powershell与linux bash对比
Bash | PowerShell | Description |
ls | dir, Get-ChildItem | List files and folders |
tree | dir -Recurse, Get-ChildItem -Recurse | List all files and folders |
cd | cd, Set-Location | Change directory |
pwd | pwd, $pwd, Get-Location | Show working directory |
clear, Ctrl+L, reset | cls, clear | Clear screen |
mkdir | New-Item -ItemType Directory | Create a new folder |
touch test.txt | New-Item -Path test.txt | Create a new empty file |
cat test1.txt test2.txt | Get-Content test1.txt, test2.txt | Display files contents |
cp ./source.txt ./dest/dest.txt | Copy-Item source.txt dest/dest.txt | Copy a file |
cp -r ./source ./dest | Copy-Item ./source ./dest -Recurse | Recursively copy from one folder to another |
mv ./source.txt ./dest/dest.txt | Move-Item ./source.txt ./dest/dest.txt | Move a file to other folder |
rm test.txt | Remove-Item test.txt | Delete a file |
rm -r <folderName> | Remove-Item <folderName> -Recurse | Delete a folder |
find -name build* | Get-ChildItem build* -Recurse | Find a file or folder starting with 'build' |
grep -Rin "sometext" --include="*.cs" | Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter *.cs | Select-String -Pattern "sometext" |
Recursively case-insensitive search for text in files |
curl https://github.com | Invoke-RestMethod https://github.com | Transfer data to or from the web |
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