2020-06-09 16:04 丨o聽乄雨o丨 阅读(3101) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报python脚本运行方式:
1, File->Run Script->选择python脚本;
2, run python脚本
load *.pdb
remove solvent
select str1, resn Cl-
remove str1
align WT_ligs, WT_box_wat_eq3 #后面的是target
alignto WT_ligs #把所有pdb都align到WT_ligs
show sticks, resi 87
set label_size, -1.4
set label_color, black, selection
select selection, resid 84+85+86+94+98+101+151+273+274+278+282+285+336+341+342+345+346+348+418+421+422+423+425+426+430
png image.png, 10cm, dpi=300, ray=1
png image.png, width=3000, height=2400, dpi=300, ray=1
hide labels, agi
show sticks, lig | res #棒状显示lig和res对象,"|"为逻辑“或”
select 5A, byres ligand around 5 #选取ligand5A范围内残基
hide sticks, h. #隐藏H原子
zoom lig | res #居中放大lig和res,其他对象虚化
color wheat, lig & name C* #将lig的碳原子(以C开头的原子名)设为小麦色
set label_size, 30
set label_font_id, 9
import center_of_mass
select AGI1, resn AGI & name C2+C3+C4+C5+C6
com AGI1, object=p1
select AGI2, resn AGI & name C7+C8+C9+C10+C11
com AGI2, object=p2
hide everything, p*
show spheres, p*
set sphere_scale, 0.4
hide labels, measure*
set dash_length, 0.3
set dash_radius, 0.08
set dash_gap, 0.3
color green, measure01
color gray70, measure02
bg_color white
show cartoon
color smudge, lig & name C*
set cartoon_transparency, 0.5
set cartoon_round_helices, 1
set cartoon_fancy_helices, 1
set cartoon_fancy_sheets, 1
set cartoon_color, green, FLS_TPP_DHA & chain A #设置不同链的cartoon不同颜色
set stick_ball #显示棍棒模型
set stick_ball_ratio, 1.3
set stick_h_scale, 0.8
unset opaque_background # 设置背景透明,只在ray下有用
save focus.pse
png label.png
hide labels
png focus.png, 16.93cm, 16.93cm, dpi=300, ray=1
set cartoon_transparency, 0
png overview.png, 20cm, 18cm, dpi=300, ray=1
save overview.pse
load candidate.pdb, c_run4
select run4_AGI, c_run4 & resn AGI
sel active, byres 1xru & chain A within 5 of resn AGI
select 736A2_active, byres CYP736A2 within 3 of CYP736A2 & resn UNK
show sticks, active_run4
show surface, active_run4
show surface, byres c_run4 within 5 of run4_AGI
# In editing mode: select the bond using Ctrl-right-click, then enter:
unbond pk1,pk2
bond pk1,pk2,4
# 1: single bond, 2: double bond, 3:triple bond, 4:delocalized,
set_color high_lddt_c, [0,0.325490196078431,0.843137254901961 ]
set_color normal_lddt_c, [0.341176470588235,0.792156862745098,0.976470588235294]
set_color medium_lddt_c, [1,0.858823529411765,0.070588235294118]
set_color low_lddt_c, [1,0.494117647058824,0.270588235294118]
set_color color1, [255,255,255]
set_color color2, [255,230,230]
set_color color3, [255,204,204]
set_color color4, [255,179,179]
set_color color5, [255,153,153]
set_color color6, [255,128,128]
set_color color7, [255,102,102]
set_color color8, [255,77,77]
set_color color9, [255,51,51]
set_color color10, [255,0,0]