课程名称 + 课程性质
【1-10的汉字或字母 + 必修】
课程名称 + 课程性质 + 考核方式
【1-10的汉字或字母 + 必修 + 考试】
【1-10的汉字或字母 + 选修 + 考察】
【1-10的汉字或字母 + 选修 + 考试】
(2)输入课程性质与考核方式不匹配(例如 必修+考察):输出-课程名称+" : course type & access mode mismatch"
学号 + 姓名 + 课程名称 + 期末成绩
【8位的数字 + 1-10位的汉字 + 1-10的汉字或字母(考察) + 1-100的数字】
学号 姓名 课程名称 平时成绩 期末成绩
【8位的数字 + 1-10位的汉字 + 1-10的汉字或字母 + 1-100的数字 + 1-100的数字】
(1)课程名称不在课程列表中:输出-学号+英文空格+姓名+英文空格+":"+课程名称+英文空格+"does not exist"
(2)输入的成绩数量与课程的考核方式不匹配(属于第一种输入情况但是课程考核方式是考试):输出-课程名称+" : course type & access mode mismatch"
我创建了三个hashMap用来储存已输入的课程、学生、班级(因为输出需要判断是否有成绩信息),以及一个hashSet用来储存已输入的正确的选课信息。设计了一个循环判断输入的一行是否符合以上的正确情况,若符合就进行相关的数据读入,不符合就输出wrong format,并输入下一行,以“end”作为循环结束标志。
平均分为-1输出 学号+英文空格+姓名+英文空格+"did not take any exams"
正常输出 学号+英文空格+姓名+英文空格+总成绩平均分
期末考试平均分为-1输出 课程名称+英文空格+"has no grades yet"
平时考试平均分为-1且期末不为-1 课程名称+英文空格+期末考试平均分+英文空格+总成绩平均分
正常输出 课程名称+英文空格+平时成绩平均分+英文空格+期末考试平均分+英文空格+总成绩平均分
平均分为-1输出 班级名称+英文空格+ "has no grades yet"
正常输出 班级号+英文空格+总成绩平均分

package Grade; import java.util.*; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); String word = input.nextLine(); HashMap<String, Course> courses = new HashMap<>();//课程列表 HashMap<String, Student> students = new HashMap<>();//学生列表 HashMap<String, Class> classes = new HashMap<>();//班级列表 HashSet<CourseSelection> courseSelections = new HashSet<>();//选课列表 //输入 while(!word.equals("end")){ boolean flag = true;//判断是否格式错误的标志 String course1 = "[一-龥a-zA-Z]{1,10}\\s[一-龥]{2}"; String course2 = "[一-龥a-zA-Z]{1,10}\\s[一-龥]{2}\\s[一-龥]{2}"; String score1 = "[0-9]{8}\\s[一-龥]{1,10}\\s[一-龥a-zA-Z]{1,10}\\s[1-9]\\d+?$|100$|0$"; String score2 = "[0-9]{8}\\s[一-龥]{1,10}\\s[一-龥a-zA-Z]{1,10}\\s[1-9]\\d+?$|100$|0$\\s[1-9]\\d+?$|100$|0$"; if(word.matches(course1)){//课程名称 课程性质 String[] words = word.split(" "); if(!courses.containsKey(words[0])){//如果列表中没有该课程 courses.put(words[0], new Course(words[0], words[1], "考试")); } } else if (word.matches(course2)) {//课程名称 课程性质 考核方式 String[] words = word.split(" "); if(words[1].equals("必修") && words[2].equals("考察")){ System.out.println(words[0] + " : course type & access mode mismatch"); }else if (!courses.containsKey(words[0])){ courses.put(words[0], new Course(words[0], words[1], words[2])); } } else if (word.matches(score1)) {//学号 姓名 课程名称 期末成绩 String[] words = word.split(" "); Student student = new Student(words[0], words[1]); if(!courses.containsKey(words[2])){ System.out.println(words[2] + " does not exist"); }else{ if(courses.get(words[2]).assessmentMethod.equals("考试")){ System.out.println(words[0] + " " + words[1] + " : access mode mismatch"); }else{ Score score = new ExamineScore(Integer.parseInt(words[3])); courseSelections.add(new CourseSelection(courses.get(words[2]), student, score)); } } if(!students.containsKey(words[0])){ students.put(words[0], student); } if(classes.containsKey(words[0].substring(0,6))){ classes.get(words[0].substring(0,6)).students.put(words[0], student); }else { classes.put(words[0].substring(0,6), new Class(words[0].substring(0,6), student)); } } else if (word.matches(score2)) {//学号 姓名 课程名称 平时成绩 期末成绩 String[] words = word.split(" "); Student student = new Student(words[0], words[1]); if(!courses.containsKey(words[2])){ System.out.println(words[0] + " " + words[1] + " :" + words[2] + " does not exist"); }else{ Score score; if(courses.get(words[2]).assessmentMethod.equals("考试")){ score = new ExamScore(Integer.parseInt(words[3]), Integer.parseInt(words[4])); }else { score = new ExamineScore(Integer.parseInt(words[3]), Integer.parseInt(words[4])); } courseSelections.add(new CourseSelection(courses.get(words[2]), student, score)); } if(!students.containsKey(words[0])){ students.put(words[0], student); } if(classes.containsKey(words[0].substring(0,6))){ classes.get(words[0].substring(0,6)).students.put(words[0], student); }else { classes.put(words[0].substring(0,6), new Class(words[0].substring(0,6), student)); } }else{ flag = false; } word = input.nextLine(); if(!flag){ System.out.println("wrong format"); } } printStudentScore(students, courseSelections); printCourseScore(courses, courseSelections); printClassScore(classes, courseSelections); } public static void printStudentScore(HashMap<String, Student> students, HashSet<CourseSelection> courseSelections){ TreeMap<String, Integer> studentScore = new TreeMap<>();//所有学生课程总成绩平均分 getStudentScore(students, courseSelections, studentScore); for (String s : studentScore.keySet()) { if(studentScore.get(s) == -1){ System.out.println(s + " " + students.get(s).name + " did not take any exams"); }else { System.out.println(s + " " + students.get(s).name + " " + studentScore.get(s)); } } } public static void getStudentScore(HashMap<String, Student> students, HashSet<CourseSelection> courseSelections, TreeMap<String, Integer> studentScore){ for (String s : students.keySet()) { int m = 0, n = 0; boolean flag = false;//有成绩信息的标志 for (CourseSelection courseSelection : courseSelections) { if(s.equals(courseSelection.student.ID)){ m = m + courseSelection.score.getScore(); n++; flag = true; } } if(flag){ studentScore.put(s, m/n); }else { studentScore.put(s, -1); } } } public static void printCourseScore(HashMap<String, Course> courses, HashSet<CourseSelection> courseSelections){ TreeMap<String, Integer> courseScore = new TreeMap<>();//所有课程总成绩平均分 TreeMap<String, Integer> usualScore = new TreeMap<>();//平时成绩平均分 TreeMap<String, Integer> finalScore = new TreeMap<>();//期末成绩平均分 getCourseScore(courses, courseSelections, courseScore,1); getCourseScore(courses, courseSelections, usualScore,2); getCourseScore(courses, courseSelections, finalScore,3); for (String s : courseScore.keySet()) { if(finalScore.get(s) == -1){ System.out.println(s + " has no grades yet"); }else { if(usualScore.get(s) == -1){ System.out.println(s + " " + finalScore.get(s) + " " + courseScore.get(s)); }else { System.out.println(s + " " + usualScore.get(s) + " " + finalScore.get(s) + " " + courseScore.get(s)); } } } } public static void getCourseScore(HashMap<String, Course> courses, HashSet<CourseSelection> courseSelections, TreeMap<String, Integer> score, int i){ for (String s : courses.keySet()) { int m = 0, n = 0; boolean flag = false; for (CourseSelection courseSelection : courseSelections) { if(s.equals(courseSelection.course.name)){ if(i == 1){ m = m + courseSelection.score.getScore(); flag = true; } else if (i == 2) { m = m + courseSelection.score.getUsualScore(); if(courseSelection.score.getUsualScore() != -1){ flag = true; } } else { m = m + courseSelection.score.getFinalScore(); flag = true; } n++; } } if(flag){ score.put(s, m/n); }else { score.put(s, -1); } } } public static void printClassScore(HashMap<String, Class> classes, HashSet<CourseSelection> courseSelections){ TreeMap<String, Integer> classScore = new TreeMap<>();//所有班级所有课程总成绩平均分 for (String s : classes.keySet()) { TreeMap<String, Integer> studentScore = new TreeMap<>();//一个班所有学生的成绩 getStudentScore(classes.get(s).students, courseSelections, studentScore); int m = 0, n = 0; boolean flag = false; for (String s1 : studentScore.keySet()) { if(studentScore.get(s1) != -1){ m = m + studentScore.get(s1); n++; flag = true; } } if(flag){ classScore.put(s, m/n); }else{ classScore.put(s, -1); } } for (String s : classScore.keySet()) { if(classScore.get(s) == -1){ System.out.println(s + " has no grades yet"); }else{ System.out.println(s + " " + classScore.get(s)); } } } }

package Grade; public class Student { String ID = "";//学号 String name = "";//姓名 public Student() { } public Student(String ID, String name) { this.ID = ID; this.name = name; } }

package Grade; import java.util.HashMap; public class Class { String classID = ""; HashMap<String,Student> students = new HashMap<>(); public Class() { } public Class(String classID, Student student) { this.classID = classID; this.students.put(student.ID, student); } }

package Grade; public class Course { String name;//课程名称 String type;//课程性质 String assessmentMethod;//考核方式 public Course() { } public Course(String name, String type, String assessmentMethod) { this.name = name; this.type = type; this.assessmentMethod = assessmentMethod; } }

public abstract class Score { int usualScore = -1;//平时成绩 int finalScore = -1;//期末成绩 public Score() { } public int getUsualScore() { return usualScore; } public int getFinalScore() { return finalScore; } public Score(int finalScore) { this.finalScore = finalScore; } public Score(int usualScore, int finalScore) { this.usualScore = usualScore; this.finalScore = finalScore; } public abstract int getScore(); }

package Grade; public class ExamScore extends Score { @Override public int getScore() { return (int)(usualScore * 0.3 + finalScore * 0.7); } public ExamScore() { } public ExamScore(int usualScore, int finalScore) { super(usualScore, finalScore); } }

package Grade; public class ExamineScore extends Score { @Override public int getScore() { return finalScore; } public ExamineScore() { } public ExamineScore(int usualScore, int finalScore) { super(usualScore, finalScore); } public ExamineScore(int finalScore) { super(finalScore); } }

package Grade; public class CourseSelection { Course course = new Course(); Student student = new Student(); Score score; public CourseSelection() { } public CourseSelection(Course course, Student student, Score score) { this.course = course; this.student = student; this.score = score; } }
课程名称 + 课程性质 + 考核方式
【1-10的汉字或字母 + 实验 + 实验】
学号 + 姓名 + 课程名称 + 期末成绩
【8位的数字 + 1-10位的汉字 + 1-10的汉字或字母(考核方式非考试且非实验) + 1-100的数字】
学号 + 姓名 + 课程名称 + 平时成绩 + 期末成绩
【8位的数字 + 1-10位的汉字 + 1-10的汉字或字母(考核方式非实验) + 1-100的数字 + 1-100的数字】
学号 + 姓名 + 课程名称 + 实验次数 + 实验成绩......
【8位的数字 + 1-10位的汉字 + 1-10的汉字或字母 + 4-9的数字 + 1-100的数字(三次及以上)】
输入的实验成绩数量与输入的实验次数不相等:学号+英文空格+姓名+英文空格+": access mode mismatch"

package t1003; public class experimentalScore extends Score{ int[] score; @Override public int getScore() { int total = 0; for (int i : score) { total = total + i; } return total/score.length; } public experimentalScore() { } public experimentalScore(int[] score) { this.score = score; } }

package t1003; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.TreeMap; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); String word = input.nextLine(); HashMap<String, Course> courses = new HashMap<>();//课程列表 HashMap<String, Student> students = new HashMap<>();//学生列表 HashMap<String, Class> classes = new HashMap<>();//班级列表 HashSet<CourseSelection> courseSelections = new HashSet<>();//选课列表 HashSet<HashMap<Integer, String[]>> wrongInformation = new HashSet<>();//所有的错误信息 //输入 while(!word.equals("end")){ HashMap<Integer, String[]> wrong = new HashMap<>();//储存错误信息 String course1 = "[一-龥a-zA-Z]{1,10}\\s[一-龥]{2}"; String course2 = "[一-龥a-zA-Z]{1,10}\\s[一-龥]{2}\\s[一-龥]{2}"; String score1 = "[0-9]{8}\\s[一-龥]{1,10}\\s[一-龥a-zA-Z]{1,10}\\s\\d{1,3}"; String score2 = "[0-9]{8}\\s[一-龥]{1,10}\\s[一-龥a-zA-Z]{1,10}(\\s\\d{1,3}){2}"; String score3 = "[0-9]{8}\\s[一-龥]{1,10}\\s[一-龥a-zA-Z]{1,10}\\s[4-9](\\s\\d{1,3}){3,}"; if(word.matches(course1)){//课程名称 课程性质 String[] words = word.split(" "); if(!courses.containsKey(words[0])){//如果列表中没有该课程 courses.put(words[0], new Course(words[0], words[1], "考试")); } } else if (word.matches(course2)) {//课程名称 课程性质 考核方式 String[] words = word.split(" "); if((words[1].equals("必修") && words[2].equals("考察")) || (words[1].equals("实验") && !words[2].equals("实验")) || (!words[1].equals("实验") && words[2].equals("实验"))){ String[] wrongWord = {words[0]}; wrong.put(3, wrongWord); }else if (!courses.containsKey(words[0])){ courses.put(words[0], new Course(words[0], words[1], words[2])); } } else if (word.matches(score1)) {//学号 姓名 课程名称 期末成绩 String[] words = word.split(" "); if(Integer.parseInt(words[3]) > 100){ String[] wordWord = {"wrong format"}; wrong.put(4, wordWord); }else { Student student = new Student(words[0], words[1]); if(!courses.containsKey(words[2])){ String[] wrongWord = {words[0], words[1], words[2]}; wrong.put(1, wrongWord); }else{ if(courses.get(words[2]).assessmentMethod.equals("考试") || courses.get(words[2]).assessmentMethod.equals("实验")){ String[] wrongWord = {words[0], words[1]}; wrong.put(2, wrongWord); }else{ Score score = new ExamineScore(Integer.parseInt(words[3])); courseSelections.add(new CourseSelection(courses.get(words[2]), student, score)); } } if(!students.containsKey(words[0])){ students.put(words[0], student); } if(classes.containsKey(words[0].substring(0,6))){ classes.get(words[0].substring(0,6)).students.put(words[0], student); }else { classes.put(words[0].substring(0,6), new Class(words[0].substring(0,6), student)); } } } else if (word.matches(score2)) {//学号 姓名 课程名称 平时成绩 期末成绩 String[] words = word.split(" "); if(Integer.parseInt(words[3]) > 100 || Integer.parseInt(words[4]) > 100){ String[] wordWord = {"wrong format"}; wrong.put(4, wordWord); }else { Student student = new Student(words[0], words[1]); if(!courses.containsKey(words[2])){ String[] wrongWord = {words[0], words[1], words[2]}; wrong.put(1, wrongWord); }else{ if(courses.get(words[2]).assessmentMethod.equals("实验")){ String[] wrongWord = {words[0], words[1]}; wrong.put(2, wrongWord); }else { Score score; if(courses.get(words[2]).assessmentMethod.equals("考试")){ score = new ExamScore(Integer.parseInt(words[3]), Integer.parseInt(words[4])); }else { score = new ExamineScore(Integer.parseInt(words[3]), Integer.parseInt(words[4])); } courseSelections.add(new CourseSelection(courses.get(words[2]), student, score)); } } if(!students.containsKey(words[0])){ students.put(words[0], student); } if(classes.containsKey(words[0].substring(0,6))){ classes.get(words[0].substring(0,6)).students.put(words[0], student); }else { classes.put(words[0].substring(0,6), new Class(words[0].substring(0,6), student)); } } } else if (word.matches(score3)) {//学号 姓名 课程名称 实验次数 实验成绩... String[] words = word.split(" "); boolean flag = false; for (int i = 4; i < words.length; i++) { if(Integer.parseInt(words[i]) > 100){ flag = true; } } if(flag){ String[] wordWord = {"wrong format"}; wrong.put(4, wordWord); }else { Student student = new Student(words[0],words[1]); if(!courses.containsKey(words[2])){ String[] wrongWord = {words[0], words[1], words[2]}; wrong.put(1, wrongWord); }else { if(Integer.parseInt(words[3]) != words.length - 4){ String[] wrongWord = {words[0], words[1]}; wrong.put(2, wrongWord); }else{ int[] scores = new int[Integer.parseInt(words[3])]; for (int i = 0; i < Integer.parseInt(words[3]); i++) { scores[i] = Integer.parseInt(words[4 + i]); } Score score = new experimentalScore(scores); courseSelections.add(new CourseSelection(courses.get(words[2]), student, score)); } } if(!students.containsKey(words[0])){ students.put(words[0], student); } if(classes.containsKey(words[0].substring(0,6))){ classes.get(words[0].substring(0,6)).students.put(words[0], student); }else { classes.put(words[0].substring(0,6), new Class(words[0].substring(0,6), student)); } } } else{ String[] wordWord = {"wrong format"}; wrong.put(4, wordWord); } wrongInformation.add(wrong); word = input.nextLine(); } for (HashMap<Integer, String[]> wrong : wrongInformation) { for (Integer i : wrong.keySet()) { if(i == 1){ String[] words = wrong.get(i); System.out.println(words[0] + " " + words[1] + " :" + words[2] + " does not exist"); }else if (i == 2){ String[] words = wrong.get(i); System.out.println(words[0] + " " + words[1] + " : access mode mismatch"); }else if (i == 3){ String[] words = wrong.get(i); System.out.println(words[0] + " : course type & access mode mismatch"); }else { System.out.println(wrong.get(i)[0]); } } } printStudentScore(students, courseSelections); printCourseScore(courses, courseSelections); printClassScore(classes, courseSelections); } public static void printStudentScore(HashMap<String, Student> students, HashSet<CourseSelection> courseSelections){ TreeMap<String, Integer> studentScore = new TreeMap<>();//所有学生课程总成绩平均分 getStudentScore(students, courseSelections, studentScore); for (String s : studentScore.keySet()) { if(studentScore.get(s) == -1){ System.out.println(s + " " + students.get(s).name + " did not take any exams"); }else { System.out.println(s + " " + students.get(s).name + " " + studentScore.get(s)); } } } public static void getStudentScore(HashMap<String, Student> students, HashSet<CourseSelection> courseSelections, TreeMap<String, Integer> studentScore){ for (String s : students.keySet()) { int m = 0, n = 0; boolean flag = false;//有成绩信息的标志 for (CourseSelection courseSelection : courseSelections) { if(s.equals(courseSelection.student.ID)){ m = m + courseSelection.score.getScore(); n++; flag = true; } } if(flag){ studentScore.put(s, m/n); }else { studentScore.put(s, -1); } } } public static void printCourseScore(HashMap<String, Course> courses, HashSet<CourseSelection> courseSelections){ TreeMap<String, Integer> courseScore = new TreeMap<>();//所有课程总成绩平均分 TreeMap<String, Integer> usualScore = new TreeMap<>();//平时成绩平均分 TreeMap<String, Integer> finalScore = new TreeMap<>();//期末成绩平均分 getCourseScore(courses, courseSelections, courseScore,1); getCourseScore(courses, courseSelections, usualScore,2); getCourseScore(courses, courseSelections, finalScore,3); for (String s : courseScore.keySet()) { if(courseScore.get(s) == -1){ System.out.println(s + " has no grades yet"); }else { if(usualScore.get(s) == -1){ if(finalScore.get(s) == -1){ System.out.println(s + " " + courseScore.get(s)); }else { System.out.println(s + " " + finalScore.get(s) + " " + courseScore.get(s)); } }else { System.out.println(s + " " + usualScore.get(s) + " " + finalScore.get(s) + " " + courseScore.get(s)); } } } } public static void getCourseScore(HashMap<String, Course> courses, HashSet<CourseSelection> courseSelections, TreeMap<String, Integer> score, int i){ for (String s : courses.keySet()) { int m = 0, n = 0; boolean flag = false; for (CourseSelection courseSelection : courseSelections) { if(s.equals(courseSelection.course.name)){ if(i == 1){ m = m + courseSelection.score.getScore(); flag = true; } else if (i == 2) { m = m + courseSelection.score.getUsualScore(); if(courseSelection.score.getUsualScore() != -1){ flag = true; } } else { m = m + courseSelection.score.getFinalScore(); if(courseSelection.score.getFinalScore() != -1){ flag = true; } } n++; } } if(flag){ score.put(s, m/n); }else { score.put(s, -1); } } } public static void printClassScore(HashMap<String, Class> classes, HashSet<CourseSelection> courseSelections){ TreeMap<String, Integer> classScore = new TreeMap<>();//所有班级所有课程总成绩平均分 for (String s : classes.keySet()) { TreeMap<String, Integer> studentScore = new TreeMap<>();//一个班所有学生的成绩 getStudentScore(classes.get(s).students, courseSelections, studentScore); int m = 0, n = 0; boolean flag = false; for (String s1 : studentScore.keySet()) { if(studentScore.get(s1) != -1){ m = m + studentScore.get(s1); n++; flag = true; } } if(flag){ classScore.put(s, m/n); }else{ classScore.put(s, -1); } } for (String s : classScore.keySet()) { if(classScore.get(s) == -1){ System.out.println(s + " has no grades yet"); }else{ System.out.println(s + " " + classScore.get(s)); } } } }
课程名称 + 课程性质 + 考核方式 + 平时成绩的权重 + 期末成绩的权重
【1-10的汉字和字母 + 必修 + 考试 + 小数 + 小数】
【1-10的汉字和字母 + 选修 + 考试 + 小数 + 小数】
课程名称 + 课程性质 + 考核方式 + 成绩数量 + 权重...
【1-10的汉字和字母 + 实验 + 实验 + 4-9的数字 + 小数 ...】
(1)所有权重相加不等于1:输出-课程名称+" : weight value error"
(2)分项成绩数量和分项成绩权重个数不相同:输出-课程名称+" : number of scores does not match"
学号 + 姓名 + 课程名称 + 成绩...
【8位的数字 + 1-10的汉字 + 1-10的汉字和字母 + 1-100的数字...(大于等于3次)】

package t1102; import java.util.*; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); String word = input.nextLine(); HashMap<String, Course> courses = new HashMap<>();//课程列表 HashMap<String, Student> students = new HashMap<>();//学生列表 HashMap<String, Class> classes = new HashMap<>();//班级列表 HashSet<CourseSelection> courseSelections = new HashSet<>();//选课列表 HashSet<HashMap<Integer, String[]>> wrongInformation = new HashSet<>();//所有的错误信息 //输入 while(!word.equals("end")){ HashMap<Integer, String[]> wrong = new HashMap<>();//储存错误信息 String course1 = "[一-龥a-zA-Z]{1,10}\\s必修"; String course2 = "[一-龥a-zA-Z]{1,10}\\s[一-龥]{2}\\s[一-龥]{2}"; String course3 = "[一-龥a-zA-Z]{1,10}\\s[一-龥]{2}\\s[一-龥]{2}(\\s\\d+\\.\\d+){2}"; String course4 = "[一-龥a-zA-Z]{1,10}\\s[一-龥]{2}\\s[一-龥]{2}\\s[4-9](\\s\\d+\\.\\d+)*"; String score1 = "[0-9]{8}\\s[一-龥]{1,10}\\s[一-龥a-zA-Z]{1,10}\\s\\d{1,3}"; String score2 = "[0-9]{8}\\s[一-龥]{1,10}\\s[一-龥a-zA-Z]{1,10}(\\s\\d{1,3}){2}"; String score3 = "[0-9]{8}\\s[一-龥]{1,10}\\s[一-龥a-zA-Z]{1,10}(\\s\\d{1,3}){4,9}"; if(word.matches(course1)){ String[] words = word.split(" "); if(!courses.containsKey(words[0])){//如果列表中没有该课程 courses.put(words[0], new Course(words[0], words[1], "考试", new ArrayList<>())); } }else if(word.matches(course2)){//课程名称 课程性质 考核方式 String[] words = word.split(" "); if((words[1].equals("必修") && words[2].equals("考察")) || (words[1].equals("实验") && !words[2].equals("实验")) || (!words[1].equals("实验") && words[2].equals("实验"))){ String[] wrongWord = {words[0]}; wrong.put(3, wrongWord); }else if (!courses.containsKey(words[0])){ ArrayList<Double> weight = new ArrayList<>(); weight.add(1.0); courses.put(words[0], new Course(words[0], words[1], words[2], weight)); } } else if (word.matches(course3)) {//课程名称 课程性质 考核方式 平时成绩的权重 期末成绩的权重 String[] words = word.split(" "); if((words[1].equals("必修") && words[2].equals("考察")) || (words[1].equals("实验") && !words[2].equals("实验")) || (!words[1].equals("实验") && words[2].equals("实验"))){ String[] wrongWord = {words[0]}; wrong.put(3, wrongWord); }else if(Double.parseDouble(words[3]) + Double.parseDouble(words[4]) != 1){ String[] wrongWord = {words[0]}; wrong.put(4, wrongWord); } else if (!courses.containsKey(words[0])) { ArrayList<Double> weight = new ArrayList<>(); weight.add(Double.parseDouble(words[3])); weight.add(Double.parseDouble(words[4])); courses.put(words[0], new Course(words[0], words[1], words[2], weight)); } } else if (word.matches(course4)) {//课程名称 课程性质 考核方式 成绩数量 权重... String[] words = word.split(" "); double totalWeight = 0; for (int i = 4; i < words.length; i++) { totalWeight = totalWeight + Double.parseDouble(words[i]); } if((words[1].equals("必修") && words[2].equals("考察")) || (words[1].equals("实验") && !words[2].equals("实验")) || (!words[1].equals("实验") && words[2].equals("实验"))){ String[] wrongWord = {words[0]}; wrong.put(3, wrongWord); }else if(words.length - 4 != Integer.parseInt(words[3])){ String[] wrongWord = {words[0]}; wrong.put(5, wrongWord); } else if (totalWeight != 1) { String[] wrongWord = {words[0]}; wrong.put(4, wrongWord); }else if(!courses.containsKey(words[0])){ ArrayList<Double> weight = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 4; i < words.length; i++) { weight.add(Double.parseDouble(words[i])); } courses.put(words[0], new Course(words[0], words[1], words[2], weight)); } } else if (word.matches(score1)) {//学号 姓名 课程名称 期末成绩 String[] words = word.split(" "); if(Integer.parseInt(words[3]) > 100){ String[] wordWord = {"wrong format"}; wrong.put(6, wordWord); }else { Student student = new Student(words[0], words[1]); if(!courses.containsKey(words[2])){ String[] wrongWord = {words[0], words[1], words[2]}; wrong.put(1, wrongWord); }else{ if(courses.get(words[2]).assessmentMethod.equals("考试") || courses.get(words[2]).assessmentMethod.equals("实验")){ String[] wrongWord = {words[0], words[1]}; wrong.put(2, wrongWord); }else{ ArrayList<ItemizedScore> itemizedScores = new ArrayList<>(); itemizedScores.add(new ItemizedScore(Integer.parseInt(words[3]), 1)); Score score = new Score(itemizedScores); courseSelections.add(new CourseSelection(courses.get(words[2]), student, score)); } } if(!students.containsKey(words[0])){ students.put(words[0], student); } if(classes.containsKey(words[0].substring(0,6))){ classes.get(words[0].substring(0,6)).students.put(words[0], student); }else { classes.put(words[0].substring(0,6), new Class(words[0].substring(0,6), student)); } } } else if (word.matches(score2)) {//学号 姓名 课程名称 平时成绩 期末成绩 String[] words = word.split(" "); if(Integer.parseInt(words[3]) > 100 || Integer.parseInt(words[4]) > 100){ String[] wordWord = {"wrong format"}; wrong.put(6, wordWord); }else { Student student = new Student(words[0], words[1]); if(!courses.containsKey(words[2])){ String[] wrongWord = {words[0], words[1], words[2]}; wrong.put(1, wrongWord); }else{ if(courses.get(words[2]).assessmentMethod.equals("实验") || courses.get(words[2]).assessmentMethod.equals("考察")){ String[] wrongWord = {words[0], words[1]}; wrong.put(2, wrongWord); }else { ArrayList<ItemizedScore> itemizedScores = new ArrayList<>(); itemizedScores.add(new ItemizedScore(Integer.parseInt(words[3]), courses.get(words[2]).weight.get(0))); itemizedScores.add(new ItemizedScore(Integer.parseInt(words[4]), courses.get(words[2]).weight.get(1))); Score score = new Score(itemizedScores); courseSelections.add(new CourseSelection(courses.get(words[2]), student, score)); } } if(!students.containsKey(words[0])){ students.put(words[0], student); } if(classes.containsKey(words[0].substring(0,6))){ classes.get(words[0].substring(0,6)).students.put(words[0], student); }else { classes.put(words[0].substring(0,6), new Class(words[0].substring(0,6), student)); } } } else if (word.matches(score3)) {//学号 姓名 课程名称 成绩... String[] words = word.split(" "); boolean flag = false; for (int i = 4; i < words.length; i++) { if(Integer.parseInt(words[i]) > 100){ flag = true; } } if(flag){ String[] wordWord = {"wrong format"}; wrong.put(6, wordWord); }else { Student student = new Student(words[0],words[1]); if(!courses.containsKey(words[2])){ String[] wrongWord = {words[0], words[1], words[2]}; wrong.put(1, wrongWord); }else { if(courses.get(words[2]).weight.size() != words.length - 3){ String[] wrongWord = {words[0], words[1]}; wrong.put(2, wrongWord); }else{ ArrayList<ItemizedScore> itemizedScores = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 3; i < words.length; i++) { itemizedScores.add(new ItemizedScore(Integer.parseInt(words[i]), courses.get(words[2]).weight.get(i - 3))); } Score score = new Score(itemizedScores); courseSelections.add(new CourseSelection(courses.get(words[2]), student, score)); } } if(!students.containsKey(words[0])){ students.put(words[0], student); } if(classes.containsKey(words[0].substring(0,6))){ classes.get(words[0].substring(0,6)).students.put(words[0], student); }else { classes.put(words[0].substring(0,6), new Class(words[0].substring(0,6), student)); } } } else{ String[] wordWord = {"wrong format"}; wrong.put(6, wordWord); } wrongInformation.add(wrong); word = input.nextLine(); } for (HashMap<Integer, String[]> wrong : wrongInformation) { for (Integer i : wrong.keySet()) { if(i == 1){ String[] words = wrong.get(i); System.out.println(words[0] + " " + words[1] + " :" + words[2] + " does not exist"); }else if (i == 2){ String[] words = wrong.get(i); System.out.println(words[0] + " " + words[1] + " : access mode mismatch"); }else if (i == 3){ String[] words = wrong.get(i); System.out.println(words[0] + " : course type & access mode mismatch"); } else if (i == 4) { String[] words = wrong.get(i); System.out.println(words[0] + " : weight value error"); } else if (i == 5) { String[] words = wrong.get(i); System.out.println(words[0] + " : number of scores does not match"); } else { System.out.println(wrong.get(i)[0]); } } } printStudentScore(students, courseSelections); printCourseScore(courses, courseSelections); printClassScore(classes, courseSelections); } public static void printStudentScore(HashMap<String, Student> students, HashSet<CourseSelection> courseSelections){ TreeMap<String, Integer> studentScore = new TreeMap<>();//所有学生课程总成绩平均分 getStudentScore(students, courseSelections, studentScore); for (String s : studentScore.keySet()) { if(studentScore.get(s) == -1){ System.out.println(s + " " + students.get(s).name + " did not take any exams"); }else { System.out.println(s + " " + students.get(s).name + " " + studentScore.get(s)); } } } public static void getStudentScore(HashMap<String, Student> students, HashSet<CourseSelection> courseSelections, TreeMap<String, Integer> studentScore){ for (String s : students.keySet()) { int m = 0, n = 0; boolean flag = false;//有成绩信息的标志 for (CourseSelection courseSelection : courseSelections) { if(s.equals(courseSelection.student.ID)){ m = m + courseSelection.score.getScore(); n++; flag = true; } } if(flag){ studentScore.put(s, m/n); }else { studentScore.put(s, -1); } } } public static void printCourseScore(HashMap<String, Course> courses, HashSet<CourseSelection> courseSelections){ TreeMap<String, Integer> courseScore = new TreeMap<>();//所有课程总成绩平均分 getCourseScore(courses, courseSelections, courseScore); for (String s : courseScore.keySet()) { if(courseScore.get(s) == -1){ System.out.println(s + " has no grades yet"); }else { System.out.println(s + " " + courseScore.get(s)); } } } public static void getCourseScore(HashMap<String, Course> courses, HashSet<CourseSelection> courseSelections, TreeMap<String, Integer> score){ for (String s : courses.keySet()) { int m = 0, n = 0; boolean flag = false; for (CourseSelection courseSelection : courseSelections) { if(s.equals(courseSelection.course.name)){ m = m + courseSelection.score.getScore(); flag = true; n++; } } if(flag){ score.put(s, m/n); }else { score.put(s, -1); } } } public static void printClassScore(HashMap<String, Class> classes, HashSet<CourseSelection> courseSelections){ TreeMap<String, Integer> classScore = new TreeMap<>();//所有班级所有课程总成绩平均分 for (String s : classes.keySet()) { TreeMap<String, Integer> studentScore = new TreeMap<>();//一个班所有学生的成绩 getStudentScore(classes.get(s).students, courseSelections, studentScore); int m = 0, n = 0; boolean flag = false; for (String s1 : studentScore.keySet()) { if(studentScore.get(s1) != -1){ m = m + studentScore.get(s1); n++; flag = true; } } if(flag){ classScore.put(s, m/n); }else{ classScore.put(s, -1); } } for (String s : classScore.keySet()) { if(classScore.get(s) == -1){ System.out.println(s + " has no grades yet"); }else{ System.out.println(s + " " + classScore.get(s)); } }

package t1102; public class Student { String ID = "";//学号 String name = "";//姓名 public Student() { } public Student(String ID, String name) { this.ID = ID; this.name = name; } }

package t1102; import java.util.HashMap; public class Class { String classID = ""; HashMap<String, Student> students = new HashMap<>(); public Class() { } public Class(String classID, Student student) { this.classID = classID; this.students.put(student.ID, student); } }

package t1102; import java.util.ArrayList; public class Course { String name;//课程名称 String type;//课程性质 String assessmentMethod;//考核方式 ArrayList<Double> weight = new ArrayList<>();//权重 public Course() { } public Course(String name, String type, String assessmentMethod, ArrayList<Double> weight) { this.name = name; this.type = type; this.assessmentMethod = assessmentMethod; this.weight = weight; } }

package t1102; import java.util.ArrayList; public class Score { ArrayList<ItemizedScore> score = new ArrayList<>();//所有的分项成绩 public Score() { } public Score(ArrayList<ItemizedScore> score) { this.score = score; } public int getScore(){ double totalScore = 0; for (ItemizedScore itemizedScore : score) { totalScore = totalScore + itemizedScore.score * itemizedScore.weight; } return (int)totalScore; } }

package t1102; public class ItemizedScore { int score;//分值 double weight;//权重 public ItemizedScore() { } public ItemizedScore(double weight) { this.weight = weight; } public ItemizedScore(int score, double weight) { this.score = score; this.weight = weight; } }

package t1102; public class CourseSelection { Course course = new Course(); Student student = new Student(); Score score; public CourseSelection() { } public CourseSelection(Course course, Student student, Score score) { this.course = course; this.student = student; this.score = score; } }