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Symbiont,Credit Suisse与R3携手革新贷款数据验证环节
Symbiont, Credit Suisse and R3 come together for syndicated loans proof of concep

近日,Symbiont与金融服务技术与数据合作伙伴Ipreo宣布,将携手Credit Suisse在R3实验与研究中心展开合作。最终实验结果将于今年年底出炉,据悉参与本次实验的还有多家著名银行、金融服务提供商和基金机构。
Symbiont and financial services technology and data partner Ipreo worked with Credit Suisse in R3's Lab and Research Center. The proof of concept will continue through the end of the year and includes participation from a number of agent banks, service providers and fund managers, said a statement.

项目实现所有技术来自Synaps Loans LLC。早些时候,为推广贷款交易结算业务,Symboint携手Ipreo,将两家公司的智能合同技术与全新商业流程解决方案结合起来了。
The project uses technology solutions from Synaps Loans LLC, a recently formed partnership combining Symbiont's leading smart contract technology with Ipreo's new business process solution to speed loan trade settlement.

据报道,参与本次实验项目的各方机构带来了充足和重要的行业资源与经验,这其中就包括R3联盟成员BBVA、丹斯克银行、苏格兰皇家银行、加拿大丰业银行、法国兴业银行、美国道富银行、富国银行等。而买方市场著名机构联博资产、Eaton Vance Management,KKR和Oak Hill Advisors也参与了这个项目。

Participants who collaborated and brought important market knowledge, process experience and testing resources to the project include R3 consortium members BBVA, Danske Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland, Scotiabank, Société Générale, State Street, U.S. Bank and Wells Fargo. Influential buy-side firms AllianceBernstein (AB), Eaton Vance Management, KKR and Oak Hill Advisors are also involved in the initiative.


Through Synaps, loan investors have direct access to an authoritative system of record for syndicated loan data, according to a statement. This yields immediate savings by reducing manual reviews, data re-entry and systems reconciliation. In the future, loan data processing can be done exclusively on the distributed ledger, eliminating the cost for each market participant to maintain its own separate lending system, it said.

posted on 2016-11-07 17:17  力香  阅读(274)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报