
 完成函数static bool insideTriangle(): 测试点是否在三角形内。

一段优雅的easy代码,没什么好说的。(但是需要修改这里传入的xy的类型为float,默认为int是想让我通过修改返回值的方式来实现MSAA:例如返回一个int值,这里传入单个像素坐标后在insideTriangle函数中实现超采样,然后返回k,再在设置颜色时* k/4)

static bool insideTriangle(float x, float y, const Vector3f* _v)
    // TODO : Implement this function to check if the point p(x, y) is inside the triangle represented by _v[0], _v[1], _v[2] (a, b, c)
    // 如果p(x,y)与三点a、b、c构成的向量x乘同向(z坐标都为正)则在其内部
    // 构建向量
    Vector3f p = Vector3f(x, y, 1);
    Vector3f ap = p - _v[0];
    Vector3f bp = p - _v[1];
    Vector3f cp = p - _v[2];
    Vector3f ab = _v[1] - _v[0];
    Vector3f bc = _v[2] - _v[1];
    Vector3f ca = _v[0] - _v[2];
    // 运算x乘结果的z值
    float z1 = ab.cross(ap).z();  //ab x ap
    float z2 = bc.cross(bp).z();  //bc x bp 
    float z3 = ca.cross(cp).z();  //ca x cp
    // in Triangle
    return (z1 > 0 && z2 > 0 && z3 > 0) || (z1 < 0 && z2 < 0 && z3 < 0);
View Code

rasterize_triangle(): 执行三角形栅格化算法


//Screen space rasterization
void rst::rasterizer::rasterize_triangle(const Triangle& t) {
    auto v = t.toVector4();
    // 获取三角形数据并分别传入 insideTriangle()
    Vector3f triangle[3];
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
        triangle[i] = Vector3f(v[i].x(), v[i].y(), v[i].z());

    // TODO : Find out the bounding box of current triangle.
    float min_x = std::min(v[0].x(), std::min(v[1].x(), v[2].x()));
    float max_x = std::max(v[0].x(), std::max(v[1].x(), v[2].x()));
    float min_y = std::min(v[0].y(), std::min(v[1].y(), v[2].y()));
    float max_y = std::max(v[0].y(), std::max(v[1].y(), v[2].y()));

    // iterate through the pixel and find if the current pixel is inside the triangle
    // frame_buffer 和 z_buffer早已定义好
    for(int x = min_x; x <= max_x; x++){
        for(int y = min_y; y <= max_y; y++){
            // MSAA version
            float k = 0;
            if(insideTriangle(0.25 + x, 0.25 + y, triangle)) k += 0.25;
            if(insideTriangle(0.75 + x, 0.25 + y, triangle)) k += 0.25;
            if(insideTriangle(0.25 + x, 0.75 + y, triangle)) k += 0.25;
            if(insideTriangle(0.75 + x, 0.75 + y, triangle)) k += 0.25;
            if(k != 0){
            // Simple Sampling
            //if(insideTriangle(x + 0.5, y + 0.5, triangle)){
                // If so, use the following code to get the interpolated z value.
                auto[alpha, beta, gamma] = computeBarycentric2D(x, y, t.v);
                float w_reciprocal = 1.0/(alpha / v[0].w() + beta / v[1].w() + gamma / v[2].w());
                float z_interpolated = alpha * v[0].z() / v[0].w() + beta * v[1].z() / v[1].w() + gamma * v[2].z() / v[2].w();
                z_interpolated *= w_reciprocal;

                if(z_interpolated < depth_buf[get_index(x, y)]){
                    // TODO : set the current pixel (use the set_pixel function) to the color of the triangle (use getColor function) if it should be painted.
                    depth_buf[get_index(x, y)] = z_interpolated;
                    //set_pixel(Vector3f(x, y, 1), t.getColor());
                    set_pixel(Vector3f(x, y, 1),k * t.getColor());
View Code

值得注意的是,这里zNear和zFar使用的是正值,故在main.cpp中需要修改float t = -1 * abs(zNear) * tanf(eye_fov / 2);将其y轴颠倒一下才能做出正确图形(第八节课讲这是左手右手系的原因)



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