





2.https 的具体过程是怎么样的?

https是由两部分组成: http + ssl/tls。 即在http的基础上一层处理加密信息的模块,使客户端与服务端的通讯内容进行加密。以下是https身份认证的过程。


3.HTTP 1.1,SPDY,HTTP 2.0有什么区别

HTTP 1.1 是互联网中主要的协议,但随着科技的发展,原有的HTTP 1.1已不能满足要求。在2012年Google 推出协议 SPDY,解决 HTTP 1.1 中广为人知的性能问题。再到2015年,基于SPDY的HTTP 2.0正式发布.

相对 HTTP 1.1,HTTP 2.0 主要有以下主要变化:

  1. 二进制分帧:请求和响应等,消息由一个或多个帧组成,并采用二进制格式传输数据,而非 HTTP 1.x 的文本格式,二进制协议解析起来更高效
  2. 多路复用:HTTP 1.1 中,如果想并发多个请求,必须使用多个 TCP 链接,但在 HTTP 2.0 中一个tcp连接可以被多个请求复用
  3. 头部压缩:将http请求中的header进行压缩传输,能够节省消息头占用的网络的流量

而HTTP 1.1相对SPDY,在整体上与HTTP 2.0上没有太大区别,但优势更加明显:

  • HTTP/2采用二进制格式传输数据,其在协议的解析和优化扩展上带来更多的优势和可能
  • HTTP/2对消息头采用HPACK进行压缩传输,能够节省消息头占用的网络的流量
  • Server Push的服务端能够更快地把资源推送给客户端。



  1. DNS 解析
  2. 与服务端建立tcp连接
  3. https会有ssl/tls认证
  4. 发送请求内容
  5. 等待服务器响应
  6. 接收服务器响应内容
  7. 关闭tcp连接








   * Figures out what the response source will be, and opens a socket to that
   * source if necessary. Prepares the request headers and gets ready to start
   * writing the request body if it exists.
   * @throws RequestException if there was a problem with request setup. Unrecoverable.
   * @throws RouteException if the was a problem during connection via a specific route. Sometimes
   *     recoverable. See {@link #recover(RouteException)}.
   * @throws IOException if there was a problem while making a request. Sometimes recoverable. See
   *     {@link #recover(IOException)}.
  public void sendRequest() throws RequestException, RouteException, IOException {

    Request request = networkRequest(userRequest);
InternalCache responseCache = Internal.instance.internalCache(client);
    Response cacheCandidate = responseCache != null
        ? responseCache.get(request)
        : null;

    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    cacheStrategy = new CacheStrategy.Factory(now, request, cacheCandidate).get();
    networkRequest = cacheStrategy.networkRequest;
    cacheResponse = cacheStrategy.cacheResponse;

    if (responseCache != null) {

    if (cacheCandidate != null && cacheResponse == null) {
      closeQuietly(cacheCandidate.body()); // The cache candidate wasn't applicable. Close it.

    // 判断是否有缓存
    if (networkRequest != null) {
      // Open a connection unless we inherited one from a redirect.
      if (connection == null) {
     //此处开始进行干正事 connect(); } transport
= Internal.instance.newTransport(connection, this); // //由于看源码中 callerWritesRequestBody 总是为false,所以以下if代码块不会执行 if (callerWritesRequestBody && permitsRequestBody() && requestBodyOut == null) { long contentLength = OkHeaders.contentLength(request); if (bufferRequestBody) { if (contentLength > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new IllegalStateException("Use setFixedLengthStreamingMode() or " + "setChunkedStreamingMode() for requests larger than 2 GiB."); } if (contentLength != -1) { // Buffer a request body of a known length. transport.writeRequestHeaders(networkRequest); requestBodyOut = new RetryableSink((int) contentLength); } else { // Buffer a request body of an unknown length. Don't write request // headers until the entire body is ready; otherwise we can't set the // Content-Length header correctly. requestBodyOut = new RetryableSink(); } } else { transport.writeRequestHeaders(networkRequest); requestBodyOut = transport.createRequestBody(networkRequest, contentLength); } } } else { //...省略对http缓存的加载 } }

注:Okhttp 2.5的源码中,创建HttpEngine时总是对 callerWritesRequestBody变量置为false,而为true的情况同false在整体上的区别不大,这里就不分析另外部分代码



 /** Connect to the origin server either directly or via a proxy. */
  private void connect() throws RequestException, RouteException {
    if (connection != null) throw new IllegalStateException();
    if (routeSelector == null) {
      address = createAddress(client, networkRequest);
      try {
        routeSelector = RouteSelector.get(address, networkRequest, client);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RequestException(e);

    connection = createNextConnection();
    Internal.instance.connectAndSetOwner(client, connection, this, networkRequest);
    route = connection.getRoute();

  private Connection createNextConnection() throws RouteException {
    ConnectionPool pool = client.getConnectionPool();

    // Always prefer pooled connections over new connections.
    for (Connection pooled; (pooled = pool.get(address)) != null; ) {
      if (networkRequest.method().equals("GET") || Internal.instance.isReadable(pooled)) {
        return pooled;

    try {
      Route route = routeSelector.next();
      return new Connection(pool, route);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RouteException(e);

  private static Address createAddress(OkHttpClient client, Request request) {
    SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = null;
    HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier = null;
    CertificatePinner certificatePinner = null;
    if (request.isHttps()) {
      sslSocketFactory = client.getSslSocketFactory();
      hostnameVerifier = client.getHostnameVerifier();
      certificatePinner = client.getCertificatePinner();

    return new Address(request.httpUrl().host(), request.httpUrl().port(),
        client.getSocketFactory(), sslSocketFactory, hostnameVerifier, certificatePinner,
        client.getAuthenticator(), client.getProxy(), client.getProtocols(),
        client.getConnectionSpecs(), client.getProxySelector());


 该段最主要的代码是 connect方法中的createNextConnection,前面的routeSelector和address创建只是在这里为它做铺垫。且createNextConnection的调用主要是获取到Connection对象,该对象可以理接为就是用于传递请求和接收内容的链路。Internal.instance.connectAndSetOwner()的解发实际就是调用Connection.connectAndSetOwner()

   * Connects this connection if it isn't already. This creates tunnels, shares
   * the connection with the connection pool, and configures timeouts.
  void connectAndSetOwner(OkHttpClient client, Object owner, Request request)
      throws RouteException {
    if (!isConnected()) {
      List<ConnectionSpec> connectionSpecs = route.address.getConnectionSpecs();
     //connect 的内容请看下面方法
      connect(client.getConnectTimeout(), client.getReadTimeout(), client.getWriteTimeout(),
          request, connectionSpecs, client.getRetryOnConnectionFailure());
      if (isFramed()) {

    setTimeouts(client.getReadTimeout(), client.getWriteTimeout());

  void connect(int connectTimeout, int readTimeout, int writeTimeout, Request request,
      List<ConnectionSpec> connectionSpecs, boolean connectionRetryEnabled) throws RouteException {
    if (connected) throw new IllegalStateException("already connected");
    RouteException routeException = null;
    ConnectionSpecSelector connectionSpecSelector = new ConnectionSpecSelector(connectionSpecs);
    Proxy proxy = route.getProxy();
    Address address = route.getAddress();

    if (route.address.getSslSocketFactory() == null
        && !connectionSpecs.contains(ConnectionSpec.CLEARTEXT)) {
      throw new RouteException(new UnknownServiceException(
          "CLEARTEXT communication not supported: " + connectionSpecs));

    while (!connected) {
      try {
        //前面说过http 本质上就是一个tcp,那么tcp连接肯定需要建立一个socket对象,现在终于有socket对象的创建,就说明要开始连接的操作不远了。
        socket = proxy.type() == Proxy.Type.DIRECT || proxy.type() == Proxy.Type.HTTP
            ? address.getSocketFactory().createSocket()
            : new Socket(proxy);
        connectSocket(connectTimeout, readTimeout, writeTimeout, request,
        connected = true; // Success!
      } catch (IOException e) {

Does all the work necessary to build a full HTTP or HTTPS connection on a raw socket. */
  private void connectSocket(int connectTimeout, int readTimeout, int writeTimeout,
      Request request, ConnectionSpecSelector connectionSpecSelector) throws IOException {
    Platform.get().connectSocket(socket, route.getSocketAddress(), connectTimeout);
    if (route.address.getSslSocketFactory() != null) {
      connectTls(readTimeout, writeTimeout, request, connectionSpecSelector);

*/ if (protocol == Protocol.SPDY_3 || protocol == Protocol.HTTP_2) { socket.setSoTimeout(0); // Framed connection timeouts are set per-stream. framedConnection = new FramedConnection.Builder(route.address.uriHost, true, socket) .protocol(protocol).build(); framedConnection.sendConnectionPreface(); } else { httpConnection = new HttpConnection(pool, this, socket); } }



connectTls():进行 ssl/tls 证书认证,但有兴趣的同学可以去了解一下SSLSocket.java这个类



   * Flushes the remaining request header and body, parses the HTTP response
   * headers and starts reading the HTTP response body if it exists.
  public void readResponse() throws IOException {

    Response networkResponse;

    if (forWebSocket) {

    } else if (!callerWritesRequestBody) {
      networkResponse = new NetworkInterceptorChain(0, networkRequest).proceed(networkRequest);

    } else {
    userResponse = networkResponse.newBuilder()

    if (hasBody(userResponse)) {
      userResponse = unzip(cacheWritingResponse(storeRequest, userResponse));

 readResponse的底下部分是已经获取到服务端响应内容的时候了,只是对response做点加工 ,主要的读写操作是在NetworkInterceptorChain.proceed()中,所以继续往下看

class NetworkInterceptorChain implements Interceptor.Chain {
    private final int index;
    private final Request request;
    private int calls;


    @Override public Response proceed(Request request) throws IOException {


      //Update the networkRequest with the possibly updated interceptor request.
      networkRequest = request;
      if (permitsRequestBody() && request.body() != null) {
        Sink requestBodyOut = transport.createRequestBody(request, request.body().contentLength());
        BufferedSink bufferedRequestBody = Okio.buffer(requestBodyOut);
      Response response = readNetworkResponse();

      int code = response.code();
      if ((code == 204 || code == 205) && response.body().contentLength() > 0) {
        throw new ProtocolException(
            "HTTP " + code + " had non-zero Content-Length: " + response.body().contentLength());

      return response;

  private Response readNetworkResponse() throws IOException {

    Response networkResponse = transport.readResponseHeaders()
        .header(OkHeaders.SENT_MILLIS, Long.toString(sentRequestMillis))
        .header(OkHeaders.RECEIVED_MILLIS, Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()))

    if (!forWebSocket) {

    Internal.instance.setProtocol(connection, networkResponse.protocol());
    return networkResponse;

此部分中 transport 是Transport接口的实现对象,内部是对前面提到的HttpConnection和FrameConnection的封装调用。而在HttpConnection或FrameConnection中的读写实现,除了协议的封装部分,剩下就是对数据流的读写操作(代码提到的Source或Sink对象就是对Stream的输入输出流封装,见okio)。读/写操作本身只要理解了协议内容本身就不是什么难点,至于我才疏学浅就不深入到协议本身去了。




一文读懂http/2 http://support.upyun.com/hc/kb/article/1048799/


HTTP与TCP的区别和联系 https://blog.csdn.net/u013485792/article/details/52100533


posted @ 2018-06-03 18:32  wpnine  阅读(373)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报