最近在做一些东西的时候,时常需要使用多线程来提升一下性能,但是在使用线程池的时候会发现无法捕获其中线程的异常,这个该如何处理呢,talk is chep show me the code
/** * Author: scw * Time: 16-11-24 */ public class RewriteUncatchtExceptionHandler implements Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler{ public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) { System.out.println("我捕获到了线程池的异常"); } }
/** * Author: scw * Time: 16-11-24 */ public class Task implements Runnable { public void run() { System.out.println("执行任务"); int num = Integer.parseInt("TT"); } }
/** * 对于单个线程出现的异常情况可以使用异常处理器,可以捕获到 */ public static void catchSingleThread() { Task task = new Task(); Thread thread = new Thread(task); thread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new RewriteUncatchtExceptionHandler());
首先我们要重写 ThreadFactory来为每个线程实例化的时候创建一个handler
/** * Author: scw * Time: 16-11-24 */ public class MyThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory{ public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { Thread t = new Thread(r); t.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new RewriteUncatchtExceptionHandler()); System.out.println("Thread[" + t.getName() + "] created."); return t; } }
/** * 虽然从写ThreadFactory以后,可以捕获到异常,但是只能是execute,而submit还是不行 how to choose one */ public static void catchedExecutor() { ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new MyThreadFactory()); executorService.execute(new Task()); executorService.shutdownNow(); }
/** * how to choose submit() or execute() * There is a difference concerning exception/error handling.A task queued with execute() that generates some Throwable will cause the UncaughtExceptionHandler * for the Thread running the task to be invoked. The default UncaughtExceptionHandler, which typically prints the Throwable stack trace to System.err, will be * invoked if no custom handler has been installed.On the other hand, a Throwable generated by a task queued with submit() will bind the Throwable to the Future * that was produced from the call to submit(). Calling get() on that Future will throw an ExecutionException with the original Throwable as its cause (accessible * by calling getCause() on the ExecutionException). * Author: scw * Time: 16-11-24 */