#!/bin/sh #Author:woodman Files=userlist.txt Groups="operation" groupadd -r $Groups &> /dev/null #user and password file userpass="`date +%Y%m%d`.$Groups" #function declare length=10 declare uids=1000 upass(){ for user in `cat $Files` do let uids=$uids+1 Passwds="`< /dev/urandom tr -dc [:alnum:] | head -c $length `" ! id $user &>/dev/null && useradd $user -g $Groups -u $uids && echo $Passwds | passwd --stdin $Passwds &>/dev/null echo "$user:$Passwds" >> $userpass done } mpass(){ for user in `cat $Files` do let uids=$uids+1 Passwds="`mkpasswd -s 0 -l $length`" ! id $user &>/dev/null && useradd $user -g $Groups -u $uids && echo $Passwds | passwd --stdin $Passwds &>/dev/null echo "$user:$Passwds" >> $userpass done } #checking to see if the yanfa file exists. if [ ! -f $Files ];then echo "ERROR:$Files NOT exists!Please check it!" exit 1 fi #Determine whether the command is installed mkpasswd -l 10 &>/dev/null Retval=$? #if Retval equal to 0 using mkpasswd to generate passwords #else using urandom generation password case $Retval in 0) mpass;; *) upass;; esac echo "---------------Passwords Created Successfully!---------------" echo "The group $Groups added the following users:" cat $userpass echo "-------------------------THE END-----------------------------" exit 0
# cat userlist.txt user01 user02 user03 user04 user05
./addusers.sh ---------------Passwords Created Successfully!--------------- The group operation added the following users: user01:XCVDysfNvq user02:RJHk1rHWCA user03:4QIa3DRXp4 user04:b7UImz3ff5 user05:NBhdfcAvXi -------------------------THE END-----------------------------
# id user03 uid=1003(user03) gid=500(operation) groups=500(operation)