Type Modifiers 类型修饰符

There are a couple of optional type modifiers in the HLSL that

you may want to use in your shaders. The familiar const type

modifier is used to specify a variable whose value cannot be

changed by the shader code. Using such a variable on the left side

of an assignment (i.e., as an lval) will result in a compilation error.




The row_major and col_major type modifiers can be used to

specify the expected layout of a matrix within the hardware constant

store. The row_major type modifier indicates that each row of

the matrix will be stored in a single constant register. Likewise,

using col_major indicates that each column of the matrix will be

stored in a single constant register. Column major is the default.




Storage Class Modifiers 存储类修饰符

Storage class modifiers inform the compiler about the intended

scope and lifetime of a given variable. These modifiers are

optional and may appear in any order, as long as they appear

before the variable type.




As in C, a variable may be declared as static or extern.

(These two modifiers are mutually exclusive.) At global scope, the

static storage class modifier indicates that the variable is only to

be accessed by the shader and not by the application via the API.

Any non-static variable that is declared at global scope may be

modified by the application through the API. As with C, using the

static modifier at local scope indicates that the variable contains

data that is to persist between invocations of the declaring





The extern modifier can be used on a global variable to indicate

that it can be modified from outside of the shader via the API.

This is redundant, however, as this is the default behavior for variables

declared at global scope.




The shared modifier is used to specify that a given global variable

is to be shared between effects.




A variable that is uniform is assumed to have been set externally

to the HLSL shader (i.e., via the Set*ShaderConstant*()

API). Global variables are treated as if they were declared uniform.

Such variables are not assumed to be const, however, as their values

can be modified in the shader.


一个由uniform类型修饰的变量被假设已经从着色器代码外部进行了设置。例如,通过Set*ShaderConstant*() API。全局变量被当作已经用uniform修饰符进行了修饰。这样的变量不能被假设成为const类型,因为它们的值可以在着色器代码内部被修改。


For example, say you declare the following variables at global




extern float translucencyCoeff;

const float gloss_bias;

static float gloss_scale;

float diffuse;


The variables diffuse and translucencyCoeff are settable by the

Set*ShaderConstant*() API and can be modified by the shader

itself. The const variable gloss_bias is settable by the Set*Shader-

Constant*() API but cannot be modified in the shader code.

Finally, the static variable gloss_scale is not settable by the

Set*ShaderConstant*() API but can be modified within the shader



变量diffusetranslucencyCoeff可以使用Set*ShaderConstant*() API

进行设置,而且可以从着色器代码内部进行修改。const 变量gloss_bias

可以使用Set*ShaderConstant*() API进行设置,但是不能从着色器代码




Initializers 初始化

As we have shown in some of the preceding examples, it is possible

to initialize variables at declaration time in the same manner

used in C. For example:





float2x2 fMat = {3.0f, 5.0f, // row 1

2.0f, 1.0f}; // row 2

float4 vPos = {3.0f, 5.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f};

float fFactor = 0.2f;