WUSTOJ 1319: 球(Java)并查集
题目链接:1319: 球
参考:wustoj 1319 球—wust_tanyao,并查集
并查集系列:WUSTOJ 1346: DARK SOULS(Java)并查集
Icy is a lonely boy. He was so boring these days. So he started to play a game himself. First, he took a heap of balls with many different colors. ( One ball with only one color ) Then he repeated to pick two balls and put them back. Each time the two balls he chose is of the same color. After M times, Icy was too boring to fall asleep.
Now, a boring people wanna ask you a very easy question: how many different colors are there in the original heap at most ?
The first line contains one integer T indicating the number of test cases.
For each test case, the first line contains two integer numbers N and M (0 <= N,M<= 10000) that represents the total number of balls and the number of times Icy took balls.Balls are numbered from 1 to N.Each of the following M lines contains two integer numbers A and B (1 <= A, B <= N). It means that Icy picked ball A and ball B.
For each test case, output an integer that satisfies the problem description.
Sample Input
3 3
1 2
2 3
1 3
3 1
1 2
Sample Output
- 最初,每个球是一棵树,父结点是自己。最初的父结点也是根结点。用
型一维数组father[N + 1]
和球的个数相同。 - 如果有2个球同时取出,说明颜色一样。将A球所在的树合并到B球所在的树(将A树的根结点的父结点修改为B树的根结点即可,意思就是A树现在变成了B树根结点的儿子)。当然合并的时候,少了一棵树,因此总的颜色数量
要减1。 - 不断重复上述过程即可构造出最终的森林。此时
就是最终结果。 - 由于用到了短路径压缩的方法,因此在查找根结点的过程中要将这棵树的非根结点的父结点全部修改为根结点,一句代码搞定:
father[node] = findRoot(father[node])
* Time 1192ms
* @author wowpH
* @version 2.2
* @date 2019年6月22日下午8:30:16
* Environment: Windows 10
* IDE Version: Eclipse 2019-3
* JDK Version: JDK1.8.0_112
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
private Scanner sc = new Scanner(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
private int[] father; // 保存父结点,下标从1开始
private int ans; // 最终颜色种类数量
private int T, N, M; // 测试组数,小球个数,取球次数
public Main() {
int A, B;// 取出的小球编号
T = sc.nextInt();
while ((T--) > 0) {
init();// 初始化
for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i) {
A = sc.nextInt();
B = sc.nextInt();
merge(A, B);// 合并集合
System.out.println(ans);// 输出结果
private void init() {
N = sc.nextInt();// 球个数
M = sc.nextInt();// 取球次数
ans = N; // 最多N种颜色
father = new int[N + 1];
for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) {
father[i] = i;// 标记父结点为自己
private void merge(int A, int B) {// 合并集合
int aRoot = findRoot(A);// 查找A的根结点
int bRoot = findRoot(B);// 查找B的根结点
if (aRoot != bRoot) { // 两个的根结点不同
ans = ans - 1; // 现在要变成相同,因此颜色种类要减1
father[aRoot] = bRoot;// A结点的根(父)结点的父结点指向B的根结点
private int findRoot(int node) {// 查找node的父结点
if (father[node] == node) {// 如果node的父结点是自己
return node;// 直接返回node
father[node] = findRoot(father[node]);// 更新node的父结点
return father[node];// 返回node的父结点(此时父结点就是根结点)
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Main();
- 转载、参考、引用必须在首页添加如下文字:
[WUSTOJ 1319: 球(Java)并查集——wowpH](https://blog.csdn.net/pfdvnah/article/details/93356519)
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