The Ascent Capture error log will show all errors that are encountered within Ascent Capture, including those that cause the Batch to be forwarded to the Quality Control (QC) module. The Ascent Capture error log will also list various status updates along with errors; this includes errors that do not cause a Batch to be routed to QC. As a consequence, the use of the Ascent Capture error log for this particular task is not practical.
The User Tracking database will show when a Batch has been routed to QC and the status of that Batch, but the structure of the User Tracking database makes it less than efficient for this type of application.
If attempting to determine which batches are being routed to QC because of an error status, the best solution is to do so through a Workflow Agent (WFA).
A Workflow Agent can make use of the ACWorkflowModule and ACDataElement objects.
The ACWorkflowModule object contains the ACWorkflowState and ACWorkflowStates collection which can be used to assess a Batch’s status.
An easier method, however, is to use the ACDataElement object to access the Batch's state.
The file ACBatch.htm located in the Ascent shared folder details the layout of the ACDataElement object. On a Standalone system, this file islocated in the "Ascent" folder. On a client/Server system, this file is located in the "AscentSV" folder.
The Batch element for the Batch has the attribute "State" which reflects the Batch’s status: Ready, Suspended, Error, Completed or Reserved. If a Batch has encountered an error, the "State" attribute will be set to a value of "32" or "Error".
The ACDataElement can be used to check the Batch's state after it has been processed after each module to determine the Batch status. The Workflow Agent can then take the desired actions to update the Ascent Capture system administrator as needed.