在AC安装目录中有RegAscEx.exe程序,可以利用次程序自动注册。至于Custom Panel的注册,我一般的做法是导出注册了的注册表文件,然后执行。
RegAscEx /f (AEX filename) [/o (output.txt)] [/m (Module1)] [/w (WorkflowAgent1)] [/x (SetupProgram1)] [/s]
/f [filename] | Name of the AEX file |
/o [filename] | Name of the output file |
/m [custom module] | Name of the Custom Module to register |
/w [workflow agent] | Name of the Workflow Agent to register |
/x [setup program] | Name of Setup OCX with no Custom Module |
/u | Unregister, see optional switches at bottom |
/s | Run in silent mode |
/? | Show usage |
Unregister (/u) may optionally be combined with the following:
- /m [custom module]
- /w [workflow agent]
- /x [setup program]
C:\>regascex /f CMSample.aex /o regascex_log.txt /m "Sample Custom Module"