

Servlets are controlled by the Container

A:  User clicks a link that has a URL to a servlet.

B: The Container "sees" that the request is for a servlet, so the container creates two objects:

  1) HttpServletsResponse

  2) HttpServletRequest

C: The Container finds the correct servlet based on the URL in the request, creates or allocates a thread for that request, and calls the servlet`s service() method, passing the request and response objects as arguments.

D: The service() method figures out which servlet method to call based on the HTTP Method(GET,POST,etc) sent by the client.

E: The servlet uses the response object to write out the response to the client . The client sent an HTTP GET request ,so the service() method calls the servlet`s doGet() method,passing the request and response objects as arguments.

F: The servlet uses the response object to write out the response to the client. The response goes back through the Container.

G: The service() method completes ,so the thread either dies or returns to a Container-managed thread pool. the request and response object references fall out of scope, so these objects are toast.  The client gets the response.

posted on 2011-08-30 10:49  wrh526  阅读(155)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报