They follow the type casting rules outlined above.






Samplers 采样器


For each different texture map that you plan to sample in a pixel

shader, you must declare a sampler. Recall the hlsl_rings() shader

described earlier:






float4 lightWood; // xyz == Light Wood Color

float4 darkWood; // xyz == Dark Wood Color

float ringFreq; // ring frequency

sampler PulseTrainSampler;

float4 hlsl_rings (float4 Pshade : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR


float scaledDistFromZAxis = sqrt(dot(Pshade.xy, Pshade.xy)) * ringFreq;

float blendFactor = tex1D (PulseTrainSampler, scaledDistFromZAxis);

return lerp (darkWood, lightWood, blendFactor);



In this shader, we declared a sampler called PulseTrainSampler at

global scope and passed it as the first parameter to the tex1D()

intrinsic function (we discuss intrinsics in the next section). An

HLSL sampler has a very direct mapping to the API concept of a

sampler and, in turn, to the actual silicon in the 3D graphics processor,

which is responsible for addressing and filtering textures.

A sampler must be defined for every texture map that you plan to

access in a given shader, but you may use a given sampler multiple

times in a shader. This usage is very common in image

processing applications, as discussed in ShaderX2: Shader Programming

Tips & Tricks with DirectX 9, since the input image is

often sampled multiple times with different texture coordinates to

provide data to a filter kernel expressed in shader code. For example,

the following shader uses the rasterizer to convert a height

map to a normal map with a pair of Sobel filters:






定义采样器。如在《ShaderX2: Shader Programming Tips & Tricks with DirectX 9



两个Sobel 过滤器的光栅化器将一张高度贴图转换成为一张法线贴图:


sampler InputImage;

float4 main( float2 topLeft : TEXCOORD0, float2 left : TEXCOORD1,

float2 bottomLeft : TEXCOORD2, float2 top : TEXCOORD3,

float2 bottom : TEXCOORD4, float2 topRight : TEXCOORD5,

float2 right : TEXCOORD6, float2 bottomRight : TEXCOORD7):



// Take all eight taps

float4 tl = tex2D (InputImage, topLeft);

float4 l = tex2D (InputImage, left);

float4 bl = tex2D (InputImage, bottomLeft);

float4 t = tex2D (InputImage, top);

float4 b = tex2D (InputImage, bottom);

float4 tr = tex2D (InputImage, topRight);

float4 r = tex2D (InputImage, right);

float4 br = tex2D (InputImage, bottomRight);

// Compute dx using Sobel operator:


// -1 0 1

// -2 0 2

// -1 0 1

float dX = -tl.a - 2.0f*l.a - bl.a + tr.a + 2.0f*r.a + br.a;

// Compute dy using Sobel operator:


// -1 -2 -1

// 0 0 0

// 1 2 1

float dY = -tl.a - 2.0f*t.a - tr.a + bl.a + 2.0f*b.a + br.a;

// Compute cross product and renormalize

float4 N = float4(normalize(float3(-dX, -dY, 1)), tl.a);

// Convert signed values from -1..1 to 0..1 range and return

return N * 0.5f + 0.5f;



This shader uses only one sampler, InputImage, but samples from

it eight times using the tex2D() intrinsic function.


