


1.1.1 部署Master节点etcd服务

  1. 部署etcd集群
    在hdss-12 hdss-21 hdss-22上部署
主机名 角色 ip
hdss-12.hoat.com etcd lead
hdss-21.hoat.com etcd follow
hdss-22.hoat.com etcd follow
  1. 在HDss-201上创建基于根证书的config配置文件
[root@hdss-201.host.com ~]# vim /opt/certs/ca-config.json
[root@hdss-201.host.com ~]# cat /opt/certs/ca-config.json
    "signing": {
        "default": {
            "expiry": "175200h"
        "profiles": {
            "server": {
                "expiry": "175200h",
                "usages": [
                    "key encipherment",
                    "server auth"
            "client": {
                "expiry": "175200h",
                "usages": [
                    "key encipherment",
                    "client auth"
            "peer": {				
                "expiry": "175200h",
                "usages": [
                    "key encipherment",
                    "server auth",
                    "client auth"

[root@hdss-201.host.com ~]# vim /opt/certs/etcd-peer-csr.json
[root@hdss-201.host.com ~]# cat /opt/certs/etcd-peer-csr.json
    "CN": "k8s-etcd",
    "hosts": [
        "",   #此为预留,etcd故障有这台顶替
    "key": {
        "algo": "rsa",
        "size": 2048
    "names": [
            "C": "CN",
            "ST": "guizhou",
            "L": "guiyang",
            "O": "od",
            "OU": "ops"

  1. 生成证书签名
[root@hdss-201.host.com ~]# cd /opt/certs/
[root@hdss-201.host.com /opt/certs]# cfssl gencert -ca=ca.pem -ca-key=ca-key.pem -config=ca-config.json -profile=peer etcd-peer-csr.json |cfssl-json -bare etcd-peer
2020/06/12 21:33:29 [INFO] generate received request
2020/06/12 21:33:29 [INFO] received CSR
2020/06/12 21:33:29 [INFO] generating key: rsa-2048
2020/06/12 21:33:29 [INFO] encoded CSR
2020/06/12 21:33:29 [INFO] signed certificate with serial number 699404707025414698261653929857023788138152596776
2020/06/12 21:33:29 [WARNING] This certificate lacks a "hosts" field. This makes it unsuitable for
websites. For more information see the Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management
of Publicly-Trusted Certificates, v.1.1.6, from the CA/Browser Forum (https://cabforum.org);
specifically, section 10.2.3 ("Information Requirements").
[root@hdss-201.host.com /opt/certs]# ll
total 36
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  840 Jun 12 21:24 ca-config.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  993 Jun 10 21:49 ca.csr
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  345 Jun 10 21:48 ca-csr.json
-rw------- 1 root root 1675 Jun 10 21:49 ca-key.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1346 Jun 10 21:49 ca.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1062 Jun 12 21:33 etcd-peer.csr
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  363 Jun 12 21:27 etcd-peer-csr.json
-rw------- 1 root root 1679 Jun 12 21:33 etcd-peer-key.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1428 Jun 12 21:33 etcd-peer.pem
  1. 在etcd主机上创建etcd用户
[root@hdds-12.host.com ~]# useradd -M -s /sbin/nologin etcd
[root@hdds-12.host.com ~]# id etcd 
uid=1001(etcd) gid=1001(etcd) groups=1001(etcd)
[root@hdss-21.host.com ~]# useradd -M -s /sbin/nologin etcd
[root@hdss-21.host.com ~]# id etcd
uid=1001(etcd) gid=1001(etcd) groups=1001(etcd)
[root@hdss-22.host.com ~]# useradd -M -s /sbin/nologin etcd
[root@hdss-22.host.com ~]# id etcd
uid=1001(etcd) gid=1001(etcd) groups=1001(etcd)
  1. 下载etcd
[root@hdds-12.host.com ~]# mkdir /opt/src
[root@hdds-12.host.com ~]# cd /opt/src/
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/src]# rz 
rz waiting to receive.
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/src]# ll
total 9620
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9850227 Apr 27 14:37 etcd-v3.1.20-linux-amd64.tar.gz

[root@hdds-21.host.com ~]# mkdir /opt/src
[root@hdds-21.host.com ~]# cd /opt/src/
[root@hdds-21.host.com /opt/src]# rz 
rz waiting to receive.
[root@hdds-21.host.com /opt/src]# ll
total 9620
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9850227 Apr 27 14:37 etcd-v3.1.20-linux-amd64.tar.gz
[root@hdds-22.host.com ~]# mkdir /opt/src
[root@hdds-22.host.com ~]# cd /opt/src/
[root@hdds-22.host.com /opt/src]# rz 
rz waiting to receive.
[root@hdds-22.host.com /opt/src]# ll
total 9620
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9850227 Apr 27 14:37 etcd-v3.1.20-linux-amd64.tar.gz
  1. 解压安装etcd
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/src]# tar zxf etcd-v3.1.20-linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /opt
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/src]# mv /opt/etcd-v3.1.20-linux-amd64 /opt/etcd-v3.1.20
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/src]# ln -s /opt/etcd-v3.1.20/ /opt/etcd
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/src]# ll /opt/etcd
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 Jun 12 22:00 /opt/etcd -> /opt/etcd-v3.1.20/
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/src]# ll /opt
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   root   18 Jun 12 22:00 etcd -> /opt/etcd-v3.1.20/
drwxr-xr-x 3 478493 89939 123 Oct 11  2018 etcd-v3.1.20
drwxr-xr-x 2 root   root   45 Jun 12 21:54 src

[root@hdss-21.host.com /opt/src]# tar zxf etcd-v3.1.20-linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /opt
[root@hdss-21.host.com /opt/src]# mv /opt/etcd-v3.1.20-linux-amd64 /opt/etcd-v3.1.20
[root@hdss-21.host.com /opt/src]# ln -s /opt/etcd-v3.1.20/ /opt/etcd
[root@hdss-21.host.com /opt/src]# ll /opt/etcd
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 Jun 12 22:03 /opt/etcd -> /opt/etcd-v3.1.20/
[root@hdss-21.host.com /opt/src]# ll /opt/
total 0
drwx--x--x 4 root   root   28 Jun 10 23:07 containerd
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   root   18 Jun 12 22:03 etcd -> /opt/etcd-v3.1.20/
drwxr-xr-x 3 478493 89939 123 Oct 11  2018 etcd-v3.1.20
drwxr-xr-x 2 root   root   45 Jun 12 21:56 src

[root@hdss-22.host.com /opt/src]# tar zxf etcd-v3.1.20-linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /opt
[root@hdss-22.host.com /opt/src]# mv /opt/etcd-v3.1.20-linux-amd64 /opt/etcd-v3.1.20
[root@hdss-22.host.com /opt/src]# ln -s /opt/etcd-v3.1.20/ /opt/etcd
[root@hdss-22.host.com /opt/src]# ll /opt/etcd
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 Jun 12 22:07 /opt/etcd -> /opt/etcd-v3.1.20/
[root@hdss-22.host.com /opt/src]# ll /opt/
total 0
drwx--x--x 4 root   root   28 Jun 10 23:09 containerd
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   root   18 Jun 12 22:07 etcd -> /opt/etcd-v3.1.20/
drwxr-xr-x 3 478493 89939 123 Oct 11  2018 etcd-v3.1.20
drwxr-xr-x 2 root   root   45 Jun 12 22:06 src
  1. 创建目录,拷贝证书、私钥
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/src]# mkdir -p /opt/etcd/certs /data/etcd /data/logs/etcd-server
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/src]# scp -rp hdss-201:/opt/etcd/certs/ca.pem /opt/etcd/certs/
The authenticity of host 'hdss-201 (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:bbt9sjPOENs3zK9cw7YmIo0ABuFkZnTxXbOaIdpSOo0.
ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:e5:3b:15:2e:6c:82:4b:b1:f8:45:dc:80:72:de:11:47.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes   
Warning: Permanently added 'hdss-201,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@hdss-201's password: 
scp: /opt/etcd/certs/ca.pem: No such file or directory
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/src]# scp -rp hdss-201:/opt/certs/ca.pem /opt/etcd/certs/
root@hdss-201's password: 
ca.pem                                                                                             100% 1346     1.6MB/s   00:00    
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/src]# scp -rp hdss-201:/opt/certs/etcd-peer.pem /opt/etcd/certs/
root@hdss-201's password: 
etcd-peer.pem                                                                                      100% 1428     1.1MB/s   00:00    
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/src]# scp -rp hdss-201:/opt/certs/etcd-peer-key.pem /opt/etcd/certs/
root@hdss-201's password: 
etcd-peer-key.pem                                                                                  100% 1679     1.6MB/s   00:00    
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/src]# ll /opt/etcd/certs/
total 12
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1346 Jun 10 21:49 ca.pem
-rw------- 1 root root 1679 Jun 12 21:33 etcd-peer-key.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1428 Jun 12 21:33 etcd-peer.pem
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# chown -R etcd.etcd /opt/etcd/certs /data/etcd /data/logs/etcd-server
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# ll -ld /opt/etcd/certs /data/etcd /data/logs/etcd-server
drwxr-xr-x 2 etcd etcd  6 Jun 12 22:13 /data/etcd
drwxr-xr-x 2 etcd etcd  6 Jun 12 22:13 /data/logs/etcd-server
drwxr-xr-x 2 etcd etcd 66 Jun 12 22:19 /opt/etcd/certs

#21和22 同上

  1. 创建etcd服务启动脚本IP地址改成本机IP
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/src]# cd /opt/etcd
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# ll
total 30068
drwxr-xr-x  2 root   root        66 Jun 12 22:19 certs
drwxr-xr-x 11 478493 89939     4096 Oct 11  2018 Documentation
-rwxr-xr-x  1 478493 89939 16406432 Oct 11  2018 etcd
-rwxr-xr-x  1 478493 89939 14327712 Oct 11  2018 etcdctl
-rw-r--r--  1 478493 89939    32632 Oct 11  2018 README-etcdctl.md
-rw-r--r--  1 478493 89939     5878 Oct 11  2018 README.md
-rw-r--r--  1 478493 89939     7892 Oct 11  2018 READMEv2-etcdctl.md
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# ./etcd --help  #etcd 配置可选参数

[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# cat etcd-server-startup.sh
./etcd --name etcd-server-12 \
       --data-dir /data/etcd/etcd-server \
       --listen-peer-urls \
       --listen-client-urls, \
       --quota-backend-bytes 8000000000 \
       --initial-advertise-peer-urls \
       --advertise-client-urls, \
       --initial-cluster  etcd-server-12=,etcd-server-21=,etcd-server-22= \
       --ca-file ./certs/ca.pem \  #注意这里指定的目录是相对目录
       --cert-file ./certs/etcd-peer.pem \
       --key-file ./certs/etcd-peer-key.pem \
       --client-cert-auth  \
       --trusted-ca-file ./certs/ca.pem \
       --peer-ca-file ./certs/ca.pem \
       --peer-cert-file ./certs/etcd-peer.pem \
       --peer-key-file ./certs/etcd-peer-key.pem \
       --peer-client-cert-auth \
       --peer-trusted-ca-file ./certs/ca.pem \
       --log-output stdout
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# chmod +x /opt/etcd/etcd-server-startup.sh 
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# chown -R etcd.etcd /opt/etcd-v3.1.20/ #注意更改的是源目录不是link目录
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# ll /opt/etcd-v3.1.20/
total 30072
drwxr-xr-x  2 etcd etcd       66 Jun 12 22:19 certs
drwxr-xr-x 11 etcd etcd     4096 Oct 11  2018 Documentation
-rwxr-xr-x  1 etcd etcd 16406432 Oct 11  2018 etcd
-rwxr-xr-x  1 etcd etcd 14327712 Oct 11  2018 etcdctl
-rwxr-xr-x  1 etcd etcd      977 Jun 12 22:46 etcd-server-startup.sh
-rw-r--r--  1 etcd etcd    32632 Oct 11  2018 README-etcdctl.md
-rw-r--r--  1 etcd etcd     5878 Oct 11  2018 README.md
-rw-r--r--  1 etcd etcd     7892 Oct 11  2018 READMEv2-etcdctl.md
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# ll -d /opt/etcd-v3.1.20/
drwxr-xr-x 4 etcd etcd 166 Jun 12 22:46 /opt/etcd-v3.1.20/

  1. 下载supervisor使etcd后端运行
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# yum install supervisor -y
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# systemctl start supervisord
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# systemctl enable supervisord
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/supervisord.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/supervisord.service.
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# systemctl status supervisord
● supervisord.service - Process Monitoring and Control Daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/supervisord.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-06-12 23:16:46 CST; 40s ago
 Main PID: 6557 (supervisord)
   CGroup: /system.slice/supervisord.service
           └─6557 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/supervisord -c /etc/supervisord.conf

Jun 12 23:16:46 hdds-12.host.com systemd[1]: Starting Process Monitoring and Control Daemon...
Jun 12 23:16:46 hdds-12.host.com systemd[1]: Started Process Monitoring and Control Daemon.

[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# vim /etc/supervisord.d/etcd-server.ini
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# cat /etc/supervisord.d/etcd-server.ini
[program:etcd-server-12]  #注意这里如果是放在21 22 上要改成21 22
command=/opt/etcd/etcd-server-startup.sh                        ; the program (relative uses PATH, can take args)	
numprocs=1                                                      ; number of processes copies to start (def 1)
directory=/opt/etcd                                             ; directory to cwd to before exec (def no cwd)
autostart=true                                                  ; start at supervisord start (default: true)
autorestart=true                                                ; retstart at unexpected quit (default: true)
startsecs=30                                                    ; number of secs prog must stay running (def. 1)
startretries=3                                                  ; max # of serial start failures (default 3)
exitcodes=0,2                                                   ; 'expected' exit codes for process (default 0,2)
stopsignal=QUIT                                                 ; signal used to kill process (default TERM)
stopwaitsecs=10                                                 ; max num secs to wait b4 SIGKILL (default 10)
user=etcd                                                       ; setuid to this UNIX account to run the program
redirect_stderr=true                                            ; redirect proc stderr to stdout (default false)
stdout_logfile=/data/logs/etcd-server/etcd.stdout.log           ; stdout log path, NONE for none; default AUTO
stdout_logfile_maxbytes=64MB                                    ; max # logfile bytes b4 rotation (default 50MB)
stdout_logfile_backups=4                                        ; # of stdout logfile backups (default 10)
stdout_capture_maxbytes=1MB                                     ; number of bytes in 'capturemode' (default 0)
stdout_events_enabled=false                                     ; emit events on stdout writes (default false)
  1. 创建后端启动etcd
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# supervisorctl update
etcd-server-12: added process group
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# supervisorctl status
etcd-server-12                   STARTING  
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# netstat -luntp|grep etcd
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      6590/./etcd         
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      6590/./etcd         
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      6590/./etcd   

  1. 检查集群节点
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# ./etcdctl cluster-health
member 6cbdd801d2c800d9 is healthy: got healthy result from
member 74538ef5dc383e39 is healthy: got healthy result from
member f7a9c20602b8532e is healthy: got healthy result from
cluster is healthy

[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# ./etcdctl member list
6cbdd801d2c800d9: name=etcd-server-21 peerURLs= clientURLs=, isLeader=false
74538ef5dc383e39: name=etcd-server-22 peerURLs= clientURLs=, isLeader=true
f7a9c20602b8532e: name=etcd-server-12 peerURLs= clientURLs=, isLeader=false
  1. 命令软连接
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# ln -s /opt/etcd/etcdctl /usr/sbin/etcdctl 
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# ln -s /opt/etcd/etcdctl /usr/bin/etcdctl
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# ln -s /opt/etcd/etcd /usr/bin/etcd 
[root@hdds-12.host.com /opt/etcd]# ln -s /opt/etcd/etcd /usr/sbin/etcd
posted @ 2020-06-13 00:17  海上月  阅读(97)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报