用于软件包管理的21个Linux YUM命令


YUM(Yellowdog Updater Modified)是一款开源命令行及图形化软件包管理工具,面向基于RPM(红帽软件包管理器)的Linux系统。本文中将探讨如何使用红帽公司开发的YUM(Yellowdog Updater Modified)工具,安装、更新、移除和查找软件包,并管理软件包和软件库。

我们在本文中将学习如何使用红帽公司开发的YUM(Yellowdog Updater Modified)工具,安装、更新、移除和查找软件包,并管理软件包和软件库。本文中显示的示例命令都在我们的CentOS 6.3服务器上进行了实际测试,你可以将这些材料用于学习、认证,或者仅仅为了琢磨如何安装新的软件包,确保系统版本最新。本文的基本要求是,你对这些命令要有一个基本的了解,还要有一个正常运行的Linux操作系统,那样才可以探究和执行下面所列的所有命令。


YUM(Yellowdog Updater Modified)是一款开源命令行及图形化软件包管理工具,面向基于RPM(红帽软件包管理器)的Linux系统。它让广大用户和系统管理员可以在系统上轻松地安装、更新、移除或搜索软件包。它由Seth Vidal开发和发布,采用了GPL(通用公共许可证),是一款开源工具。这意味着,谁都可以下载和访问代码,以修复软件错误,开发定制的软件包。YUM通过解决软件包的依赖项问题,使用众多的第三方软件库来自动安装软件包。

1. 使用Yum安装软件包

想安装一个名为Firefox 14的软件包,只要运行下面这个命令,它会自动寻找并安装Firefox浏览器的所有必要依赖项。

 1 # yum remove firefox 
 2 Loaded plugins: fastestmirror 
 3 Setting up Remove Process 
 4 Resolving Dependencies 
 5 --> Running transaction check 
 6 ---> Package firefox.i686 0:10.0.6-1.el6.centos set to be erased 
 7 --> Finished Dependency Resolution 
 8 Dependencies Resolved 
 9 ===========================================Package                    Arch        Version                        Repository            Size 
10 ===========================================Removing: 
11 firefox                    i686        10.0.6-1.el6.centos            @updates              23 M 
12 Transaction  Summary 
13 ===========================================
14 Remove       1 Package(s) 
15 Reinstall      0 Package(s) 
16 Downgrade     0 Package(s) 
17 Is this ok [y/N]: y 
18 Downloading Packages: 
19 Running rpm_check_debug 
20 Running Transaction Test 
21 Transaction Test Succeeded 
22 Running Transaction 
23 Erasing:firefox-10.0.6-1.el6.centos.i686                                   1/1 
24 Removed: 
25 firefox.i686 0:10.0.6-1.el6.centos 
26 Complete! 



# yum -y remove firefox 


3. 使用Yum更新软件包



 1 # yum update mysql 
 2 Loaded plugins: fastestmirror 
 3 Dependencies Resolved 
 4 ===========================================Package            Arch                Version            Repository         Size 
 5 ===========================================Updating: 
 6 vsftpd             i386          2.0.5-24.el5_8.1           updates               144 k 
 7 Transaction  Summary 
 8 Install       0 Package(s) 
 9 Upgrade     1 Package(s) 
10 Total size: 144 k 
11 Is this ok [y/N]: y 
12 Downloading Packages: 
13 Running rpm_check_debug 
14 Running Transaction Test 
15 Finished Transaction Test 
16 Transaction Test Succeeded 
17 Running Transaction 
18 Updating       : vsftpd                                  1/2 
19 Cleanup        : vsftpd                                  2/2 
20 Updated: 
21 vsftpd.i386 0:2.0.5-24.el5_8.1 
22 Complete! 

4. 使用Yum列出软件包


 1 # yum list openssh 
 2 Loaded plugins: fastestmirror 
 3 Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile 
 4 * base: mirror.neu.edu.cn 
 5 * epel: mirror.neu.edu.cn 
 6 * extras: mirror.neu.edu.cn 
 7 * rpmforge: mirror.nl.leaseweb.net 
 8 * updates: mirror.nus.edu.sg 
 9 Installed Packages 
10 openssh.i386    4.3p2-72.el5_6.3                           installed 
11 Available Packages   4.3p2-82.el5                          base 

想让你的搜索更精确,明确软件包名称的版本,如果你知道的话。比如说,想搜索软件包的特定版本openssh-4.3p2 ,使用该命令。

1 # yum list openssh-4.3p2 

5. 使用Yum搜索软件包


 1 # yum search vsftpd 
 2 Loaded plugins: fastestmirror 
 3 Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile 
 4 * base: mirror.neu.edu.cn 
 5 * epel: mirror.neu.edu.cn 
 6 * extras: mirror.neu.edu.cn 
 7 * rpmforge: mirror.nl.leaseweb.net 
 8 * updates: ftp.iitm.ac.in 
 9 ============================== Matched: vsftpd ======================== 
10 ccze.i386 : A robust log colorizer 
11 pure-ftpd-selinux.i386 : SELinux support for Pure-FTPD 
12 vsftpd.i386 : vsftpd - Very Secure Ftp Daemon 


6. 使用Yum获取软件包信息


 1 # yum info firefox 
 2 Loaded plugins: fastestmirror 
 3 Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile 
 4 * base: mirror.neu.edu.cn 
 5 * epel: mirror.neu.edu.cn 
 6 * extras: mirror.neu.edu.cn 
 7 * rpmforge: mirror.nl.leaseweb.net 
 8 * updates: ftp.iitm.ac.in 
 9 Available Packages 
10 Name      : firefox 
11 Arch       : i386 
12 Version     : 10.0.6 
13 Release     : 1.el5.centos 
14 Size        : 20 M 
15 Repo       : updates 
16 Summary    : Mozilla Firefox Web browser 
17 URL       : http://www.mozilla.org/projects/firefox/ 
18 License     : MPLv1.1 or GPLv2+ or LGPLv2+ 
19 Description  : Mozilla Firefox is an open-source web browser, designed for standards 
20 : compliance, performance and portability

7. 使用Yum列出所有的可用软件包


1 # yum list | less 

8. 使用Yum列出所有的已安装软件包


1 # yum list installed | less


9. Yum Provides函数

Yum provides函数用于查找某个特定文件属于哪个软件包。比如说,如果你想知道含有/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf文件的软件包的名称。

 1 # yum provides /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 
 2 Loaded plugins: fastestmirror 
 3 httpd-2.2.3-63.el5.centos.i386 : Apache HTTP Server 
 4 Repo        : base 
 5 Matched from: 
 6 Filename    : /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 
 7 httpd-2.2.3-63.el5.centos.1.i386 : Apache HTTP Server 
 8 Repo        : updates 
 9 Matched from: 
10 Filename    : /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 
11 httpd-2.2.3-65.el5.centos.i386 : Apache HTTP Server 
12 Repo        : updates 
13 Matched from: 
14 Filename    : /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 
15 httpd-2.2.3-53.el5.centos.1.i386 : Apache HTTP Server 
16 Repo        : installed 
17 Matched from: 
18 Other       : Provides-match: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 

10. 使用Yum检查可用更新版


1 # yum check-update 

11. 使用Yum更新系统


1 # yum update 

12. 列出所有的可用群组软件包


 1 # yum grouplist 
 2 Installed Groups: 
 3 Administration Tools 
 4 DNS Name Server 
 5 Dialup Networking Support 
 6 Editors 
 7 Engineering and Scientific 
 8 FTP Server 
 9 Graphics 
10 Java Development 
11 Legacy Network Server 
12 Available Groups: 
13 Authoring and Publishing 
14 Base 
15 Beagle 
16 Cluster Storage 
17 Clustering 
18 Development Libraries 
19 Development Tools 
20 Eclipse 
21 Educational Software 
22 KDE (K Desktop Environment) 
23 KDE Software Development 

13. 安装群组软件包

想安装某个软件包群组,我们使用选项groupinstall。比如说,想安装"MySQL Database",只要执行下面这个命令。

 1 # yum groupinstall 'MySQL Database' 
 2 Dependencies Resolved 
 3 ==================================================================Package    Arch      Version   Repository        Size 
 4 ==================================================================Updating: 
 5 unixODBC                           i386      2.2.11-10.el5      base              290 k 
 6 Installing for dependencies: 
 7 unixODBC-libs                      i386      2.2.11-10.el5      base              551 k 
 8 Transaction Summary 
 9 ==================================================================Install       1 Package(s) 
10 Upgrade       1 Package(s) 
11 Total size: 841 k 
12 Is this ok [y/N]: y 
13 Downloading Packages: 
14 Running rpm_check_debug 
15 Running Transaction Test 
16 Finished Transaction Test 
17 Transaction Test Succeeded 
18 Running Transaction 
19 Installing     : unixODBC-libs  1/3 
20 Updating       : unixODBC         2/3 
21 Cleanup        : unixODBC         3/3 
22 Dependency Installed: 
23 unixODBC-libs.i386 0:2.2.11-10.el5 
24 Updated: 
25 unixODBC.i386 0:2.2.11-10.el5 
26 Complete! 

14. 更新群组软件包


 1 # yum groupupdate 'DNS Name Server' 
 2 Dependencies Resolved 
 3 ==================================================================Package    Arch           Version  Repository           Size 
 4 ================================================================== 
 5 Updating: 
 6 bind                           i386            30:9.3.6-20.P1.el5_8.2          updates              981 k 
 7 bind-chroot                    i386            30:9.3.6-20.P1.el5_8.2          updates              47 k 
 8 Updating for dependencies: 
 9 bind-libs                      i386            30:9.3.6-20.P1.el5_8.2          updates              864 k 
10 bind-utils                     i386            30:9.3.6-20.P1.el5_8.2          updates              174 k 
11 Transaction Summary 
12 Install       0 Package(s) 
13 Upgrade       4 Package(s) 
14 Total size: 2.0 M 
15 Is this ok [y/N]: y 
16 Downloading Packages: 
17 Running rpm_check_debug 
18 Running Transaction Test 
19 Finished Transaction Test 
20 Transaction Test Succeeded 
21 Running Transaction 
22 Updating       : bind-libs            1/8 
23 Updating       : bind                 2/8 
24 Updating       : bind-chroot          3/8 
25 Updating       : bind-utils           4/8 
26 Cleanup        : bind                 5/8 
27 Cleanup        : bind-chroot          6/8 
28 Cleanup        : bind-utils           7/8 
29 Cleanup        : bind-libs            8/8 
30 Updated: 
31 bind.i386 30:9.3.6-20.P1.el5_8.2                  bind-chroot.i386 30:9.3.6-20.P1.el5_8.2 
32 Dependency Updated: 
33 bind-libs.i386 30:9.3.6-20.P1.el5_8.2             bind-utils.i386 30:9.3.6-20.P1.el5_8.2 
34 Complete! 

15. 移除群组软件包


 1 # yum groupremove 'DNS Name Server' 
 2 Dependencies Resolved 
 3 ==========================================Package                Arch              Version                         Repository          Size 
 4 ==========================================Removing: 
 5 bind                   i386              30:9.3.6-20.P1.el5_8.2         installed           2.1 M 
 6 bind-chroot            i386              30:9.3.6-20.P1.el5_8.2         installed           0.0 
 7 Transaction Summary 
 8 ==========================================Remove        2 Package(s) 
 9 Reinstall     0 Package(s) 
10 Downgrade     0 Package(s) 
11 Is this ok [y/N]: y 
12 Downloading Packages: 
13 Running rpm_check_debug 
14 Running Transaction Test 
15 Finished Transaction Test 
16 Transaction Test Succeeded 
17 Running Transaction 
18 Erasing        : bind                                                   1/2 
19 warning: /etc/sysconfig/named saved as /etc/sysconfig/named.rpmsave 
20 Erasing        : bind-chroot                                            2/2 
21 Removed: 
22 bind.i386 30:9.3.6-20.P1.el5_8.2                                        bind-chroot.i386 30:9.3.6-20.P1.el5_8.2 
23 Complete! 

16. 列出启用的Yum软件库


1 # yum repolist 
2 repo id                     repo name                                            status 
3 base                       CentOS-5 - Base                                      enabled:  2,725 
4 epel                       Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 5 - i386           enabled:  5,783 
5 extras                      CentOS-5 - Extras                                      enabled:    282 
6 mod-pagespeed              mod-pagespeed                                        enabled:      1 
7 rpmforge                   RHEL 5 - RPMforge.net - dag                             enabled: 11,290 
8 updates                    CentOS-5 - Updates                                     enabled:    743 
9 repolist: 20,824 


17. 列出所有启用和禁用的Yum软件库


1 # yum repolist all 
2 repo id                     repo name                                            status 
3 C5.0-base                   CentOS-5.0 - Base                                     disabled 
4 C5.0-centosplus              CentOS-5.0 - Plus                                      disabled 
5 C5.0-extras                  CentOS-5.0 - Extras                                    disabled 
6 base                        CentOS-5 - Base                                      enabled:  2,725 
7 epel                        Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 5 - i386                enabled:  5,783 
8 extras                      CentOS-5 - Extras                                      enabled:    282 
9 repolist: 20,824 


18. 安装来自特定软件库的软件包

想安装来自某个启用或禁用的软件库的某个软件包,必须在yum命令中使用-enablerepo选项。比如,想安装PhpMyAdmin 3.5.2软件包,只要执行这个命令。

 1 # yum --enablerepo=epel install phpmyadmin 
 2 Dependencies Resolved 
 3 ================================================================== Package                Arch           Version            Repository           Size 
 4 ==================================================================Installing: 
 5 phpMyAdmin             noarch         3.5.1-1.el6        epel                 4.2 M 
 6 Transaction Summary 
 7 ==================================================================Install       1 Package(s) 
 8 Total download size: 4.2 M 
 9 Installed size: 17 M 
10 Is this ok [y/N]: y 
11 Downloading Packages: 
12 phpMyAdmin-3.5.1-1.el6.noarch.rpm                       | 4.2 MB     00:25 
13 Running rpm_check_debug 
14 Running Transaction Test 
15 Transaction Test Succeeded 
16 Running Transaction 
17 Installing : phpMyAdmin-3.5.1-1.el6.noarch             1/1 
18 Verifying  : phpMyAdmin-3.5.1-1.el6.noarch             1/1 
19 Installed: 
20 phpMyAdmin.noarch 0:3.5.1-1.el6 
21 Complete! 

19. 交互式Yum外壳


 1 # yum shell 
 2 Loaded plugins: fastestmirror 
 3 Setting up Yum Shell 
 4 > update httpd 
 5 Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile 
 6 * base: mirrors.sin3.sg.voxel.net 
 7 * epel: ftp.riken.jp 
 8 * extras: mirrors.sin3.sg.voxel.net 
 9 * updates: mirrors.sin3.sg.voxel.net 
10 Setting up Update Process 
11 > 


20. 清理Yum缓存内容


1 # yum clean all 

21. 查看Yum的历史记录


 1 # yum history 
 2 Loaded plugins: fastestmirror 
 3 ID     | Login user               | Date and time    | Action(s)      | Altered 
 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 5 10 | root               | 2012-08-11 15:19 | Install        |    3 
 6 9 | root               | 2012-08-11 15:11 | Install        |    1 
 7 8 | root               | 2012-08-11 15:10 | Erase          |    1 EE 
 8 7 | root               | 2012-08-10 17:44 | Install        |    1 
 9 6 | root               | 2012-08-10 12:19 | Install        |    2 
10 5 | root               | 2012-08-10 12:14 | Install        |    3 
11 4 | root               | 2012-08-10 12:12 | I, U           |   13 E< 
12 3 | root               | 2012-08-09 13:01 | Install        |    1 > 
13 2 | root               | 2012-08-08 20:13 | I, U           |  292 EE 
14 1 | System            | 2012-08-08 17:15 | Install        |  560 
15 history list 













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