[c错误解决]NiosII9.0 build 时出现:No CFI table found at address 0x00C00000

# This file was automatically generated by the Nios II IDE Flash Programmer.
# It will be overwritten when the flash programmer options change.

cd E:/QuartusIIexercise/niosIIprj/software/hello_world/Debug

# Creating .flash file for the FPGA configuration
"$SOPC_KIT_NIOS2/bin/sof2flash" --offset=0x0 --input="E:/QuartusIIexercise/niosI
Iprj/hello.sof" --output="hello.flash" 
Info: *******************************************************************
Info: Running Quartus II Convert_programming_file
Info: Command: quartus_cpf --no_banner --convert E:/QuartusIIexercise/niosIIprj/
hello.sof hello.rbf
Info: Quartus II Convert_programming_file was successful. 0 errors, 0 warnings
    Info: Peak virtual memory: 57 megabytes
    Info: Processing ended: Mon Feb 25 21:51:49 2013
    Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:13
    Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:11

# Programming flash with the FPGA configuration
"$SOPC_KIT_NIOS2/bin/nios2-flash-programmer" --base=0x00c00000 --cable='USB-Blas
ter [USB-0]' --sidp=0x01001000 --id=2023589088 --timestamp=1361796656 --instance
=0 "hello.flash"
Using cable "USB-Blaster [USB-0]", device 1, instance 0x00
Resetting and pausing target processor: OK
Reading System ID at address 0x01001000: verified
No CFI table found at address 0x00C00000
Leaving target processor paused

在经历了:1 .调整PLL 的reset和nios core的reset的冲突导致的

Leaving target processor paused

2. cfi flash 的硬件连接问题(22bit address 8 bit data bus)设置错误导致
Leaving target processor paused
3. 对C2H函数加速器误操作导致
Leaving target processor paused

4.对nios core 的复位引脚TRSET_n没有同KEY[0连接,但是在tcl脚本中对这一引脚进行了设定,导致了:
Leaving target processor paused

还以为终于走通NiosII建立工程的路子,可是偏偏是:cfi除了需要对address bus 和data bud进行设置必须正确之外


这样导致自己在这一台慢慢的机器上一次又一次的进行SOPC generate ,QII的综合,NiosIDE的 build
还有可恶的NiosIIRun as Hardware

出现了问题看看无双的这个blog,详细解释了nios 中CFI flash IP的使用配置,来解决这一问题

(原創) 如何解決No CFI table found at address的錯誤訊息? (SOC) (Nios II) (DE2)



posted @ 2013-02-25 22:09  天马行空W  阅读(1829)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报