usaco training 解题表格
嘛一个多月就干了这丁点事情= =,实在是惭愧,惭愧
Chapter 1
Section 1.1
解: 基本的模拟题
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: ride 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 program ride_1_1; 7 const 8 {inf='0.txt'; 9 ouf='';} 10 inf=''; 11 ouf='ride.out'; 12 mo=47; 13 var 14 st1, st2: string; 15 num1, num2: longint; 16 procedure init; 17 begin 18 read(st1); readln; 19 read(st2); readln; 20 end; 21 22 procedure main; 23 var 24 i: longint; 25 begin 26 num1 := 1; num2 := 1; 27 for i := 1 to length(st1) do 28 num1 := num1 * (ord(st1[i]) - 64); 29 for i := 1 to length(st2) do 30 num2 := num2 * (ord(st2[i]) - 64); 31 num1 := num1 mod mo; 32 num2 := num2 mod mo; 33 end; 34 35 procedure print; 36 begin 37 if num1=num2 then writeln('GO') 38 else writeln('STAY'); 39 end; 40 41 begin 42 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 43 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 44 init; 45 main; 46 print; 47 close(input); close(output); 48 end.
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: gift1 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 program gift1_1_1; 7 const 8 {inf='0.txt'; 9 ouf=''; } 10 inf=''; 11 ouf='gift1.out'; 12 13 maxnp=11; 14 type 15 data=record 16 now, been: longint; 17 names: string; 18 end; 19 var 20 a: array[0..maxnp]of data; 21 np: longint; 22 function find(x: string): longint; 23 begin 24 find := 0; 25 while true do begin 26 inc(find); 27 if a[find].names=x then exit(find); 28 end; 29 end; 30 31 procedure init; 32 var 33 i, t, mon, num, j, k, give, m: longint; 34 tmp: string; 35 begin 36 fillchar(a, sizeof(a), 0); 37 readln(np); 38 for i := 1 to np do with a[i] do begin 39 read(names); readln; 40 end; 41 for i := 1 to np do begin 42 read(tmp); readln; 43 t := find(tmp); 44 with a[t] do begin 45 readln(mon, num); 46 if num<>0 then begin 47 give := mon div num; 48 m := mon mod num; 49 end 50 else begin 51 give := 0; 52 m := mon; 53 end; 54 inc(been, m); 55 now := mon -m ; 56 57 for j := 1 to num do begin 58 read(tmp); readln; 59 k := find(tmp); 60 inc(a[k].been, give); 61 end; 62 end; 63 end; 64 end; 65 66 procedure main; 67 var 68 i: longint; 69 begin 70 for i := 1 to np do with a[i] do begin 71 been := been - now; 72 end; 73 end; 74 75 procedure print; 76 var 77 i: longint; 78 begin 79 for i := 1 to np do with a[i] do begin 80 writeln(names, ' ', been); 81 end; 82 end; 83 84 begin 85 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 86 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 87 init; 88 main; 89 print; 90 close(input); close(output); 91 end.
解:处理平润年,安装月份进行mod运算得出结果,mod 7所余即为星期前进的日数
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: friday 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 program friday_1_1; 7 const 8 {inf='0.txt'; 9 ouf=''; } 10 11 inf=''; 12 ouf='friday.out'; 13 14 start=1900; 15 var 16 n: longint; 17 a: array[1..7]of longint; 18 function get(year, month: longint): longint; 19 begin 20 case month of 21 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12: exit(31); 22 4, 6, 9, 11: exit(30); 23 2: 24 begin 25 if (year mod 400 = 0) or ((year mod 4=0)and(year mod 100<>0)) then exit(29) 26 else exit(28); 27 end; 28 end; 29 end; 30 31 procedure init; 32 begin 33 readln(n); 34 fillchar(a, sizeof(a), 0); 35 end; 36 37 procedure main; 38 var 39 i, j, date: longint; 40 begin 41 date := 1; 42 for i := start to start+n-1 do begin 43 for j := 1 to 12 do begin 44 date := (date + 12)mod 7; if date=0 then date := 7; 45 inc(a[date]); 46 date := (date + get(i, j) - 13 + 1) mod 7; if date=0 then date := 7; 47 end; 48 end; 49 end; 50 51 procedure print; 52 var 53 i: longint; 54 begin 55 write(a[6],' ',a[7]); 56 for i := 1 to 5 do write(' ', a[i]); 57 writeln; 58 end; 59 60 begin 61 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 62 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 63 64 init; 65 main; 66 print; 67 68 close(input); close(output); 69 end.
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: beads 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 program beads; 7 const 8 {inf='0.txt'; 9 ouf=''; } 10 11 inf=''; 12 ouf='beads.out'; 13 14 maxn=351; 15 var 16 n, ans: longint; 17 a: array[0..maxn]of longint; 18 procedure init; 19 var 20 i: longint; 21 c: char; 22 begin 23 ans := 0; 24 readln(n); 25 for i := 1 to n do begin 26 read(c); 27 case c of 28 'r': a[i] := 0; 29 'w': a[i] := 1; 30 'b': a[i] := 2; 31 end; 32 end; 33 readln; 34 end; 35 36 procedure main; 37 var 38 tmp, k, i, j, left, right, from: longint; 39 begin 40 for k := 1 to n do begin 41 i := k-1; j := k; 42 tmp := 2; 43 if i=0 then i := n; 44 from := a[i]; 45 while tmp<n do begin 46 if i=0 then i := n; 47 left := i - 1; if left=0 then left := n; 48 if (from=1)and(a[left]<>1) then from := a[left]; 49 if (from=a[left])or(a[left]=1) then begin 50 inc(tmp); dec(i); 51 end 52 else break; 53 end; 54 from := a[j]; 55 while tmp<n do begin 56 if j=n+1 then j := 1; 57 right := j mod n + 1; 58 if (from=1)and(a[right]<>1) then from := a[right]; 59 if (from=a[right])or(a[right]=1) then begin 60 inc(tmp); inc(j); 61 end 62 else break; 63 end; 64 if tmp>ans then ans := tmp; 65 if ans=n then exit; 66 end; 67 end; 68 69 procedure print; 70 begin 71 writeln(ans); 72 end; 73 74 begin 75 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 76 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 77 init; 78 main; 79 print; 80 close(input); close(output); 81 end.
Section 1.2
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: milk2 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 {inf='0.txt'; 8 ouf=''; 9 } 10 inf=''; 11 ouf='milk2.out'; 12 13 maxn=5011; 14 type 15 data=record 16 st, ed: longint; 17 end; 18 var 19 n: longint; 20 a: array[0..maxn]of data; 21 procedure qsort(b, e: longint); 22 var 23 i, j, x: longint; 24 k: data; 25 begin 26 i := b; j := e; x := a[(i+j)>>1].st; 27 repeat 28 while a[i].st < x do inc(i); 29 while a[j].st > x do dec(j); 30 if i<=j then begin 31 k := a[i]; a[i] := a[j]; a[j] := k; 32 inc(i); dec(j); 33 end; 34 until i>j; 35 if j>b then qsort(b, j); 36 if i<e then qsort(i, e); 37 end; 38 39 procedure init; 40 var 41 i: longint; 42 begin 43 readln(n); 44 for i := 1 to n do with a[i] do readln(st, ed); 45 qsort(1, n); 46 end; 47 48 procedure main; 49 var 50 i: longint; 51 begin 52 for i := 2 to n do begin 53 if a[i].st <= a[i-1].ed then begin 54 if a[i].ed < a[i-1].ed then a[i] := a[i-1] 55 else a[i].st := a[i-1].st; 56 a[i-1].st := maxlongint; 57 a[i-1].ed := maxlongint; 58 end; 59 end; 60 qsort(1, n); 61 while n>1 do 62 if a[n].st = maxlongint then dec(n) 63 else break; 64 end; 65 66 procedure print; 67 var 68 i, ans1, ans2: longint; 69 begin 70 ans1 := 0; ans2 := 0; 71 for i := 1 to n do with a[i] do begin 72 if ed-st > ans1 then ans1 := ed - st; 73 if i=1 then continue; 74 if a[i].st - a[i-1].ed > ans2 then ans2 := a[i].st - a[i-1].ed; 75 end; 76 writeln(ans1, ' ', ans2); 77 end; 78 79 begin 80 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 81 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 82 init; 83 main; 84 print; 85 close(input); close(output); 86 end.
1 { 2 NAME:lu.shan2 3 PROG:transform 4 LANG:PASCAL 5 } 6 type 7 data=array[1..10,1..10]of char; 8 var 9 a,b,c:data; 10 n,rec:integer; 11 procedure init; 12 var 13 i,j:integer; 14 begin 15 readln(n); 16 for i:=1 to n do 17 begin 18 for j:=1 to n do read(a[i][j]); 19 readln; 20 end; 21 for i:=1 to n do 22 begin 23 for j:=1 to n do read(b[i][j]); 24 readln; 25 end; 26 end; 27 28 function check6(a:data):boolean; 29 var 30 i,j:integer; 31 begin 32 check6:=true; 33 for i:=1 to n do 34 for j:=1 to n do if a[i][j]<>b[i][j] then 35 begin 36 check6:=false; 37 break; 38 end; 39 end; 40 41 procedure print(n:integer); 42 begin 43 writeln(n); 44 halt; 45 end; 46 47 procedure doit(var c:data); 48 var 49 i,j:integer; 50 begin 51 for i:=1 to n do 52 for j:=1 to n do c[i][n-j+1]:=a[i][j]; 53 end; 54 55 function check1(a:data):boolean; 56 var 57 i,j:integer; 58 begin 59 check1:=true; 60 for i:=1 to n do 61 for j:=1 to n do 62 if a[i][j]<>b[j][n-i+1] then exit(false); 63 end; 64 65 function check2(a:data):boolean; 66 var 67 i,j:integer; 68 begin 69 check2:=true; 70 for i:=1 to n do 71 for j:=1 to n do 72 if a[i][j]<>b[n-i+1][n-j+1] then exit(false); 73 end; 74 75 function check3(a:data):boolean; 76 var 77 i,j:integer; 78 begin 79 check3:=true; 80 for i:=1 to n do 81 for j:=1 to n do 82 if a[i][j]<>b[n-j+1][i] then exit(false); 83 end; 84 85 procedure key; 86 var 87 i,j:integer; 88 f:boolean; 89 begin 90 91 {else __________________________begin} 92 if check1(a) then print(1); 93 if check2(a) then print(2); 94 if check3(a) then print(3); 95 c:=b; 96 doit(c); {reflected horizontally} 97 if check6(c) then print(4); 98 {5} 99 if (check1(c))or(check2(c))or(check3(c)) then print(5); 100 {else _________________________end} 101 102 if check6(a) then print(6); 103 104 {write #7_______________________} 105 writeln(7); 106 end; 107 108 begin 109 assign(input,''); 110 reset(input); 111 assign(output,'transform.out'); 112 rewrite(output); 113 114 init; 115 key; 116 117 close(input); 118 close(output); 119 end.
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: namenum 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 //inf=''; 8 //ouf=''; } 9 10 inf=''; 11 ouf='namenum.out'; 12 13 maxn=5011; 14 type 15 data=record 16 st: string; 17 number: int64; 18 end; 19 var 20 a: array[0..5000]of data; 21 num, ask: int64; 22 23 procedure before; 24 var 25 i, tmp: longint; 26 begin 27 num := 0; 28 assign(input,'dict.txt'); reset(input); 29 while not seekeof do begin 30 inc(num); 31 readln(a[num].st); 32 if a[num].st='KRISTOPHER' then begin 33 i := i; 34 end; 35 with a[num] do begin 36 number := 0; 37 for i := 1 to length(st) do begin 38 case st[i] of 39 'A'..'C':tmp := 2; 40 'D'..'F':tmp := 3; 41 'G'..'I':tmp := 4; 42 'J'..'L':tmp := 5; 43 'M'..'O':tmp := 6; 44 'P'..'S':tmp := 7; 45 'T'..'V':tmp := 8; 46 'W'..'Y':tmp := 9; 47 end; 48 number := number * 10 + tmp; 49 end; 50 end; 51 end; 52 close(input); 53 end; 54 55 function find(x: int64): longint; 56 var 57 i: longint; 58 f: boolean; 59 begin 60 f := true; 61 for i := 1 to num do if x=a[i].number then begin 62 writeln(a[i].st); 63 f := false; 64 end; 65 if f then exit(-1); 66 end; 67 68 procedure main; 69 var 70 ans: longint; 71 begin 72 while not seekeof do begin 73 readln(ask); 74 ans := find(ask); 75 if ans=-1 then writeln('NONE') 76 end; 77 end; 78 79 begin 80 before; 81 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 82 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 83 main; 84 close(input); close(output); 85 end.
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: palsquare 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 8 inf=''; 9 ouf='palsquare.out'; 10 { 11 inf=''; 12 ouf=''; } 13 type 14 data=array[0..100]of longint; 15 var 16 b: longint; 17 18 procedure init; 19 begin readln(b); end; 20 21 function change(x: longint): data; 22 var 23 i: longint; 24 begin 25 fillchar(change, sizeof(change), 0); 26 while x>0 do begin 27 inc(change[0]); 28 change[change[0]] := x mod b; 29 x := x div b; 30 end; 31 end; 32 33 function check(x: data): boolean; 34 var 35 i, j: longint; 36 begin 37 i := 1; j := x[0]; 38 while i<=j do begin 39 if x[i]<>x[j] then exit(false); 40 inc(i); dec(j); 41 end; 42 exit(true); 43 end; 44 45 procedure print(x: data); 46 var 47 i: longint; 48 begin 49 for i := x[0] downto 1 do begin 50 if x[i]<10 then write(x[i]) 51 else write(chr(55+x[i])); 52 end; 53 end; 54 55 procedure main; 56 var 57 state: longint; 58 tmp, turn: data; 59 begin 60 for state := 1 to 300 do begin 61 tmp := change(state); 62 turn := change(state*state); 63 if check(turn) then begin 64 print(tmp); 65 write(' '); 66 print(turn); 67 writeln; 68 end; 69 end; 70 end; 71 72 begin 73 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 74 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 75 init; 76 main; 77 close(input); close(output); 78 end.
解:暴力= =(其实我两次做都因为怕超时犹豫了很久..
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: dualpal 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 {inf=''; 8 ouf='';} 9 10 inf=''; 11 ouf='dualpal.out'; 12 13 type 14 data=array[0..100]of longint; 15 var 16 n, s: longint; 17 procedure init; 18 begin 19 readln(n, s); 20 end; 21 22 function change(x, b: longint): data; 23 begin 24 change[0] := 0; 25 while x>0 do begin 26 inc(change[0]); 27 change[change[0]] := x mod b; 28 x := x div b; 29 end; 30 end; 31 32 function check(x: data): boolean; 33 var 34 i, j: longint; 35 begin 36 i := 1; j := x[0]; 37 while i<=j do begin 38 if x[i]<>x[j] then exit(false); 39 inc(i); dec(j); 40 end; 41 exit(true); 42 end; 43 44 procedure main; 45 var 46 tmp: data; 47 tot, i: longint; 48 begin 49 while n>0 do begin 50 inc(s); 51 tot := 0; 52 for i := 2 to 10 do begin 53 tmp := change(s, i); 54 if check(tmp) then inc(tot); 55 if tot > 1 then begin 56 writeln(s); 57 dec(n); 58 break; 59 end; 60 end; 61 end; 62 end; 63 64 begin 65 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 66 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 67 init; 68 main; 69 close(input); close(output); 70 end.
Section 1.3
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: milk 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 maxp=5001; 8 {inf='0.txt'; 9 ouf=''; } 10 11 inf=''; 12 ouf='milk.out'; 13 14 type 15 data=record 16 num, cost: longint; 17 end; 18 var 19 a: array[0..maxp]of data; 20 n, m, ans: longint; 21 procedure qsort(b, e: longint); 22 var 23 i, j, x: longint; 24 k: data; 25 begin 26 i := b; j := e; x := a[(i+j)>>1].cost; 27 repeat 28 while a[i].cost < x do inc(i); 29 while a[j].cost > x do dec(j); 30 if i<=j then begin 31 k := a[i]; a[i] := a[j]; a[j] := k; 32 inc(i); dec(j); 33 end; 34 until i>j; 35 if j>b then qsort(b, j); 36 if i<e then qsort(i, e); 37 end; 38 39 procedure init; 40 var 41 i: longint; 42 begin 43 readln(n, m); 44 for i := 1 to m do with a[i] do readln(cost, num); 45 qsort(1, m); 46 end; 47 48 procedure main; 49 var 50 i: longint; 51 begin 52 i := 0; 53 ans := 0; 54 while n>0 do begin 55 inc(i); 56 with a[i] do begin 57 if num > n then ans := ans + n * cost 58 else ans := ans + num * cost; 59 n := n - num; 60 end; 61 end; 62 end; 63 64 procedure print; 65 begin 66 writeln(ans); 67 end; 68 69 begin 70 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 71 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 72 init; 73 main; 74 print; 75 close(input); close(output); 76 end.
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: barn1 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 maxs=201; 8 {inf='0.txt'; 9 ouf=''; } 10 11 inf=''; 12 ouf='barn1.out'; 13 14 var 15 a, key: array[0..maxs]of longint; 16 ans, c, m, s: longint; 17 procedure qsort(b, e: longint); 18 var 19 i, j, k, x: longint; 20 begin 21 i := b; j := e; x := a[(i+j)>>1]; 22 repeat 23 while a[i] < x do inc(i); 24 while a[j] > x do dec(j); 25 if i<=j then begin 26 k := a[i]; a[i] := a[j]; a[j] := k; 27 inc(i); dec(j); 28 end; 29 until i>j; 30 if j>b then qsort(b, j); 31 if i<e then qsort(i, e); 32 end; 33 34 procedure sort(b, e: longint); 35 var 36 i, j, k, x: longint; 37 begin 38 i := b; j := e; x := key[(i+j)>>1]; 39 repeat 40 while key[i] > x do inc(i); 41 while key[j] < x do dec(j); 42 if i<=j then begin 43 k := key[i]; key[i] := key[j]; key[j] := k; 44 inc(i); dec(j); 45 end; 46 until i>j; 47 if j>b then sort(b, j); 48 if i<e then sort(i, e); 49 end; 50 51 procedure init; 52 var 53 i: longint; 54 begin 55 readln(m, s, c); 56 for i := 1 to c do readln(a[i]); 57 qsort(1, c); 58 end; 59 60 procedure main; 61 var 62 i: longint; 63 begin 64 ans := a[c] - a[1] + 1; 65 for i := 2 to c do key[i-1] := a[i] - a[i-1] - 1; 66 sort(1, c-1); 67 for i := 1 to m-1 do ans := ans - key[i]; 68 end; 69 70 71 procedure print; 72 begin 73 writeln(ans); 74 end; 75 76 begin 77 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 78 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 79 init; 80 main; 81 print; 82 close(input); close(output); 83 end.
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: calfflac 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 {inf='0.txt'; 8 ouf=''; } 9 10 inf=''; 11 ouf='calfflac.out'; 12 13 maxn=20111; 14 var 15 a, b: array[0..maxn]of char; 16 ans, len, st, ed, max: longint; 17 ccc: set of char; 18 procedure init; 19 var 20 i: longint; 21 begin 22 len := 0; st := 0; ed := 0; max := 0; 23 ans := 0; 24 while not seekeof do begin 25 inc(len); read(a[len]); 26 end; 27 ccc := ['a'..'z']; 28 b := a; 29 for i := 1 to len do 30 if a[i] in ['A'..'Z'] then a[i] := chr(ord(a[i])+32); 31 end; 32 33 procedure main; 34 var 35 i, s, left, right, tmp1, tmp2: longint; 36 begin 37 for i := 1 to len do begin 38 if a[i]='b' then begin 39 a[i] := a[i]; 40 end; 41 left := i; right := i; 42 s := -1; 43 tmp1 := left; tmp2 := right; 44 while (tmp1>0)and(left<=len) do begin 45 while (not(a[tmp1] in ccc))and(tmp1>0) do dec(tmp1); 46 while (not(a[tmp2] in ccc))and(tmp2<len+1) do inc(tmp2); 47 if a[tmp1]=a[tmp2] then begin 48 left := tmp1; right := tmp2; 49 inc(s, 2); 50 end 51 else break; 52 dec(tmp1); inc(tmp2); 53 end; 54 if s > ans then begin 55 ans := s; 56 st := left; ed := right; 57 end; 58 left := i; right := i+1; 59 s := 0; 60 tmp1 := left; tmp2 := right; 61 while (tmp1>0)and(left<=len) do begin 62 while (not(a[tmp1] in ccc))and(tmp1>0) do dec(tmp1); 63 while (not(a[tmp2] in ccc))and(tmp2<len+1) do inc(tmp2); 64 if a[tmp1]=a[tmp2] then begin 65 left := tmp1; right := tmp2; 66 inc(s, 2); 67 end 68 else break; 69 dec(tmp1); inc(tmp2); 70 end; 71 if s > ans then begin 72 ans := s; 73 st := left; ed := right; 74 end; 75 end; 76 end; 77 78 procedure print; 79 var 80 i: longint; 81 begin 82 writeln(ans); 83 for i := st to ed do write(b[i]); 84 writeln; 85 end; 86 87 88 begin 89 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 90 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 91 init; 92 main; 93 print; 94 close(input); close(output); 95 end.
解:爆搜啊 = =,有心情剪剪枝
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: crypt1 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 inf=''; 8 ouf='crypt1.out'; 9 var 10 f: array[0..9]of boolean; 11 n, ans: longint; 12 procedure init; 13 var 14 i, tmp: longint; 15 begin 16 readln(n); 17 fillchar(f, sizeof(f), true); 18 for i := 1 to n do begin 19 read(tmp); 20 f[tmp] := false; 21 end; 22 ans := 0; 23 end; 24 25 function check(x: longint): boolean; 26 begin 27 while x>0 do begin 28 if f[x mod 10] then exit(false); 29 x := x div 10; 30 end; 31 exit(true); 32 end; 33 34 procedure main; 35 var 36 i, j, a, b, c: longint; 37 begin 38 for i := 11 to 99 do 39 if check(i) then 40 for j := 111 to 999 do 41 if j*i<10000 then 42 if check(j) then begin 43 if (i mod 10 * j <1000)and(check(i mod 10 * j)) then 44 if (true)and(check(i div 10*j)) then 45 if check(i*j) then inc(ans); 46 end; 47 end; 48 49 procedure print; 50 begin 51 writeln(ans); 52 end; 53 54 begin 55 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 56 assign(output,ouf);rewrite(output); 57 init; 58 main; 59 print; 60 close(input); close(output); 61 62 end.
Section 1.4
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: packrec 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 inf=''; 8 ouf='packrec.out'; 9 type 10 data=record 11 x, y: longint; 12 end; 13 var 14 a, b: array[1..4]of data; 15 ans: array[1..1000]of data; 16 visit: array[1..4]of boolean; 17 kok, s, tot: longint; 18 function _max(a, b: longint): longint; 19 begin if a>b then exit(a) else exit(b); end; 20 21 procedure init; 22 var 23 i: longint; 24 begin 25 for i := 1 to 4 do with a[i] do readln(x, y); 26 s := maxlongint; 27 tot := 0; 28 fillchar(visit, sizeof(visit), 0); 29 end; 30 31 procedure qsort(b, e: longint); 32 var 33 i, j, x: longint; 34 kok: data; 35 begin 36 i := b; j := e; x := ans[(i+j)>>1].x; 37 repeat 38 while ans[i].x < x do inc(i); 39 while ans[j].x > x do dec(j); 40 if i<=j then begin 41 kok := ans[i]; ans[i] := ans[j]; ans[j] := kok; 42 inc(i); dec(j); 43 end; 44 until i>j; 45 if j>b then qsort(b, j); 46 if i<e then qsort(i, e); 47 end; 48 49 procedure turn; 50 var 51 i: longint; 52 begin 53 for i := 1 to tot do with ans[i] do 54 if x>y then begin 55 kok := x; x := y; y := kok; 56 end; 57 qsort(1, tot); 58 end; 59 60 procedure check(xx, yy: longint); 61 begin 62 if xx*yy<s then begin 63 s := xx*yy; 64 tot := 1; 65 with ans[tot] do begin 66 x := xx; y := yy; 67 end; 68 end 69 else if xx*yy=s then begin 70 inc(tot); 71 with ans[tot] do begin 72 x := xx; y := yy; 73 end; 74 end; 75 end; 76 77 procedure updata; //1 2 78 var //3 4 79 x, y: longint; 80 begin 81 x := b[1].x + b[2].x + b[3].x + b[4].x; 82 y := _max(_max(b[1].y, b[2].y), _max(b[3].y, b[4].y)); 83 check(x, y); 84 x := _max(b[1].x+b[2].x+b[3].x, b[4].x); 85 y := b[4].y + _max(b[1].y, _max(b[2].y, b[3].y)); 86 check(x, y); 87 x := _max(b[1].x+b[2].x, b[4].x) + b[3].x; 88 y := _max(_max(b[1].y, b[2].y)+b[4].y, b[3].y); 89 check(x, y); 90 x := b[1].x + _max(b[2].x, b[4].x) + b[3].x; 91 y := _max(_max(b[1].y, b[3].y), b[2].y+b[4].y); 92 check(x, y); 93 x := _max(b[1].x, b[4].x) + b[2].x + b[3].x; 94 y := _max(_max(b[1].y+b[4].y, b[2].y), b[3].y); 95 check(x, y); 96 if (b[1].x>b[3].x)and(b[3].y>=b[4].y) then x := _max(b[1].x+b[2].x, b[3].x+b[4].x) 97 else x := _max(b[1].x, b[3].x)+_max(b[2].x, b[4].x); 98 y := _max(b[1].y+b[3].y, b[2].y+b[4].y); 99 check(x, y); 100 end; 101 102 procedure search(k: longint); 103 var 104 i: longint; 105 begin 106 if k>4 then begin 107 updata; 108 exit; 109 end; 110 for i := 1 to 4 do if not visit[i] then begin 111 visit[i] := true; 112 b[k] := a[i]; 113 search(k+1); 114 with b[k] do begin 115 kok := x; x := y; y := kok; 116 end; 117 search(k+1); 118 visit[i] := false; 119 end; 120 end; 121 122 procedure main; 123 begin 124 search(1); 125 turn; 126 end; 127 128 procedure print; 129 var 130 i: longint; 131 begin 132 writeln(s); 133 for i := 1 to tot do with ans[i] do begin 134 if i>1 then if (ans[i].x=ans[i-1].x)and(ans[i].y=ans[i-1].y) then continue; 135 writeln(x,' ', y); 136 end; 137 end; 138 139 begin 140 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 141 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 142 init; 143 main; 144 print; 145 close(input); close(output); 146 end.
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: clocks 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 inf=''; 8 ouf='clocks.out'; 9 type 10 data=array[1..9]of longint; 11 var 12 ans, g: data; 13 f: array[1..9]of longint; 14 key: array[1..9, 0..5]of longint=( 15 (4, 1, 2, 4, 5, 0), 16 (3, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0), 17 (4, 2, 3, 5, 6, 0), 18 (3, 1, 4, 7, 0, 0), 19 (5, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8), 20 (3, 3, 6, 9, 0, 0), 21 (4, 4, 5, 7, 8, 0), 22 (3, 7, 8, 9, 0, 0), 23 (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 0) 24 ); 25 procedure init; 26 var 27 i: longint; 28 begin 29 fillchar(f, sizeof(f), 0); 30 fillchar(ans, sizeof(ans), 0); 31 for i := 1 to 9 do read(g[i]); 32 end; 33 34 procedure print(tot: longint); 35 var 36 i, j: longint; 37 begin 38 for i := 1 to 9 do if ans[i]>0 then break; 39 write(i); 40 dec(ans[i]); 41 for i := 1 to 9 do 42 for j := 1 to ans[i] do write(' ', i); 43 writeln; 44 close(input); close(output); 45 halt; 46 end; 47 48 function check: boolean; 49 var 50 i: longint; 51 begin 52 for i := 1 to 9 do if (g[i]<>0)and(g[i]<>12) then exit(false); 53 exit(true); 54 end; 55 56 procedure doit(x: longint); 57 var 58 i: longint; 59 begin 60 for i := 1 to key[x, 0] do 61 g[key[x, i]] := (g[key[x, i]] + 3) mod 12; 62 end; 63 64 procedure main(k: longint); 65 var 66 i, j, l: longint; 67 tmp: data; 68 begin 69 if check then print(9); 70 if k>9 then exit; 71 for i := 0 to 3 do begin 72 ans[k] := i; 73 tmp := g; 74 for j := 1 to i do doit(k); 75 main(k+1); 76 g := tmp; 77 ans[k] := 0; 78 end; 79 end; 80 81 begin 82 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 83 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 84 init; 85 main(1); 86 end.
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: ariprog 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 inf=''; 8 ouf='ariprog.out'; 9 maxans=10011; 10 maxm=251; 11 type 12 data=record 13 a, b: longint; 14 end; 15 var 16 ans: array[0..maxans]of data; 17 f: array[0..maxm*maxm*2]of boolean; 18 cnt, tot, m, n: longint; 19 20 procedure init; 21 var 22 i, j: longint; 23 begin 24 cnt := 0; tot := 0; 25 readln(n); 26 readln(m); 27 fillchar(f, sizeof(f), 0); 28 for i := 0 to m do 29 for j := 0 to m do f[i*i+j*j] := true; 30 end; 31 32 procedure main; 33 var 34 a, b, i, j: longint; 35 flag: boolean; 36 begin 37 for i := 0 to (m*m*2) do if f[i] then begin 38 a := i; 39 for b := 1 to (m*m*2-a) div (n-1) do begin 40 flag := true; 41 for j := 1 to n-1 do 42 if not f[a+j*b] then begin 43 flag := false; 44 break; 45 end; 46 if flag then begin 47 inc(cnt); 48 ans[cnt].a := a; 49 ans[cnt].b := b; 50 end; 51 end; 52 end; 53 54 end; 55 56 procedure sort(b, e: longint); 57 var 58 i, j, x1, x2: longint; 59 kok: data; 60 begin 61 i := b; j := e; x1 := ans[(i+j)>>1].b; x2 := ans[(i+j)>>1].a; 62 repeat 63 while (ans[i].b<x1)or((ans[i].b=x1)and(ans[i].a<x2)) do inc(i); 64 while (ans[j].b>x1)or((ans[j].b=x1)and(ans[j].a>x2)) do dec(j); 65 if i<=j then begin 66 kok := ans[i]; ans[i] := ans[j]; ans[j] := kok; 67 inc(i); dec(j); 68 end; 69 until i>j; 70 if j>b then sort(b, j); 71 if i<e then sort(i, e); 72 end; 73 74 procedure print; 75 var 76 i: longint; 77 begin 78 sort(1, cnt); 79 for i := 1 to cnt do with ans[i] do writeln(a, ' ', b); 80 if cnt=0 then writeln('NONE'); 81 end; 82 83 begin 84 assign(input, inf); reset(input); 85 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 86 init; 87 main; 88 print; 89 close(input); close(output); 90 end.
解:状态广搜,记录方案好疼= =
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: milk3 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 inf=''; 8 ouf='milk3.out'; 9 var 10 f: array[0..20, 0..20, 0..20]of boolean; 11 a, b, c: longint; 12 procedure init; 13 begin 14 fillchar(f, sizeof(f), 0); 15 readln(a, b, c); 16 end; 17 18 procedure search(aa, bb, cc: longint); 19 var 20 tmp: longint; 21 begin 22 f[aa, bb, cc] := true; 23 tmp := a-aa; 24 if cc<tmp then tmp := cc; 25 if not f[aa+tmp, bb, cc-tmp] then search(aa+tmp, bb, cc-tmp); 26 tmp := a-aa; 27 if bb<tmp then tmp := bb; 28 if not f[aa+tmp, bb-tmp, cc] then search(aa+tmp, bb-tmp, cc); 29 tmp := b-bb; 30 if cc<tmp then tmp := cc; 31 if not f[aa, bb+tmp, cc-tmp] then search(aa, bb+tmp, cc-tmp); 32 tmp := b-bb; 33 if aa<tmp then tmp := aa; 34 if not f[aa-tmp, bb+tmp, cc] then search(aa-tmp, bb+tmp, cc); 35 tmp := c-cc; 36 if aa<tmp then tmp := aa; 37 if not f[aa-tmp, bb, cc+tmp] then search(aa-tmp, bb, cc+tmp); 38 tmp := c-cc; 39 if bb<tmp then tmp := bb; 40 if not f[aa, bb-tmp, cc+tmp] then search(aa, bb-tmp, cc+tmp); 41 42 end; 43 44 function first: longint; 45 var 46 i, j, k: longint; 47 begin 48 for i := 0 to c do 49 if f[0, c-i, i] then begin 50 write(i); exit(i); 51 end; 52 end; 53 54 procedure print; 55 var 56 i, j: longint; 57 begin 58 for i := first+1 to c do 59 if f[0, c-i, i] then begin 60 write(' ', i); 61 end; 62 writeln; 63 end; 64 65 begin 66 assign(input, inf); reset(input); 67 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 68 init; 69 search(0, 0, c); 70 print; 71 close(input); close(output); 72 end.
Section 1.5
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: numtri 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 maxr=1001; 8 inf=''; 9 ouf='numtri.out'; 10 var 11 a: array[0..maxr, 0..maxr]of longint; 12 max, r: longint; 13 14 procedure init; 15 var 16 i, j: longint; 17 begin 18 max := 0; 19 readln(r); 20 for i := 1 to r do begin 21 for j := 1 to i do read(a[i, j]); 22 readln; 23 end; 24 end; 25 26 procedure main; 27 var 28 i, j: longint; 29 begin 30 for i := 2 to r do 31 for j := 1 to i do 32 if a[i-1, j] > a[i-1, j-1] then inc(a[i, j], a[i-1, j]) 33 else inc(a[i, j], a[i-1, j-1]); 34 end; 35 36 procedure print; 37 var 38 i: longint; 39 begin 40 for i := 1 to r do if a[r, i] > max then max := a[r, i]; 41 writeln(max); 42 end; 43 44 begin 45 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 46 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 47 init; 48 main; 49 print; 50 close(input); close(output); 51 end.
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: pprime 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 inf=''; 8 ouf='pprime.out'; 9 maxn=10; 10 var 11 tmp: array[0..maxn]of longint; 12 a, b, l, r: longint; 13 procedure init; 14 var 15 aa, bb: longint; 16 begin 17 readln(a, b); 18 aa := a; bb := b; 19 l := 0; r := 0; 20 while aa>0 do begin 21 aa := aa div 10; 22 inc(l); 23 end; 24 while bb>0 do begin 25 bb := bb div 10; 26 inc(r); 27 end; 28 end; 29 30 procedure print(ed: longint); 31 var 32 i: longint; 33 begin 34 for i := ed downto 1 do write(tmp[i]); 35 writeln; 36 end; 37 38 function check(ed: longint): boolean; 39 var 40 x, i: longint; 41 begin 42 x := 0; 43 for i := 1 to ed do x := x * 10 + tmp[i]; 44 if (x>b)or(x<a) then exit(false); 45 for i := 2 to trunc(sqrt(x)) do 46 if x mod i=0 then exit(false); 47 exit(true); 48 end; 49 50 procedure build(now, goal: longint); 51 var 52 i, st: longint; 53 begin 54 if now>(goal+1)>>1 then begin 55 if check(goal) then print(goal); 56 exit; 57 end; 58 if now=1 then st := 1 59 else st := 0; 60 for i := st to 9 do begin 61 tmp[now] := i; 62 tmp[goal-now+1] := i; 63 build(now+1, goal); 64 end; 65 66 end; 67 68 procedure main; 69 var 70 state: longint; 71 begin 72 for state := l to r do begin 73 build(1, state); 74 end; 75 end; 76 77 begin 78 assign(input, inf); reset(input); 79 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 80 init; 81 main; 82 close(input); close(output); 83 end.
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: sprime 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 inf=''; 8 ouf='sprime.out'; 9 maxn=8; 10 var 11 n: longint; 12 function check(x: longint): boolean; 13 var 14 i: longint; 15 begin 16 if x=1 then exit(false); 17 for i := 2 to trunc(sqrt(x)) do 18 if x mod i=0 then exit(false); 19 exit(true); 20 end; 21 22 procedure search(k, ans: longint); 23 var 24 i: longint; 25 begin 26 if k>n then begin 27 writeln(ans); 28 exit; 29 end; 30 for i := 1 to 9 do 31 if (i and 1 = 1)or((i=2)and(k=1)) then begin 32 if check(ans*10 + i) then 33 search(k+1, ans*10 + i); 34 end; 35 end; 36 37 begin 38 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 39 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 40 readln(n); 41 search(1, 0); 42 close(input); close(output); 43 end.
解:可用对称剪枝和位运算搜索,对称剪枝觉得不是很靠谱(指我到考场不一定写出来,以及看了若干题解还是不是很懂, 最终写的位运算。
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: checker 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 inf=''; 8 ouf='checker.out'; 9 var 10 f: array[0..13]of boolean; 11 visit: array[0..13]of longint; 12 ans, goal, n: longint; 13 function check(x, k: longint):boolean; 14 var 15 i: longint; 16 begin 17 for i := 1 to k-1 do 18 if abs(k-i)=abs(x-visit[i]) then exit(false); 19 exit(true); 20 end; 21 22 procedure print; 23 var 24 i: longint; 25 begin 26 write(visit[1]); 27 for i := 2 to n do write(' ', visit[i]); 28 writeln; 29 end; 30 31 procedure step1(k: longint); 32 var 33 i: longint; 34 begin 35 if k>n then begin 36 if ans<3 then begin 37 print; 38 inc(ans); 39 end 40 else exit; 41 end; 42 for i := 1 to n do 43 if not f[i] then 44 if check(i, k) then begin 45 f[i] := true; 46 visit[k] := i; 47 step1(k+1); 48 if ans>2 then exit; 49 f[i] := false; 50 end; 51 end; 52 53 procedure step2(ld, rd, row: longint); 54 var 55 p, pos: longint; 56 begin 57 if row=goal then inc(ans) 58 else begin 59 pos := goal and (not (ld or rd or row)); 60 while pos<>0 do begin 61 p := pos and (-pos); 62 pos := pos - p; 63 step2((ld+p)<<1, (rd+p)>>1, row+p); 64 end; 65 end; 66 end; 67 68 begin 69 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 70 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 71 readln(n); 72 ans := 0; goal := 1 << n - 1; 73 step1(1); ans := 0; 74 step2(0, 0, 0); 75 writeln(ans); 76 close(input); close(output); 77 end.
Section 2.1
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: castle 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 inf=''; 8 ouf='castle.out'; 9 maxn=51; 10 var 11 visit, s, a: array[0..maxn, 0..maxn]of longint; 12 col, m, n, sos, ans, x, y: longint; 13 c: char; 14 room, max: longint; 15 procedure init; 16 var 17 i, j: longint; 18 begin 19 readln(m, n); 20 for i := 1 to n do begin 21 for j := 1 to m do read(a[i, j]); 22 readln; 23 end; 24 fillchar(s, sizeof(s), 0); 25 fillchar(visit, sizeof(visit), 0); 26 ans := 0; room := 0; 27 max := 0; col := 0; 28 end; 29 30 procedure search(x, y: longint); 31 begin 32 inc(sos); 33 visit[x, y] := room; 34 if (a[x, y] and 1 = 0)and(visit[x, y-1]=0) then search(x, y-1); 35 if (a[x, y] and 2 = 0)and(visit[x-1, y]=0) then search(x-1, y); 36 if (a[x, y] and 4 = 0)and(visit[x, y+1]=0) then search(x, y+1); 37 if (a[x, y] and 8 = 0)and(visit[x+1, y]=0) then search(x+1, y); 38 end; 39 40 procedure fill(x, y: longint); 41 begin 42 s[x, y] := sos; 43 if (s[x, y-1] = 0)and(a[x, y] and 1 = 0) then fill(x, y-1); 44 if (s[x-1, y] = 0)and(a[x, y] and 2 = 0) then fill(x-1, y); 45 if (s[x, y+1] = 0)and(a[x, y] and 4 = 0) then fill(x, y+1); 46 if (s[x+1, y] = 0)and(a[x, y] and 8 = 0) then fill(x+1, y); 47 end; 48 49 procedure main; 50 var 51 i, j: longint; 52 begin 53 for i := 1 to n do begin 54 for j := 1 to m do begin 55 if visit[i, j]=0 then begin 56 inc(room); 57 sos := 0; 58 search(i, j); 59 if sos > max then max := sos; 60 fill(i, j); 61 end; 62 end; 63 end; 64 for j := 1 to m do 65 for i := n downto 1 do begin 66 if (a[i, j] and 2 = 2)and(visit[i-1, j] <> visit[i, j]) then begin 67 if (s[i-1, j] + s[i, j] > ans) then begin 68 ans := s[i-1, j] + s[i, j]; 69 x := i; y := j; c := 'N'; 70 end; 71 end; 72 if (a[i, j] and 4 = 4)and(visit[i, j+1] <> visit[i, j]) then begin 73 if (s[i, j+1] + s[i, j] > ans) then begin 74 ans := s[i, j+1] + s[i, j]; 75 x := i; y := j; c := 'E'; 76 end; 77 end; 78 end; 79 end; 80 81 procedure print; 82 begin 83 writeln(room); 84 writeln(max); 85 writeln(ans); 86 writeln(x, ' ', y, ' ', c); 87 end; 88 89 90 begin 91 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 92 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 93 init; 94 main; 95 print; 96 close(input); close(output); 97 end.
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: frac1 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 inf=''; 8 ouf='frac1.out'; 9 var 10 n: longint; 11 procedure init; 12 begin 13 readln(n); 14 end; 15 16 procedure find(a, b, c, d: longint); 17 begin 18 if (b+d > n) then exit; 19 find(a, b, a+c, b+d); 20 writeln(a+c, '/', b+d); 21 find(a+c, b+d, c, d); 22 end; 23 24 procedure main; 25 begin 26 writeln('0/1'); 27 find(0, 1, 1, 1); 28 writeln('1/1'); 29 end; 30 31 begin 32 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 33 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 34 init; 35 main; 36 close(input); close(output); 37 end.
解:我用的是暴力枚举,给原序列排序然后找不在应有位置上的数交换回去,复杂度n平方。nocow上给出了一个非常巧妙的解法,使问题转化为了图论,找出环(例如 [1,2],[2,1]或[1,3],[3,2],[2,1]这种),如果存在交换即可,一定是最小次数
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: sort3 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 inf=''; 8 ouf='sort3.out'; 9 maxn=1001; 10 var 11 a, b:array[0..maxn]of longint; 12 lock: array[0..maxn]of boolean; 13 ans, n: longint; 14 procedure qsort(bb, e: longint); 15 var 16 i, j, kok, x: longint; 17 begin 18 i := bb; j := e; x := b[(i+j)>>1]; 19 repeat 20 while b[i] < x do inc(i); 21 while b[j] > x do dec(j); 22 if i<=j then begin 23 kok := b[i]; b[i] := b[j]; b[j] := kok; 24 inc(i); dec(j); 25 end; 26 until i>j; 27 if j>bb then qsort(bb, j); 28 if i<e then qsort(i, e); 29 end; 30 31 procedure init; 32 var 33 i, j, kok: longint; 34 begin 35 fillchar(lock, sizeof(lock), 0); 36 readln(n); 37 for i := 1 to n do begin 38 readln(a[i]); 39 b[i] := a[i]; 40 end; 41 qsort(1, n); 42 ans := 0; 43 end; 44 45 procedure main; 46 var 47 kok, i, j: longint; 48 begin 49 for i :=1 to n do 50 if (a[i]<>b[i]) then begin 51 inc(ans); 52 for j := n downto i do if (a[j]=b[i])and(not lock[j])and(a[i]=b[j]) then begin 53 kok := a[i]; a[i] := a[j]; a[j] := kok; 54 break; 55 end; 56 if a[i]<>b[i] then 57 for j := n downto i do if a[j]=b[i] then begin 58 kok := a[i]; a[i] := a[j]; a[j] := kok; 59 break; 60 end; 61 end 62 else lock[i] := true; 63 end; 64 65 procedure print; 66 begin 67 writeln(ans); 68 end; 69 70 begin 71 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 72 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 73 init; 74 main; 75 print; 76 close(input); close(output); 77 end.
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: holstein 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 maxv=25; 8 maxg=15; 9 inf=''; 10 ouf='holstein.out'; 11 type 12 data=array[0..maxv]of longint; 13 var 14 tot, tmp, ans, goal: data; 15 a: array[0..maxg]of data; 16 min, v, g: longint; 17 procedure init; 18 var 19 i, j: longint; 20 begin 21 min := maxlongint; 22 readln(v); 23 for i := 1 to v do read(goal[i]); readln; 24 readln(g); 25 for i := 1 to g do begin 26 for j := 1 to v do read(a[i][j]); readln; 27 end; 28 fillchar(tot, sizeof(tot), 0); 29 end; 30 31 function check: boolean; 32 var 33 i: longint; 34 begin for i := 1 to v do if tot[i]<goal[i] then exit(false); exit(true); end; 35 36 procedure search(k, start: longint); 37 var 38 i, j: longint; 39 kok: data; 40 begin 41 if (k>min) then exit; 42 if check then begin 43 ans := tmp; min := k-1; 44 exit; 45 end; 46 for i := start to g do begin 47 tmp[k] := i; 48 kok := tot; 49 for j := 1 to v do inc(tot[j], a[i][j]); 50 search(k+1, i+1); 51 tot := kok; 52 tmp[k] := 0; 53 end; 54 end; 55 56 procedure print; 57 var 58 i: longint; 59 begin 60 write(min); for i := 1 to min do write(' ', ans[i]); 61 writeln; 62 end; 63 64 begin 65 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 66 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 67 init; 68 search(1, 1); 69 print; 70 close(input); close(output); 71 end.
用到一个位运算技巧,如何求一个数的二进制里面有多少个1,a xor b=c,求c的1数量即a和b的海明距离。
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: hamming 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 inf=''; 8 ouf='hamming.out'; 9 10 var 11 n, b, d, ed: longint; 12 ans: array[0..64]of longint; 13 procedure init; 14 begin 15 ans[1] := 0; 16 readln(n, b, d); 17 ed := 1 << b - 1; 18 end; 19 20 function calc(a, b: longint): longint; 21 var 22 x: longint; 23 begin 24 x := a xor b; 25 x := (x and $55555555) + ((x >> 1)and $55555555); 26 x := (x and $33333333) + ((x >> 2)and $33333333); 27 x := (x and $0F0F0F0F) + ((x >> 4)and $0F0F0F0F); 28 x := (x and $00FF00FF) + ((x >> 8)and $00FF00FF); 29 x := (x and $0000FFFF) + ((x >> 16)and $0000FFFF); 30 exit(x); 31 end; 32 33 function check(x, e: longint): boolean; 34 var 35 i: longint; 36 begin 37 for i := 1 to e-1 do if calc(x, ans[i])<d then exit(false); 38 exit(true); 39 end; 40 41 procedure print(k: longint); 42 var 43 i: longint; 44 begin 45 for i := 1 to k do begin 46 if i mod 10 <> 1 then write(' '); 47 write(ans[i]); 48 if i mod 10 = 0 then writeln; 49 end; 50 if k mod 10 <>0 then writeln; 51 close(input); close(output); 52 halt; 53 end; 54 55 procedure search(k, start: longint); 56 var 57 i: longint; 58 begin 59 if k>n then print(k-1); 60 for i := start to ed-n+k do 61 if check(i, k) then begin 62 ans[k] := i; 63 search(k+1, i+1); 64 end; 65 end; 66 67 begin 68 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 69 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 70 init; 71 search(2, 1); 72 end.
Section 2.2
preface:case of 流暴力枚举
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: preface 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 inf=''; 8 ouf='preface.out'; 9 var 10 n: longint; 11 s: array[0..7]of longint; 12 c: array[0..7]of char=(' ', 'I', 'V', 'X', 'L', 'C', 'D', 'M'); 13 procedure init; 14 begin 15 readln(n); 16 fillchar(s, sizeof(s), 0); 17 end; 18 19 procedure main; 20 var 21 i, x, a, b, c: longint; 22 begin 23 for i := 1 to n do begin 24 a := 1; b := 2; c := 3; 25 x := i; 26 while x > 0 do begin 27 case x mod 10 of 28 1 : inc(s[a]); 29 2 : inc(s[a], 2); 30 3 : inc(s[a], 3); 31 4,6 : begin inc(s[a]); inc(s[b]); end; 32 5 : inc(s[b]); 33 7 : begin inc(s[a], 2); inc(s[b]); end; 34 8 : begin inc(s[a], 3); inc(s[b]); end; 35 9 : begin inc(s[a]); inc(s[c]); end; 36 end; 37 inc(a, 2); inc(b, 2); inc(c, 2); 38 x := x div 10; 39 end; 40 end;; 41 end; 42 43 procedure print; 44 var 45 i: longint; 46 begin 47 for i := 1 to 7 do if s[i]>0 then writeln(c[i],' ', s[i]); 48 end; 49 50 begin 51 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 52 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 53 init; 54 main; 55 print; 56 close(input); close(output); 57 end.
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: subset 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 inf=''; 8 ouf='subset.out'; 9 maxn=1111; 10 var 11 f: array[0..maxn]of boolean; 12 ans: array[0..maxn]of longint; 13 n, total, two: longint; 14 procedure init; 15 var 16 i: longint; 17 begin 18 readln(n); 19 total := (1+n)*n >> 1; 20 two := total >> 1; 21 fillchar(f, sizeof(f), 0); 22 fillchar(ans, sizeof(ans), 0); 23 f[0] := true; ans[0] := 1; 24 end; 25 26 procedure main; 27 var 28 i, j: longint; 29 begin 30 if total mod 2 = 1 then begin 31 writeln(0); exit; 32 end; 33 for i := 1 to n do 34 for j := two downto i do 35 if f[j-i] then begin 36 f[j] := true; 37 inc(ans[j], ans[j-i]); 38 end; 39 writeln(ans[two] >> 1); 40 end; 41 42 begin 43 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 44 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 45 init; 46 main; 47 close(input); close(output); 48 end.
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: runround 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 inf=''; 8 ouf='runround.out'; 9 var 10 n: longint; 11 a: array[0..9]of longint; 12 f: array[1..9]of boolean; 13 function check(x: longint): boolean; 14 var 15 t, tot, s: longint; 16 begin 17 fillchar(f, sizeof(f), 0); 18 tot := 0; 19 while x > 0 do begin 20 inc(tot); a[tot] := x mod 10; 21 if a[tot] = 0 then exit(false); 22 if f[a[tot]] then exit(false); 23 f[a[tot]] := true; 24 x := x div 10; 25 end; 26 t := tot; s := tot; 27 while s>0 do begin 28 dec(s); if a[t] = 0 then exit(false); 29 x := a[t]; a[t] := 0; 30 t := (tot*2 + t - x) mod tot; 31 if t=0 then t := tot; 32 end; 33 if t<>tot then exit(false); 34 exit(true); 35 end; 36 37 begin 38 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 39 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 40 readln(n); 41 inc(n); 42 while not check(n) do inc(n); 43 writeln(n); 44 close(input); close(output); 45 end.
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: lamps 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 maxn=101; 8 inf=''; 9 ouf='lamps.out'; 10 type 11 data=array[0..maxn]of longint; 12 var 13 n, c, tot: longint; 14 tmp, bright, clos: data; 15 ans: array[0..32]of data; 16 operator >(a, b: data)z: boolean; 17 var 18 i: longint; 19 begin 20 for i := 1 to n do 21 if a[i]>b[i] then exit(true) 22 else if a[i]<b[i] then exit(false); 23 exit(false); 24 end; 25 26 procedure init; 27 var 28 tmp: longint; 29 begin 30 readln(n); 31 readln(c); 32 fillchar(ans, sizeof(ans), 0); 33 fillchar(bright, sizeof(bright), 0); 34 fillchar(clos, sizeof(clos), 0); 35 read(tmp); 36 while tmp<>-1 do begin 37 inc(bright[0]); bright[bright[0]] := tmp; 38 read(tmp); 39 end; 40 read(tmp); 41 while tmp<>-1 do begin 42 inc(clos[0]); clos[clos[0]] := tmp; 43 read(tmp); 44 end; 45 tot := 0; 46 end; 47 48 procedure change(k: longint); 49 var 50 i: longint; 51 begin 52 case k of 53 1: for i := 1 to n do tmp[i] := tmp[i] xor 1; 54 2: for i := 1 to (n)>>1 do tmp[i*2] := tmp[i*2] xor 1; 55 3: for i := 0 to (n-1)>>1 do tmp[i*2+1] := tmp[i*2+1] xor 1; 56 4: for i := 0 to n div 3 do tmp[i*3+1] := tmp[i*3+1] xor 1; 57 end; 58 end; 59 60 procedure search(k, rest: longint); 61 var 62 st, ed, i: longint; 63 kok : data; 64 begin 65 if k=4 then begin 66 st := rest mod 2; ed := st; 67 end 68 else begin 69 if rest>0 then begin 70 st := 0; ed := 1; 71 end 72 else begin 73 st := 0; ed := 0; 74 end; 75 end; 76 if k>4 then begin 77 inc(tot); ans[tot] := tmp; 78 exit; 79 end; 80 for i := st to ed do begin 81 if i=0 then search(k+1, rest); 82 if i=1 then begin 83 kok := tmp; 84 change(k); 85 search(k+1, rest-1); 86 tmp := kok; 87 end; 88 end; 89 end; 90 91 procedure sort(b, e: longint); 92 var 93 i, j: longint; 94 kok : data; 95 begin 96 for i := b to e-1 do 97 for j := i+1 to e do 98 if ans[i]>ans[j] then begin 99 kok := ans[i]; ans[i] := ans[j]; ans[j] := kok; 100 end; 101 end; 102 103 function check(x: longint): boolean; 104 var 105 i, j: longint; 106 begin 107 for i := 1 to bright[0] do 108 if ans[x][bright[i]] = 0 then exit(false); 109 for i := 1 to clos[0] do 110 if ans[x][clos[i]] = 1 then exit(false); 111 exit(true); 112 end; 113 114 procedure main; 115 var 116 i, j, k: longint; 117 begin 118 filldword(tmp, sizeof(tmp)>>2, 1); 119 search(1, c); 120 sort(1, tot); 121 for i := 1 to tot do if not check(i) then ans[i][0] := -1; 122 end; 123 124 procedure print; 125 var 126 i, j: longint; 127 flag: boolean; 128 begin 129 flag := true; 130 for i := 1 to tot do if ans[i][0]<>-1 then begin 131 flag := false; 132 for j := 1 to n do write(ans[i, j]); 133 writeln; 134 end; 135 if flag then writeln('IMPOSSIBLE'); 136 end; 137 138 begin 139 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 140 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 141 init; 142 main; 143 print; 144 close(input); close(output); 145 end.
Section 2.3
1 { 2 ID:lu.shan2 3 PROG:prefix 4 LANG:PASCAL 5 } 6 var 7 st:array['A'..'Z',1..200]of string; 8 f:array[0..200000]of boolean;//longint; 9 t:array['A'..'Z']of integer; 10 c:array[0..200000]of char; 11 tc,s:longint; 12 procedure init; 13 var 14 i:integer; 15 cc,ctemp:char; 16 temp,temp2:string; 17 flag:boolean; 18 begin 19 fillchar(t,sizeof(t),0); 20 fillchar(f,sizeof(f),0); 21 s:=0; 22 f[0]:=true; 23 flag:=true; 24 25 read(temp); 26 readln; 27 while temp<>'.' do 28 begin 29 while temp<>'' do 30 begin 31 i:=pos(' ',temp); 32 ctemp:=temp[1]; 33 inc(t[ctemp]); 34 if i<>0 then 35 begin 36 st[ctemp,t[ctemp]]:=copy(temp,1,i-1); 37 delete(temp,1,i); 38 end 39 else 40 begin 41 st[ctemp,t[ctemp]]:=temp; 42 temp:=''; 43 end; 44 end; 45 read(temp); 46 readln; 47 end; 48 49 read(cc); tc:=0; 50 while not(eof(input)) do 51 begin 52 if cc in ['A'..'Z'] then 53 begin 54 inc(tc); 55 c[tc]:=cc; 56 end; 57 read(cc); 58 end; 59 inc(tc); 60 c[tc]:=cc; 61 end; 62 63 function max(a,b:longint):longint; 64 begin 65 if a>b then max:=a 66 else max:=b; 67 end; 68 69 procedure key; 70 var 71 i,j,k:longint; 72 flag:boolean; 73 begin 74 for i:=1 to tc do 75 if f[i-1] then 76 begin 77 for j:=1 to t[c[i]] do 78 begin 79 flag:=true; 80 for k:=1 to length(st[c[i],j]) do 81 if st[c[i],j][k]<>c[i+k-1] then 82 begin 83 flag:=false; 84 break; 85 end; 86 if flag then 87 f[i+length(st[c[i],j])-1]:=true; 88 end; 89 end; 90 end; 91 92 procedure print; 93 var 94 i,j:longint; 95 max:longint; 96 begin 97 max:=0; 98 j:=0; 99 for i:=tc downto 0 do 100 if f[i] then break; 101 writeln(i); 102 end; 103 104 procedure check; 105 var 106 i,j:longint; 107 cc:char; 108 begin 109 for cc:='A' to 'Z' do 110 begin 111 for i:=1 to t[cc] do 112 write(st[cc,i],' '); 113 writeln; 114 end; 115 for i:=1 to tc do 116 begin 117 write(c[i]); 118 if i mod 76=0 then writeln; 119 end; 120 writeln; 121 writeln(tc); 122 for i:=1 to tc do write(f[i],' '); 123 writeln; 124 end; 125 126 begin 127 assign(input,''); 128 reset(input); 129 assign(output,'prefix.out'); 130 rewrite(output); 131 132 init; 133 key; 134 135 //check; 136 print; 137 138 close(input); 139 close(output); 140 end.
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: prefix 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 inf=''; 8 ouf='prefix.out'; 9 maxn=200011; 10 maxgeshu=201; 11 var 12 c: array['A'..'Z', 0..maxgeshu]of string[10]; 13 l: array['A'..'Z']of longint; 14 str: array[0..maxn]of char; 15 f: array[0..maxn]of boolean; 16 len, ans, num: longint; 17 procedure init; 18 var 19 tmp: string; 20 cc: char; 21 p: longint; 22 begin 23 ans := 0; 24 fillchar(l, sizeof(l), 0); 25 read(tmp); readln; 26 while tmp[1]<>'.' do begin 27 p := pos(' ', tmp); 28 while p<>0 do begin 29 inc(l[tmp[1]]); 30 c[tmp[1], l[tmp[1]]] := copy(tmp, 1, p-1); 31 delete(tmp, 1, p); 32 p := pos(' ', tmp); 33 end; 34 inc(l[tmp[1]]); 35 c[tmp[1], l[tmp[1]]] := tmp; 36 read(tmp); readln; 37 end; 38 len := 0; 39 while (not seekeof(input)) do begin 40 read(cc); 41 if cc in ['A'..'Z'] then begin 42 inc(len); str[len] := cc; 43 end; 44 end; 45 fillchar(f, sizeof(f), 0); 46 end; 47 48 procedure main; 49 var 50 i, j, k: longint; 51 flag: boolean; 52 ttt: longint; 53 begin 54 //if len > 100000 then while true do; 55 f[0] := true; 56 for i := 1 to len do 57 if f[i-1] then 58 for j := 1 to l[str[i]] do begin 59 ttt := i + length(c[str[i], j])-1; 60 if ttt>len then continue; 61 flag := true; 62 for k := i to ttt do 63 if str[k] <> c[str[i], j][k-i+1] then begin 64 flag := false; break; 65 end; 66 if flag then begin 67 f[ttt] := true; 68 if ttt > ans then ans := ttt; 69 end; 70 end; 71 end; 72 73 procedure print; 74 begin 75 writeln(ans); 76 end; 77 78 begin 79 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 80 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 81 init; 82 main; 83 print; 84 close(input); close(output); 85 end.
这是一个DP问题。我们所关心的树的性质是深度和节点数,所以我们可以做这样一张表:table[i][j]表示深度为i、节点数为j的树的个数。根据给定的约束条件,j必须为奇数。你如何构造一棵树呢?当然是由更小的树来构造了。一棵深度为i、节点数为j的树可以由两个子树以及一个根结点构造而成。当i、j已经选定时,我们选择左子树的节点数k。这样我们也就知道了右子树的节点数,即j-k-1。至于深度,至少要有一棵子树的深度为i-1才能使构造出的新树深度为i。有三种可能的情况:左子树深度为i-1 ,右子树深度小于i-1;右子树深度为i-1,左子树深度小于i-1;左右子树深度都为i-1。事实上,当我们在构造一棵深度为i的树时,我们只关心使用的子树深度是否为i-1或更小。因此,我们使用另一个数组smalltrees[i-2][j]记录所有深度小于i-1的树,而不仅仅是深度为i-2的树。知道了上面的这些,我们就可以用以下三种可能的方法来建树了:
table[i][j] := smalltrees[i-2][k]*table[i-1][j-1-k]; // 左子树深度小于i-1,右子树深度为i-1 table[i][j] := table[i-1][k]*smalltrees[i-2][j-1-k]; // 左子树深度为i-1,右子树深度小于i-1 table[i][j] := table[i-1][k]*table[i-1][j-1-k]; // 左右子树深度都为i-1
首先明确一下题目的意思:用N个点组成一棵深度为K的二叉树,求一共有几种方法? 设dp[i,j]表示用i个点组成深度最多为j的二叉树的方法数,则:
dp[i,j]=∑(dp[k,j-1]×dp[i-1-k,j-1])(k∈{1..i-2}) 边界条件:dp[1,i]=1
我们要求的是深度恰好为K的方法数S,易知S=dp[n,k]-dp[n,k-1]。 但需要注意的是,如果每次都取模,最后可能会有dp[n,k]<dp[n,k-1],所以可以用S=(dp[n,k]-dp[n,k-1]+v) mod v
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: nocows 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 maxn=201; 8 maxk=101; 9 inf=''; 10 ouf='nocows.out'; 11 var 12 f, st: array[0..maxk, 0..maxn]of longint; 13 n, kk: longint; 14 procedure init; 15 begin 16 fillchar(f, sizeof(f), 0); 17 fillchar(st, sizeof(st), 0); 18 f[1][1] := 1; 19 readln(n, kk); 20 end; 21 22 procedure main; 23 var 24 i, j, k: longint; 25 begin 26 for i := 2 to kk do begin 27 for j := 1 to n do begin 28 for k := 1 to j-1 do begin 29 inc(f[i, j], st[i-2, k]*f[i-1, j-k-1]); 30 inc(f[i, j], f[i-1, k]*st[i-2, j-k-1]); 31 inc(f[i, j], f[i-1, k]*f[i-1, j-k-1]); 32 f[i, j] := f[i, j] mod 9901; 33 end; 34 st[i-1, j] := (st[i-2, j] + f[i-1, j]) mod 9901; 35 end; 36 end; 37 end; 38 39 40 procedure print; 41 begin 42 writeln(f[kk, n] mod 9901); 43 end; 44 45 begin 46 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 47 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 48 init; 49 main; 50 print; 51 close(input); close(output); 52 end.
zerosum:小学数学题了,给出1..n,中间加符号(或不加, 使计算和为0
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: zerosum 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 maxn=9; 8 inf=''; 9 ouf='zerosum.out'; 10 var 11 ans: array[0..maxn]of char; 12 n: longint; 13 procedure check; 14 var 15 sum, last, i, cal: longint; 16 begin 17 last := 1; sum := 0; cal := 1; 18 for i := 2 to n do begin 19 case ans[i] of 20 ' ': last := last*10 + i; 21 '+': begin 22 if cal<>0 then begin 23 if cal=1 then inc(sum, last) 24 else dec(sum, last); 25 last := i; 26 end; 27 cal := 1; 28 end; 29 '-': begin 30 if cal=1 then inc(sum, last); 31 if cal=2 then dec(sum, last); 32 last := i; 33 cal := 2; 34 end; 35 end; 36 end; 37 if cal=1 then inc(sum, last); 38 if cal=2 then dec(sum, last); 39 if sum=0 then begin 40 write(1); 41 for i := 2 to n do write(ans[i], i); 42 writeln; 43 end; 44 end; 45 46 procedure search(k: longint); 47 var 48 i: longint; 49 begin 50 if k>n then begin 51 check; 52 exit; 53 end; 54 ans[k] := ' '; search(k+1); 55 ans[k] := '+'; search(k+1); 56 ans[k] := '-'; search(k+1); 57 end; 58 59 begin 60 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 61 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 62 readln(n); 63 search(2); 64 close(input); close(output); 65 end.
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: money 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 maxn=10011; 8 inf=''; 9 ouf='money.out'; 10 maxv=26; 11 var 12 f: array[0..maxn]of int64; 13 a: array[0..maxv]of longint; 14 v, n: longint; 15 procedure init; 16 var 17 i: longint; 18 begin 19 readln(v, n); 20 for i := 1 to v do read(a[i]); readln; 21 fillchar(f, sizeof(f), 0); 22 f[0] := 1; 23 end; 24 25 procedure main; 26 var 27 i, j: longint; 28 begin 29 for i := 1 to v do 30 for j := a[i] to n do 31 if f[j-a[i]]>0 then 32 inc(f[j], f[j-a[i]]); 33 end; 34 35 procedure print; 36 begin writeln(f[n]); end; 37 38 begin 39 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 40 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 41 init; 42 main; 43 print; 44 close(input); close(output); 45 end.
1 { 2 ID: lu.shan4 3 PROG: concom 4 LANG: PASCAL 5 } 6 const 7 maxn=101; 8 maxm=maxn*maxn; 9 inf=''; 10 ouf='concom.out'; 11 type 12 data=record 13 next, dest, cost: longint; 14 end; 15 var 16 edge: array[0..maxm]of data; 17 vect, f: array[0..maxn]of longint; 18 n, max, tot: longint; 19 procedure init; 20 var 21 x, y, z, i: longint; 22 begin 23 fillchar(vect, sizeof(vect), 0); 24 readln(n); 25 tot := 0; max := 0; 26 for i := 1 to n do begin 27 readln(x, y, z); 28 if x>max then max := x; 29 if y>max then max := y; 30 inc(tot); 31 with edge[tot] do begin 32 dest := y; 33 cost := z; 34 next := vect[x]; 35 vect[x] := tot; 36 end; 37 end; 38 end; 39 40 procedure main; 41 var 42 ans, q: array[0..maxn]of longint; 43 head, tail, cnt, st, i, j, kok, u: longint; 44 begin 45 for st := 1 to max do begin 46 head := 0; tail := 1; q[1] := st; 47 cnt := 0; 48 fillchar(f, sizeof(f), 0); 49 f[st] := -maxlongint; 50 while head<>tail do begin 51 inc(head); 52 u := q[head]; 53 i := vect[u]; 54 while i<>0 do 55 with edge[i] do begin 56 inc(f[dest], cost); 57 if f[dest] > 50 then begin 58 f[dest] := -maxlongint; 59 inc(tail); q[tail] := dest; 60 inc(cnt); ans[cnt] := dest; 61 end; 62 i := next; 63 end; 64 end; 65 for i := 1 to cnt-1 do 66 for j := i+1 to cnt do 67 if ans[i]>ans[j] then begin 68 kok := ans[i]; ans[i] := ans[j]; ans[j] := kok; 69 end; 70 for i := 1 to cnt do 71 writeln(st, ' ', ans[i]); 72 end; 73 end; 74 75 begin 76 assign(input,inf); reset(input); 77 assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); 78 init; 79 main; 80 close(input); close(output); 81 end.