from shapefile import Reader, Writer
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
shp = Reader('./vector/lyr_line.shp' , encoding='utf-8' )
feat = shp.shape(0 )
line = np.array(feat.points)
def shpGen (fileName, pts ):
w = Writer(fileName, encoding='utf-8' , shapeType=3 )
w.fields = shp.fields
w.record("测试" , 3 )
def point2lineDistance (x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2 ):
a =x2 -x1
b = y2 - y1
c = b*x1- a*y1
return abs (a*y0 - b*x0 + c) / math.sqrt(a*a + b*b)
def point2pointDistance (x1,y1,x2,y2 ):
dx = x2-x1
dy = y2-y1
return math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)
def plotLine (pts, simplifyLst, newlabel:str ):
plt.figure(figsize=(15 , 6 ))
plt.plot(pts[:,0 ], pts[:,1 ], 'r-*' , linewidth=0.5 , mfc='red' , mec='red' , label='origin' )
plt.plot(simplifyLst[:,0 ], simplifyLst[:,1 ], 'b-s' , linewidth=0.5 , mfc='blue' , mec='blue' , label=newlabel)
plt.legend(loc='upper left' )
Radial Distance
该算法是一个时间复杂度为 的暴力算法。在连续的顶点中,与当前某一个key(简化过程中标记保留的顶点)的距离太近时会被去掉。
def NearestSimplify (tolorence:float , pts:list ) -> list :
start = 0
validFlags = np.zeros((len (pts), ), dtype="bool" )
for i in range (1 , len (pts)):
dist = math.sqrt(math.pow (pts[i][0 ]- pts[start][0 ], 2 ) +
math.pow (pts[i][1 ] - pts[start][1 ], 2 ))
if dist > tolorence:
validFlags[i] = True
start = i
validFlags[0 ] = True
return validFlags
flags = NearestSimplify(20 , feat.points)
plotLine(line, line[flags], "Radial Distance" )
flags = NearestSimplify(10 , feat.points)
plotLine(line, line[flags], "Radial Distance" )
Perpendicular Distance
临近点算法将点-点距离作为误差判据,而垂直距离简化则是将点-线段的距离作为误差判据。对于每个顶点Vi,需要计算它与线段[Vi-1, Vi+1]的垂直距离,距离小于给定容忍值的点将被移除。过程如下图所示:
注意 :对于每个被移除的顶点Vi,下一个可能被移除的候选顶点是Vi+2。这意味着原始多段线的点数最多只能减少50%。为了获得更高的顶点减少率,需要多次遍历。
def PerpendicularSimplify (tolorence:float , pts:list ) -> list :
sp = 0
ep = 2
validFlags = np.zeros((len (pts), ), dtype="bool" )
for i in range (1 , len (pts) - 1 ):
verDist = point2lineDistance(
pts[i][0 ], pts[i][1 ],
pts[sp][0 ], pts[sp][1 ],
pts[ep][0 ], pts[ep][1 ])
if verDist > tolorence:
validFlags[i] = True
sp = i
ep = i + 2
validFlags[0 ] = validFlags[-1 ] = True
return validFlags
perLine = PerpendicularSimplify(20 , feat.points)
plotLine(line, line[perLine], "Perpendicular Distance" )
perLine = PerpendicularSimplify(10 , feat.points)
plotLine(line, line[perLine], "Perpendicular Distance" )
该算法使用点-线距离作距离判断。首先定义一条线段,起止点为原始线段的前两个顶点,对于每一个连续的顶点vi,计算它与前述线段的垂直距离,当距离超过容忍值时,将顶点vi - 1标记为key。顶点vi和vi + 1用来定义新的线段,算法重复直到最后一个点。下图为算法演示:
def ReuWitkamSimplify (tolorence:float , pts:list ) -> list :
sp = 0
ep = 1
validFlags = np.zeros((len (pts), ), dtype="bool" )
for i in range (2 , len (pts)):
verDist = point2lineDistance(
pts[i][0 ], pts[i][1 ],
pts[sp][0 ], pts[sp][1 ],
pts[ep][0 ], pts[ep][1 ])
if verDist > tolorence:
validFlags[i-1 ] = True
sp = ep
ep = i
validFlags[0 ] = validFlags[-1 ] = True
return validFlags
rLine = ReuWitkamSimplify(20 , feat.points)
plotLine(line, line[rLine], "Reumann-Witkam" )
rLine = ReuWitkamSimplify(10 , feat.points)
plotLine(line, line[rLine], "Reumann-Witkam" )
Ophein 使用 最小和最大距离容忍值来约束搜索区域。对于连续的顶点 ,它与当前 (通常是 )的径向距离可以被计算出来。在容忍值范围内的最后一个顶点被用来定义一条射线 ,如果这样的顶点不存在,那么射线将被定义为 。计算每一个连续的顶点 (在 后边)与射线 间的垂直距离, 当该距离超过最小容忍值或者当 与 间的辐射距离大于最大容忍值时,在 位置上的顶点,将被认为是一个新 。
值得注意的是,关于如何定义射线 去控制搜索区域的方法存在多个,可能的方法有如下几种:
Reumann-Witkam 的方法 : = + 1.
外部第一个点: < 且 是第一个掉落在最小辐射距离外部的点.
内部最后一个点: < 且 是掉落在最小辐射距离内的最后一个点;若该点不存在,则使用方法1.
def opheimSimplify (minTolorence:int , maxTolorence:int , pts ) -> list :
vKey = 0
validPtsLst = np.zeros((len (pts),), dtype='bool' )
for i in range (vKey, len (pts)):
if point2pointDistance(pts[vKey][0 ], pts[vKey][1 ], pts[i][0 ], pts[i][1 ]) > minTolorence:
vi = i
for j in range (vi + 1 , len (pts)):
vj2rayDist = point2lineDistance(
pts[j][0 ], pts[j][1 ],
pts[vKey][0 ], pts[vKey][1 ],
pts[vi][0 ], pts[vi][1 ])
radialDist = point2pointDistance(pts[vKey][0 ], pts[vKey][1 ], pts[j][0 ], pts[j][1 ])
if vj2rayDist <= minTolorence or radialDist > maxTolorence:
vKey = j - 1
validPtsLst[j-1 ] = True
else :
validPtsLst[0 ] = validPtsLst[-1 ]= True
return np.array(validPtsLst)
opheim = opheimSimplify(2 , 20 , np.array(feat.points))
plotLine(line, line[opheim], "opheim" )
opheim = opheimSimplify(2 , 10 , np.array(feat.points))
plotLine(line, line[opheim], "opheim" )
Lang 简化算法定义一个固定大小的搜索区域,它的第一个和最后一个点来自线段的同一个片段——用来计算处于中间的顶点的垂直距离。若任何计算出的距离大于指定的容忍值,那么搜索区域将通过排除其最后一个顶点进行收缩,这个过程会一直重复直到所有垂直距离小于特定的容忍值,或者中间顶点全部排除。所有中间节点移除后,新的搜索区域将以旧搜索区域的最后一个点作为起点进行构建。
The search region is constructed using a look_ahead value of 4. For each intermediate vertex, its perpendicular distance to the segment S (v0, v4) is calculated. Since at least one distance is greater than the tolerance, the search region is reduced by one vertex. After recalculating the distances to S (v0, v3), all intermediate vertices fall within the tolerance. The last vertex of the search region v3 defines a new key. This process repeats itself by updating the search region and defining a new segment S (v3, v7).
搜索区域使用前四个顶点来生成。计算每一个中间顶点到片段S(v0, v4)的垂直距离,只要至少存在一个顶点的垂直距离超过容忍值,搜索区域便简化一个顶点。再重复计算中间顶点到片段S(v0, v3),所有的中间顶点到片段S的垂直距离都位于容忍值内,搜索区域的最后一个顶点v3作为一个新key同时它也用来定义一个新的区域(片段)S(v3, v7)。
第一个点作为vKey,创建片段S(v0, v4)
def langSimplify (tolorence, pts, steps=0 ) -> list :
vKey = 0
end = 2
validLst = np.zeros((len (pts),), dtype='bool' )
if (steps == 0 ):
maxSteps = len (pts) - 1
else :
maxSteps = steps
while vKey < maxSteps and end < maxSteps:
isBigger = False
for i in range (vKey + 1 , end):
perDist = point2lineDistance(
pts[i][0 ], pts[i][1 ],
pts[vKey][0 ], pts[vKey][1 ],
pts[end][0 ], pts[end][1 ])
if perDist > tolorence:
isBigger = True
end -= 1
else :
if not isBigger:
vKey = end
end += 2
validLst[vKey] = True
validLst[0 ] = validLst[-1 ] = True
return validLst
langLine = langSimplify(20 , feat.points, steps=0 )
plotLine(line, line[langLine], "Lang" )
langLine = langSimplify(10 , feat.points, steps=0 )
plotLine(line, line[langLine], "Lang" )
def douglasPeuckerSimplify (tolorence, pts ) -> list :
start = 0
end = len (pts) - 1
def findPt (start, end ) -> list :
curPt = 0
maxDist = 0
for i in range (start + 1 , end):
perpenDist = point2lineDistance(
pts[i][0 ], pts[i][1 ],
pts[start][0 ], pts[start][1 ],
pts[end][0 ], pts[end][1 ])
if perpenDist > maxDist:
maxDist = perpenDist
curPt = i
if maxDist > tolorence:
preKey = findPt(start, curPt)
postKey = findPt(curPt, end)
return [] + preKey + postKey
else :
return [pts[end]]
return [pts[0 ]] + findPt(start, end)
res = douglasPeuckerSimplify(20 , feat.points)
plotLine(line, np.array(res), "Douglas-Peucker" )
res = douglasPeuckerSimplify(10 , feat.points)
plotLine(line, np.array(res), "Douglas-Peucker" )
res = douglasPeuckerSimplify(5 , feat.points)
plotLine(line, np.array(res), "Douglas-Peucker" )
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