
suckless.org 五件套
dwm st dmenu slstatus slock

  • 源码
tar -xzvf xxx-*.tar.gz
  • 补丁 patch
patch < dwm-xxx.diff
  • 获取窗口类型
  • 获取键盘按键编码


  • systray
  • cool autostart
  • autostart
  • schemeSwitch
    Solarized color scheme
  • center
    Add an iscentered rule to automatically center clients on the current monitor.

isfloating rule needed

  • noborder
    Remove the border when there is only one window visible.
  • tilegap
    The same size gap between master and stack, window and window, and window and screen edge.
  • scratchpad
    spawn or restore a floating terminal window
  • sticky
    Press MODKEY+s (default) to make a client 'sticky'. A sticky client is visible on all tags.
  • stickyindicator
    It can be changed by editing the vertices stored in the config variable stickyicon[].
  • canfocusrule
    Add canfocus rule to remove the opportunity to focus certain windows. May be useful for tray applications.
  • awesomebar


  • Vim Browse
    The vim-browse patch offers the possibility to move through the terminal history-buffer, search for strings using VIM-like motions, operations and quantifiers. It overlays the screen with highlighted search results and displays the current operation / motions / search string in the bottom right corner.
  • anysize
    This patch allows st to resize to any pixel size, makes the inner border size dynamic, and centers the content of the terminal so that the left/right and top/bottom borders are balanced. With this patch, st on a tiling WM will always fill the entire space allocated to it.
  • solarized
    Solarized is a color scheme by Ethan Schoonover which exists in a dark and a light variant. These patches make the Solarized color scheme available for st.
  • dracula
    Dracula is a color scheme made by Zeno Rocha based on Solarized. This patch make the Dracula color scheme available for st.
  • w3m
    Support w3m images hack.
  • dynamic-cursor-color
    Swaps the colors of your cursor and the character you're currently on (much like alacritty).


  • highlight
  • solarized




  • Blured or pixelated screenshot

slock: getgrnam nogroup: group entry not found
You should probably set user=nobody and group=nobody, so that the display locker has no privileges for better security. The only reason that it doesn’t work initially is because Arch calls the no-privilege group nobody, and not nogroup.

posted @ 2021-12-22 17:39  孤逐王  阅读(1256)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报