The C++ Programming Language笔记
读书计划: 英文版 867pages / 20 pages = 40
2011.11.02 (1-30)
Chaper 1 notes to reader
本书侧重程序的组织而不是写算法,专注在语言特征,基本的程序组成技术和组成规则。语言和库特征多会通过上下文实例来讲解,而不是枯燥的手册。 另一本作者与人合作的书,The Annotated C++ Standard Library. 练习分难度的,*n,n越大,需要的时间越长。 在第一部分,C程序书有帮助,二三部分,数据结构域算法会有帮助。
讲述的内容是纯C++,学习的时候关注概念,不要陷入语言技术细节。如同学会任何一门语言或乐器,学习C++也需要时间和练习。没有必要一定先学C,直接学C++就可以。 如果想游泳,一个语言特征必须优雅简洁,并且在实际程序中代价是可支付的。
C++借鉴了很多其它语言的特征。 论述了一大段C和C++关系,没仔细看。 有一句,好的c程序,一般tend to be C++ programs. 提到The C programming language.
写好程序的关键,是设计类表达一个单一概念。关注问题,比如 这个类如何创建? 这个类可以复制或销毁吗? 什么操作可以作用在这个类? 如果没有好的答案,这个概念可能并不清楚。
一个概念不会独立存在于空白,相关概念的类总是聚集在一起的。 层次结构是最好的管理工具。c++的derived lass可以很好的表达这一类结构,一个程序组织成树几何或有向无环图。 虚函数~有些概念可能相互依赖,除非能容易的定义基本概念的关系,程序将变得难以管理。 另一个处理依赖图的工具是将interface 和实现分开。 用末班表达通用性,而不是集成。
The question "How does one write good programs in C++? " is very similar to the question "How does one write good English prose?" There are two answers:"Know what you want to say" and "practice". "Imitate good writing." Both appear to be as appropriate for C++ as they are for English and as hard to follow.
To write a good program takes intelligence, taste and patience. You are not going to get it right the first time. Experiment!
[1] when you program, you create a concrete representation of the ideas in your solution to some problem. let the structure of the program reflect those ideas as directly as possible:
if you can think of it as a separate idea, make it a class.
if you can think of it as a separate entity, make it an object of some class
if two classes have a common interface, make that interface an abstract class.
if the implementations of two classes have something significant in common, make that commonality a base class.
if a class is a container of objects, make it template.
if a function implements an algorithm for a container, make it a template function implementing the algorithm for a family of containers.
if a set of classes, templates, etc., are logically related, place them in a common namespace.
[2] when you define either a class that does not implement a mathematical entity like a matrix or a complex number or a low-level type such as a linked list:
don't use global data.
don't use global functions.
don't use public data members.
don't use friends, except to a void [a] or [c].
don't put a "type field" in a class; use virtual functions.
don't use inline functions, except as a significant optimization.
Chapter 2 A Tour of C++
2.1 what is C++?
C++ is a general-purpose programming language with a bias towards systems programming that
-is a better C,
-supports data abstraction,
-supports object-oriented programming, and
-supports generic programming.
2.2 Programming Paradigms
语言support和enable某种语言特性的区别。 convenient or takes exceptional effort
The important issue is not so much what features a languange possesses, but the features it does possess are sufficient to support the desired programming styles in the desired applications areass:
aesthetics and logic, what you don't know won't hurt you.
2.3 Procedural Programming
2.4 模块程序设计
确定你需要哪些模块;将程序分为一些模块,使数据隐藏于模块之中。 这一范型也被作为数据隐藏原理而广为人知。在那些不存在与数据相关的过程组之处,采用这种过程式程序设计就足够了。C++提供了一种机制,可以把相关的数据、函数等组织到一个独立的名字空间里。
2.5 数据抽象
虚函数 正确的解析函数定义,一种常用实现技术是让编译器把一个virtual函数的名字转换为指向这些函数的指针表的一个下标, 虚函数表vtbl。 空间开销是带有虚函数的类的每个对象包含一个指针,而每个这样的类需要一个vtbl。
2.6 面向对象的程序设计
Shape – Circle Rectangle Square
设计泛型: 确定你需要哪些算法;将他们参数化,使他们能够对各种各样适当的类型和数据结构工作。
2.9 忠告
第3章 标准库概览
2011-11-05 (50-70)
3.8.3 迭代器和I/O
int main () { string from, to; cin >> from >> to; ifstream is(from.c_str()); istream_iterator<string> ii(is); istream_iterator<string> eos; vector<string> b(ii, eos); sort(b.begin(), b.end()); ofstream os(to.c_str()); ostream_iterator<string> oo(os, "\n"); unique_copy(b.begin(), b.end(), oo); return !is.eof() || !os; }
int main() { istream_iterator<string> ii(cin); istream_iterator<string> eos; for_each(ii, eos, record); for_each(histogram.begin(), histogram.end(), print); } bool gt_42(const pair<const string, int>& r) { return r.second > 42; } void f(map<string, int>& m) { typedef map<string, int>::const_iterator MI; MI i = find_if(m.begin(), m.end(), gt_42); } void g(const map<string, int>& m) { int c42 = count_if(m.begin(), m.end(), gt_42); }
3.8.5 使用成员函数的算法
void draw(Shape* p) { p->draw(); } void f(list<Shape*>& sh) { for_each(sh.begin(), sh.end(), draw); } void g(list<Shape*>& sh) { for_each(sh.begin(), sh.end(), mem_fun(&Shape::draw)); }
mem_fun 以一个到成员函数的指针为参数,产生出某种东西,使它可以对某个指向该成员所在类的指针调用。
3.8.6 标准库算法
3.9 数学
3.9.1 复数 complex模板类
3.9.2 向量算数
template<class T> valarray<T> abs(const valarray<T>&); void f(valarray<double>& aq, valarray<double>& a2) { valarray<double> a = a1 * 3.14 + a2/a1; a2 += a1*3.14; a = abs(a); double d = a2[7]; }
3.9.3 基本数值支持
3.11 忠告
第一部分 基本功能
第4章 类型和声明 2011.11.06