Matlab 神经网数据预处理的函数

1 std   mean 

    对于向量,Y = std(X)返回标准偏差。对于矩阵,
    Y = std(X,1)用N归一化并产生第二个的平方根
    关于其平均值的样本时刻。 std(X,0)与std(X)相同。
    Y = std(X,FLAG,DIM)沿尺寸取标准偏差
    DIM的X.传入FLAG == 0以使用N-1或者默认标准化
    例如:如果X = [4 -2 1
                     9 5 7]
      那么std(X,0,1)是[3.5355 4.9497 4.2426],std(X,0,2)是[3.0


     每列。 对于N维数组,平均值(X)是平均值
     例如:如果X = [1 2 3; 3 3 6; 4 6 8; 4 7 7];
     那么平均值(X,1)是[3.0000 4.5000 6.0000]和
     平均值(X,2)是[2.0000 4.0000 6.0000 6.0000]


2  prestd(改名为mapstd)     poststd    postreg

  在R2006a NNET 5.0中已经过时。最后用于R2005b NNET 4.0.6。
     [p,t] = poststd(pn,meanp,stdp,tn,表示,stdt)
      [p] = poststd(pn,meanp,stdp)
        归一化输入向量的PN - RxQ矩阵
        MEANP - 包含每个P的标准差的Rx1向量
        包含每个P的标准偏差的STDP - Rx1载体
        TN - 归一化目标矢量的SxQ矩阵
        MEANT - 包含每个T的标准差的Sx1向量
        STDT - Sx1矢量包含每个T的标准偏差
       输入(列)向量的P - RxQ矩阵。
        目标向量的T - SxQ矩阵。
       p = [ - 0.92 0.73 -0.47 0.74 0.29; -0.08 0.86 -0.67 -0.52 0.93];
        t = [ - 0.08 3.4 -0.82 0.69 3.1];
       [pn,meanp,stdp,tn,意思是,stdt] = prestd(p,t);
        net = newff(minmax(pn),[5 1],{'tansig''purelin'},'trainlm');
        net = train(net,pn,tn);
        an = net(pn);
        a = poststd(an,mean,stdt);
        [m,b,r] = postreg(a,t);



检验神经网络预测和实际值的函数 postreg,

Posttraining Analysis (postreg)



The performance of a trained network can be measured to some extent by the errors on the training, validation, and test sets, but it is often useful to investigate the network response in more detail. One option is to perform a regression analysis between the network response and the corresponding targets. The routine postreg is designed to perform this analysis.


The following commands illustrate how to perform a regression analysis on the network trained in Summary and Discussion of Early Stopping and Regularization.

a = sim(net,p);

[m,b,r] = postreg(a,t)

m =

0.9874 m表示实际值和预测值的拟合系数,越靠近1 表明 二者越接近

b =

-0.0067 b表示实际值和预测值的拟合截距,越靠近0 表明 效果越好

r =

0.9935 r表示实际值和预测值的相关系数.

posted @ 2018-03-12 15:14  灰灰辉  阅读(368)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报