POJ 2230
POJ 2230
解:我感觉和欧拉回路有点像,然后是分析性质,把每条无向边拆成两条,可以发现,从任意点的欧拉回路都是存在的(奇数乘偶数=偶数>.<), 然后我是用了一种无赖走法,把剩余的点看成一个大点,然后走去这个大点再走回来,进入大点后不断缩小规模。主要的问题是判断点是否走过(度走完)以及边是否走过。
View Code
1 //poj 2230
2 const
3 maxn=11111;
4 maxm=51111;
5 type
6 data=record
7 dest, next, op, cost: longint;
8 end;
9 var
10 edge: array[1..maxm*2]of data;
11 vect, deg: array[1..maxn]of longint;
12 n, m, tot: longint;
13 procedure add(x, y: longint);
14 begin
15 inc(tot);
16 with edge[tot] do begin
17 dest := y;
18 next := vect[x];
19 cost := 1;
20 vect[x] := tot;
21 op := tot+1;
22 end;
23 inc(tot);
24 with edge[tot] do begin
25 dest := x;
26 cost := 1;
27 next := vect[y];
28 vect[y] := tot;
29 op := tot-1;
30 end;
31 end;
33 procedure init;
34 var
35 i, j, x, y: longint;
36 begin
37 fillchar(vect, sizeof(vect), 0);
38 fillchar(deg, sizeof(deg), 0);
39 tot := 0;
40 readln(n, m);
41 for i := 1 to m do begin
42 readln(x, y);
43 add(x, y);
44 inc(deg[x], 2); inc(deg[y], 2);
45 end;
46 end;
48 procedure search(x: longint);
49 var
50 i, u: longint;
51 begin
52 i := vect[x];
53 while i<>0 do
54 with edge[i] do begin
55 if (deg[dest]>0)and(deg[x]>0)and(cost>0) then begin
56 dec(deg[x], 2);
57 dec(deg[dest], 2);
58 cost := 0;
59 edge[op].cost := 0;
60 writeln(dest);
61 search(dest);
62 writeln(x);
63 end;
64 i := next;
65 end;
66 end;
68 procedure main;
69 begin
70 writeln(1);
71 search(1);
72 end;
74 begin
75 assign(input,'1.txt'); reset(input);
76 init;
77 main;
78 end.