




# coding:utf-8
import os
from html.parser import HTMLParser

def analyse_mm_file(mm_file):
    if os.path.isfile(mm_file):
        num = 1         # 记录行号的标记
        point = 0       # 记录叶子节点的标记 1 是根节点
        mark_node = 0   # 记录节点信息标记
        mark_note = 0   # 记录备注信息标记
        flow = ""       # 记录流程信息
        with open(mm_file) as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            for line in lines:
                line = line.rstrip('\n')
                if mark_node == 1 or mark_note == 1:
                    with open("temp.html", mode="a", encoding="UTF-8") as f:
                        if line.rfind('<richcontent TYPE="NODE"><html>') != -1 or \
                                line.rfind('<richcontent TYPE="NOTE"><html>') != -1:
                            num += 1
                        elif line.rfind('</html>') != -1:
                            num += 1
                        elif line.rfind('</richcontent>') != -1:
                            num += 1
                        elif line.rfind('</node>') != -1:
                            point -= 1
                            if mark_node == 1: mark_node = 2
                            if mark_note == 1: mark_note = 2
                            num += 1
                            f.write(line + "\n")
                            num += 1
                if mark_node == 2 or mark_note == 2:
                    data = analyse_html("./temp.html")
                    print("data = ", data)
                    if mark_node == 2:
                        # 操作 node 节点信息
                        for i in range(len(data)):
                            result = data[i].replace('\n', '')
                    if mark_note == 2:
                        # 操作 note 备注信息
                        for i in range(len(data)):
                            result = data[i].replace('\n', '')
                    if mark_node != 0: mark_node = 0
                    if mark_note != 0: mark_note = 0
                if line.rfind('<map version="1.0.1">') == 0 and num == 1:
                    num += 1

                if line.rfind('</map>') == 0:
                    print("解析文件完成!共解析 {} 行。".format(num))
                elif line.rfind('</node>') == 0:
                    point -= 1
                    num += 1
                elif line.rfind('<node ') == 0:
                    point += 1
                    if line.rfind('" TEXT="') != -1 and line[-2:] == '">':
                        start_num = line.rfind('" TEXT="') + 8
                        print("start num = ", start_num)
                        get_value = get_chinese(line[start_num: len(line) - 2])
                    elif line.rfind('" TEXT="') != -1 and line[-2:] == '/>':
                        start_num = line.rfind('" TEXT="') + 8
                        print("start num = ", start_num)
                        get_value = get_chinese(line[start_num: len(line) - 3])
                        point -= 1
if line.rfind('" TEXT="') == -1: mark_node = 1 # 存在 HTML 网页 num += 1 if len(flow) == 0: flow = "{}".format(point) else: if point == int(flow.split("_")[len(flow.split("_")) - 1]): pass else: if point < int(flow.split("_")[len(flow.split("_")) - 1]): flow = flow.split(str(point))[0] + str(point) else: flow = "{}_{}".format(flow, point) print("总体的线性流程:", flow) elif line.rfind('<richcontent TYPE="NOTE"><html>') == 0: with open("temp.html", mode="a", encoding="UTF-8") as f: f.write('<html>\n') mark_note = 1 # 存在备注信息 elif line.rfind('<icon ') == 0: print(line) num += 1 elif line.rfind('<arrowlink ') == 0: # 箭头指向,可以实现关联 print(line) num += 1 elif line.rfind('<hook ') == 0: print(line) num += 1 elif line.rfind('<text>') == 0: # point = point + 1 print(line) num += 1 elif line.rfind('</hook>') == 0: print(line) num += 1 elif line.rfind('<cloud/>') == 0: print(line) num += 1 elif line.rfind('<font ') == 0: print(line) num += 1 elif line.rfind('<edge ') == 0: print(line) num += 1 else: num += 1 else: print("系统中没有找到没有FreeMind文件。{}".format(mm_file)) exit() def analyse_html(file_path): with open(file=file_path, mode="r", encoding="UTF-8") as f: page = html_parser = HP() html_parser.feed(page) html_parser.close() return def get_chinese(line): get_word = "" array = line.split("&#x") flag = True if line.find("&#x") != -1: for i in range(len(array)): # 遍历数组 if len(array[i]) == 0 and flag: # 第一个值为空时,继续循环 flag = False continue if array[i][4:5] == ";": # 解析Unicode字符 unicode = "\\u" + array[i][:4] get_word = get_word + unicode.encode('latin-1').decode('unicode_escape') + array[i][5:] elif array[i][:2] == "a;": # 换行转义 get_word = get_word + "\n" + array[i][2:] else: get_word = get_word + array[i] return get_word else: return line.replace('&amp;', '&') class HP(HTMLParser): def __init__(self): HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.tag_text = False = [] def handle_starttag(self, tag, attr): if tag == 'p' or tag == 'li': self.tag_text = True if tag == 'img' and self._attr(attr, 'src'):"img:{}".format(self._attr(attr, 'src'))) def handle_endtag(self, tag): if tag == 'p' or tag == 'li': self.tag_text = False def handle_data(self, data): if self.tag_text: def _attr(self, attr_list, attr_name): for attr in attr_list: if attr[0] == attr_name: return attr[1] return None analyse_mm_file("./mm/思维导图.mm")



由于xmind可以通过导出,选择格式为freemind,但是导出的结果是 0.8.1 版本的freemind结果,而且会将所有内容呈现在一行中




import uuid

file_path = r'/path/to/mm/'
with open(file=file_path, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    content = f.readlines()

for line in content:
    if '<map version="0.8.1">' in line:
        get_str = str(content).rstrip("']").lstrip("['").replace('"><', '">\n<')\
            .replace('></', '>\n</').replace("\\n', '", "\\n")\
            .replace('</node><node', '</node>\n<node').replace('"/><node', '"/>\n<node')
    elif '<map version="1.0.1">' in line:
        get_str = ""

file_name = r'./temp-' + str(uuid.uuid1()).replace('-', '') + '.txt'
with open(file=file_name, mode='a', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
    print(get_str, file=f, flush=True)






import zipfile
import os
import io
import sys
import hashlib
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

class AnalyseMindMap:
    def __init__(self, file_path, mark):
        self.file_path = file_path
        self.context = ""
        if mark == "":
            self.mark = "    "
        elif mark == "#":
            self.mark = "#"
        elif mark == "*":
            self.mark = "*"

    # 解析xmind数据
    def analyse_xmind(self):
        file_name = os.path.basename(self.file_path)
        if os.path.isfile(self.file_path):
            base_dir = os.path.dirname(self.file_path)
            m = hashlib.md5()
            file = io.FileIO(self.file_path, 'r')
            read_bytes =
            while read_bytes != b'':
                read_bytes =
            md5value = m.hexdigest()
            for dir_name in os.listdir(base_dir):
                if dir_name == md5value:
                    print('已经存在了该文件', md5value)
            file_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(self.file_path, 'r')
            for file in file_zip.namelist():
                file_zip.extract(file, base_dir + '/' + md5value)
            xml_file = os.path.join(base_dir, md5value, 'content.xml')
            return self.analyse_xml(xml_file)
            return "{} 不存在".format(file_name)
        # file_list = os.listdir(self.file_path)
        # for file_name in file_list:
        #     print(file_name)
        #     if os.path.splitext(file_name)[1] == '.xmind':
        #         print(file_name)
        #         zip_file = os.path.join(self.file_path, file_name)
        #         m = hashlib.md5()
        #         file = io.FileIO(zip_file, 'r')
        #         read_bytes =
        #         while read_bytes != b'':
        #             m.update(read_bytes)
        #             read_bytes =
        #         file.close()
        #         md5value = m.hexdigest()
        #         for dir_name in os.listdir(r'Upload/'):
        #             if dir_name == md5value:
        #                 print('已经存在了该文件', md5value)
        #                 continue
        #         file_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file, 'r')
        #         for file in file_zip.namelist():
        #             file_zip.extract(file, r'./' + md5value)
        #         file_zip.close()
        #         xml_file = os.path.join('./', md5value, 'content.xml')
        #         self.analyse_xml(xml_file)
                # os.remove(file_name)

    # 解析xml文件
    def analyse_xml(self, xml_file):
            tree = ET.parse(xml_file)
            # 获得根节点
            root = tree.getroot()
        except Exception as e:  # 捕获除与程序退出sys.exit()相关之外的所有异常
            print("parse test.xml fail!")
        pre_tag = '{' + root.tag.split('{')[1].split('}')[0] + '}'
        title_path = pre_tag + 'sheet/' + pre_tag + 'topic/' + pre_tag + 'title'
        print("h1.", root.find(title_path).text)
        self.context = "\nh1. " + root.find(title_path).text + "\n"
        plain_path = pre_tag + 'sheet/' + pre_tag + 'topic/' + pre_tag + 'notes/' + pre_tag + 'plain'
        if root.find(plain_path) is not None:
            print("<pre>备注:" + root.find(plain_path).text + "</pre>")
            self.context += "<pre>备注:" + root.find(plain_path).text + "</pre>" + "\n\n"
        third_path = pre_tag + 'sheet/' + pre_tag + 'topic/' + pre_tag + 'children'
        num = 1        # 对分层进行标记
        for first_topic in root.findall(third_path):
            self.recursive_xml(first_topic, pre_tag, num)

        return self.context

    # 递归调用获取元素值
    def recursive_xml(self, root, pre_tag, num):
        topics_path = pre_tag + 'topics'    # 一个children下面可能会有多个topics,所以需要循环一下
        for topics in root.findall(topics_path):
            topic_path = pre_tag + 'topic'
            for topic in topics.findall(topic_path):
                title_path = pre_tag + 'title'
                if num > 1:
                    print(self.mark * (num - 1), topic.find(title_path).text)
                    self.context += self.mark * (num - 1) + " " + topic.find(title_path).text + "\n"
                    print("h3.", topic.find(title_path).text)
                    self.context += "\nh3. " + topic.find(title_path).text + '\n\n'

                plain_path = pre_tag + 'notes/' + pre_tag + 'plain'
                if topic.find(plain_path) is not None:
                    print("<pre>备注:"+topic.find(plain_path).text + "</pre>")
                    self.context += "<pre>备注:"+topic.find(plain_path).text+"</pre>" + "\n\n"
                label_path = pre_tag + 'labels/' + pre_tag + 'label'
                if topic.find(label_path) is not None:
                    print("-->标签:", topic.find(label_path).text + "<--")
                    self.context += "-->标签:" + topic.find(label_path).text + "<--" + "\n\n"
                children_path = pre_tag + 'children'
                for new_topic in topic.findall(children_path):
                    self.recursive_xml(new_topic, pre_tag, num+1)

    # 解析freemind的xml文件
    def analyse_mm_xml(self):
        if os.path.isfile(self.file_path):
                tree = ET.parse(self.file_path)
                # 获得根节点
                root = tree.getroot()
            except Exception as e:  # 捕获除与程序退出sys.exit()相关之外的所有异常
                print("parse test.xml fail!")
            node_path = "node"
            num = 1
            for node in root.findall(node_path):
                print("h1.", node.attrib['TEXT'])
                self.context += "\nh1. " + node.attrib['TEXT'] + "\n"
                if node.find('richcontent') is not None:
                    context_p = 'richcontent/html/body/p'
                    print('<pre>备注:', node.find(context_p).text.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', ''), '</pre>')
                    self.context += '<pre>备注:' + node.find(context_p).text.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '') + '</pre>' + "\n\n"
                self.recursive_node(node, num)
            return self.context

    # 递归运行查看结果
    def recursive_node(self, root, num):
        node_path = 'node'
        richcontent_path = 'richcontent'
        for node in root.findall(node_path):
            if 'TEXT' in node.attrib:
                if num > 1:
                    print(self.mark * (num - 1), node.attrib['TEXT'])
                    self.context += self.mark * (num - 1) + ' ' + node.attrib['TEXT'] + "\n"
                    print("h3.", node.attrib['TEXT'])
                    self.context += "\nh3. " + node.attrib['TEXT'] + "\n\n"
            if node.find(richcontent_path) is not None:
                context_p = 'richcontent/html/body/p'
                context_out = ''
                for p in node.findall(context_p):
                    context_out += p.text.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '') + '\n'
                print('<pre>备注:', context_out, '</pre>')
                self.context += '<pre>备注:' + context_out + '</pre>' + "\n\n"
            if node.find(node_path) is not None:
                self.recursive_node(node, num + 1)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    file_path = r'C:\path\to\file.xmind'
    amm = AnalyseMindMap(file_path, "#")
    file_path = r'C:\path\to\'
    amm = AnalyseMindMap(file_path, "#")





posted @ 2019-03-18 22:24  wozijisun  阅读(1894)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报