1. 创建表空间
#选创建filespace,生成配置文件 [gpadmin@master ~]$ hawq filespace -o hawqfilespace_config Enter a name for this filespace > hawqfs Enter replica num for filespace. If 0, default replica num is used (default=3) > 0 Please specify the DFS location for the filespace (for example: localhost:9000/fs) location> master:8020/fs #执行创建 [gpadmin@master ~]$ hawq filespace --config ./hawqfilespace_config Reading Configuration file: './hawqfilespace_config' CREATE FILESPACE hawqfs ON hdfs ('slave2:8020/fs/hawqfs') 20161121:11:26:25:122509 hawqfilespace:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Connecting to database 20161121:11:27:38:122509 hawqfilespace:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Filespace "hawqfs" successfully created #再创建表空间 [gpadmin@master ~]$ psql template1 psql (8.2.15) Type "help" for help. template1=# template1=# CREATE TABLESPACE hawqts FILESPACE hawqfs; CREATE TABLESPACE
2. 创建数据库
template1=# CREATE DATABASE testdb WITH TABLESPACE=hawqts; #指定存储表空间为hawqts
3. 创建表到新的数据库中
[gpadmin@master ~]$ psql testdb //这里指定连接到新的数据库中 testdb=# create TABLE books( testdb(# id integer testdb(# , isbn varchar(100) testdb(# , category varchar(100) testdb(# , publish_date TIMESTAMP testdb(# , publisher varchar(100) testdb(# , price money testdb(# ) DISTRIBUTED BY (id); #指定表的数据打散列 CREATE TABLE
创建的表默认都创建在了public schema中,也就是所有用户都可以访问,但可以在建表时指定schema. 如: testschema.books
4. 加载数据文件到表中
testdb=# COPY books(id,isbn,category,publish_date,publisher,price) testdb-# FROM '/tmp/books' testdb-# WITH testdb-# DELIMITER AS '|' testdb-# ; COPY 15970428 Time: 41562.606 ms
加载速度达到了 380248条/秒. 还是不错的
5. 查询表, HAWQ作为主用于数据仓库的数据库在SQL支持方面非常丰富,在标准SQL基础上,还支持OLAP的窗口函数,窗口函数等。
testdb=# SELECT COUNT(*) FROM books; count ---------- 15970428 (1 row) Time: 4750.786 ms //求每个类别下的最高价,最低价 testdb=# SELECT category, max(price) max_price, min(price) min_price testdb-# FROM books testdb-# group by category testdb-# LIMIT 5; category | max_price | min_price ----------------+-----------+----------- COMPUTERS | $199.99 | $5.99 SELF-HELP | $199.99 | $5.99 COOKING | $199.99 | $5.99 SOCIAL-SCIENCE | $199.99 | $5.99 SCIENCE | $199.99 | $5.99 (5 rows) Time: 4755.163 ms //求每类别下的最高,最小价格,及对应的BOOK ID testdb=# SELECT category testdb-# , max(case when desc_rn = 1 then id end) max_price_id, max(case when desc_rn = 1 then id end) max_price testdb-# , max(case when asc_rn = 1 then id end) min_price_id, max(case when asc_rn = 1 then id end) min_price testdb-# FROM ( testdb(# SELECT id, category, price testdb(# , row_number() over(PARTITION BY category ORDER BY price desc) desc_rn testdb(# , row_number() over(PARTITION BY category ORDER BY price asc) asc_rn testdb(# FROM books testdb(# ) t testdb-# WHERE desc_rn = 1 or asc_rn = 1 testdb-# GROUP BY category testdb-# limit 5; category | max_price_id | max_price | min_price_id | min_price ----------------+--------------+-----------+--------------+----------- CRAFTS-HOBBIES | 86389 | $199.99 | 7731780 | $5.99 GAMES | 5747114 | $199.99 | 10972216 | $5.99 STUDY-AIDS | 2303276 | $199.99 | 13723321 | $5.99 ARCHITECTURE | 9294400 | $199.99 | 7357451 | $5.99 POETRY | 7501765 | $199.99 | 554714 | $5.99 (5 rows) Time: 23522.772 ms
6. 使用HAWQ查询HIVE数据
HAWQ是一个基于HDFS的一个独立的数据库系统,若需要访问其它第三方数据,则还需要再安装HAWQ Extension Framework (PXF) 插件。PXF支持在HDFS上的Hive, Hbase数据,还支持用户开发自定义的其它并行数据源的连接器。
Enter new password:
Enter it again:
1. 创建表空间
[gpadmin@master ~]$ hawq filespace -o hawqfilespace_config
Enter a name for this filespace
> hawqfs
Enter replica num for filespace. If 0, default replica num is used (default=3)
> 0
Please specify the DFS location for the filespace (for example: localhost:9000/fs)
location> master:8020/fs
[gpadmin@master ~]$ hawq filespace --config ./hawqfilespace_config
Reading Configuration file: './hawqfilespace_config'
20161121:11:26:25:122509 hawqfilespace:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Connecting to database
20161121:11:27:38:122509 hawqfilespace:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Filespace "hawqfs" successfully created
[gpadmin@master ~]$ psql template1
psql (8.2.15)
Type "help" for help.
template1=# CREATE TABLESPACE hawqts FILESPACE hawqfs;
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2. 创建数据库
template1=# CREATE DATABASE testdb WITH TABLESPACE=hawqts; #指定存储表空间为hawqts
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3. 创建表到新的数据库中
[gpadmin@master ~]$ psql testdb //这里指定连接到新的数据库中
testdb=# create TABLE books(
testdb(# id integer
testdb(# , isbn varchar(100)
testdb(# , category varchar(100)
testdb(# , publish_date TIMESTAMP
testdb(# , publisher varchar(100)
testdb(# , price money
testdb(# ) DISTRIBUTED BY (id); #指定表的数据打散列
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创建的表默认都创建在了public schema中,也就是所有用户都可以访问,但可以在建表时指定schema. 如: testschema.books
4. 加载数据文件到表中
testdb=# COPY books(id,isbn,category,publish_date,publisher,price)
testdb-# FROM '/tmp/books'
testdb-# WITH
testdb-# DELIMITER AS '|'
testdb-# ;
COPY 15970428
Time: 41562.606 ms
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加载速度达到了 380248条/秒. 还是不错的
5. 查询表, HAWQ作为主用于数据仓库的数据库在SQL支持方面非常丰富,在标准SQL基础上,还支持OLAP的窗口函数,窗口函数等。
testdb=# SELECT COUNT(*) FROM books;
(1 row)
Time: 4750.786 ms
testdb=# SELECT category, max(price) max_price, min(price) min_price
testdb-# FROM books
testdb-# group by category
testdb-# LIMIT 5;
category | max_price | min_price
COMPUTERS | $199.99 | $5.99
SELF-HELP | $199.99 | $5.99
COOKING | $199.99 | $5.99
SOCIAL-SCIENCE | $199.99 | $5.99
SCIENCE | $199.99 | $5.99
(5 rows)
Time: 4755.163 ms
//求每类别下的最高,最小价格,及对应的BOOK ID
testdb=# SELECT category
testdb-# , max(case when desc_rn = 1 then id end) max_price_id, max(case when desc_rn = 1 then id end) max_price
testdb-# , max(case when asc_rn = 1 then id end) min_price_id, max(case when asc_rn = 1 then id end) min_price
testdb-# FROM (
testdb(# SELECT id, category, price
testdb(# , row_number() over(PARTITION BY category ORDER BY price desc) desc_rn
testdb(# , row_number() over(PARTITION BY category ORDER BY price asc) asc_rn
testdb(# FROM books
testdb(# ) t
testdb-# WHERE desc_rn = 1 or asc_rn = 1
testdb-# GROUP BY category
testdb-# limit 5;
category | max_price_id | max_price | min_price_id | min_price
CRAFTS-HOBBIES | 86389 | $199.99 | 7731780 | $5.99
GAMES | 5747114 | $199.99 | 10972216 | $5.99
STUDY-AIDS | 2303276 | $199.99 | 13723321 | $5.99
ARCHITECTURE | 9294400 | $199.99 | 7357451 | $5.99
POETRY | 7501765 | $199.99 | 554714 | $5.99
(5 rows)
Time: 23522.772 ms
5. 使用HAWQ查询HIVE数据
HAWQ是一个基于HDFS的一个独立的数据库系统,若需要访问其它第三方数据,则还需要再安装HAWQ Extension Framework (PXF) 插件。PXF支持在HDFS上的Hive, Hbase数据,还支持用户开发自定义的其它并行数据源的连接器。