


1. excel中Sheet1数据:


2. 调用本机outlook自动发送邮件的代码:

 1 Sub sendEmail()
 2     On Error Resume Next
 3     Dim rowCount, endRowNo
 4     Dim objOutlook As Object
 5     Dim objMail As Object
 7     endRowNo = Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
 8     Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
 9     For rowCount = 2 To endRowNo
10         Set objMail = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
11         With objMail
12             .To = Cells(rowCount, 5)
13             .Subject = ActiveSheet.Name
14             .Attachments.Add Cells(rowCount, 4)
15             .HTMLBody = "<HTML><BODY><table border=""1"" bordercolor=""#000000"" style=""border-collapse:collapse;"">" _
16                         & "<tr>" _
17                         & "<th>" & Cells(1, 1) & "</th>" _
18                         & "<th>" & Cells(1, 2) & "</th>" _
19                         & "<th>" & Cells(1, 3) & "</th>" _
20                         & "<th>" & Cells(1, 4) & "</th>" _
21                         & "</tr>" _
22                         & "<tr>" _
23                         & "<td>" & Cells(rowCount, 1) & "</td>" _
24                         & "<td>" & Cells(rowCount, 2) & "</td>" _
25                         & "<td>" & Cells(rowCount, 3) & "</td>" _
26                         & "<td>" & Cells(rowCount, 4) & "</td>" _
27                         & "</tr>" _
28                         & "</table></BODY></HTML>"
29             .Send
30         End With
31         Set objMail = Nothing
32     Next
34     Set objOutlook = Nothing
35     MsgBox "已发送完成第" & rowCount - 2 & ""
37 End Sub

3. 执行后的提示:

4. 对方收到的邮件内容如下:


posted @ 2020-04-23 16:57  workingdiary  阅读(344)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报