Eclipse launches super run-time project as alternative to Java and .NET
Eclipse organization(Eclipse 团队)已经聚集很多已经安装基于它的java open source开发工具的开发者,现在这个团队已经提出自己的运行环境平台.并且具有与Sun’s Java 和Microsoft’s .NET 样的能跨多平台和多处理层运行.(Now the organization has set its sights on the run-time arena and will take on Sun’s Java and Microsoft’s .NET with what it says is an agnostic open source component model that runs across multiple operating systems and computing tiers.)
在Santa Clara,Calif在周日的EclipseCon 2008上 ,这个工程领导者宣布Eclipse Runtime project,构建在一个open source run-time上基于它自己的Equinox,一个轻量级OSGi compliant run-time .Equinox,是为Eclipse核心运行环境平台,已经不是新闻拉.这个run-time被Actuate, BEA, Code 9, Iona, IBM 和Oracle,据说配置在数百万开发者的桌面上.(the announcement comes three days before the vernal Equinox)
这个最新的突出成就就是统一了团队的多个run-time工程包括Equinox, the Eclipse Communications Framework, EclipseLink, Rich Ajax Platform (RAP),Riena和Swordfish也被同意进入了工程并且建立一个由运行在所有操作系统和computing tiers的open source run-time 和component model.
开发者能在Equinox构建多个丰富client平台应用程序和更最近这个run-time应被使用在为AJAX应用程序,web service和client/server应用程序使用的Server platform.
Eclipse Foundation Director Mike Milinkovich 指出"There’s no consistent component model across all tiers — desktop, server and mobile — and all platforms,",其中Microsoft’s .NET是跨层但缺乏跨平台支持,但Sun'Java是很好的跨平台但有不同的component models on servers, desktop and mobile devices.
Eclispe还介绍说是一个新的Component Oriented Development和Assembly,不仅提供一个一制的跨所有computing tiers和operating system platforms的模型,而且还在提供更为灵活assembling 和 customizing applications 并且为customers, vendors 和 partners提供可行的,综合的机制.
在今天Eclispe还投放市场有在它的网站上的一个新的Equinox community portal(交流社区)提供给关于Equinox,OSGi,Eclipse runtime projects的开发者学习.
对Microsoft和Sun对Eclipse run-time会有怎样的反映感兴趣.Sun已经提供非官方的声明将在NetBeans 6.1发布时提供对open source脚本技术更好的支持并且紧密的结合mySQL数据库.
下面就没什么意思了(Eclipse’s Equinox 宣告时的前三天,正好是太阳的中心在地球equator之上.(好象可以和Eclipse的标志拉上点关系吧.))
Interestingly enough, Eclipse’s Equinox announcement comes three days before the vernal equinox, the precise moment when the center of the Sun can be observed directly above the earth equator.
Seriously, though, do you think Eclipse is right on with its Equinox initiative and what will this mean for Eclipse’s Java-focused developers?