近来用Qt编写一段多线程的TcpSocket通信程序,被其中Qt中报的几个warning搞晕了,一会儿是说“Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread”,有时候又是“QSocketNotifier: socket notifiers cannot be enabled from another thread”,还经常又Assert failure:Cannot send events toobjects owned by a different thread,从而导致程序崩溃。
1. 一个对象的线程就是创建该对象时的线程,而不论该对象的定义是保存在那个线程中;
2. QObject的connect函数有几种连接方式,
a) DirectConnection,信号发送后槽函数立即执行,由sender的所在线程执行;
b) QueuedConnection,信号发送后返回,相关槽函数由receiver所在的线程在返回到事件循环后执行;
c) 默认使用的是Qt::AutoConnection,当sender和receiver在同一个线程内时,采用DirectConnection的方式,当sender和receiver在不同的线程时,采用QueuedConnection的方式。
class SomeObject : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: SomeObject(QObject* parent=0) : QObject(parent) {} void callEmitSignal() // 用于发送信号的函数 { emit someSignal(); } signals: void someSignal(); };
class SubThread : public QThread { Q_OBJECT public: SubThread(QObject* parent=0) : QThread(parent){} virtual ~SubThread() { if (obj!=NULL) delete obj; } public slots: // slot function connected to obj's someSignal void someSlot(); public: SomeObject * obj; }; // slot function connected to obj's someSignal void SubThread::someSlot() { QString msg; msg.append(this->metaObject()->className()); msg.append("::obj's thread is "); if (obj->thread() == qApp->thread()) { msg.append("MAIN thread;"); } else if (obj->thread() == this) { msg.append("SUB thread;"); } else { msg.append("OTHER thread;"); } msg.append(" someSlot executed in "); if (QThread::currentThread() == qApp->thread()) { msg.append("MAIN thread;"); } else if (QThread::currentThread() == this) { msg.append("SUB thread;"); } else { msg.append("OTHER thread;"); } qDebug() << msg; quit(); }
接着从SubThread又继承了3个线程类,分别是SubThread1, SubThread2, SubThread3.分别实现线程的run函数。定义如下:
// define sub thread class 1 class SubThread1 : public SubThread { Q_OBJECT public: SubThread1(QObject* parent=0); // reimplement run void run(); }; class SubThread2 : public SubThread { Q_OBJECT public: SubThread2(QObject* parent=0); // reimplement run void run(); }; class SubThread3 : public SubThread { Q_OBJECT public: SubThread3(QObject* parent=0); // reimplement run void run(); };
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); SubThread1* t1 = new SubThread1(&a); //由主线程创建 t1->start(); SubThread2* t2 = new SubThread2(&a); //由主线程创建 t2->start(); SubThread3* t3 = new SubThread3(&a); //由主线程创建 t3->start(); return a.exec(); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class SubThread1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SubThread1::SubThread1(QObject* parent) : SubThread(parent) { obj = new SomeObject();//由主线程创建 connect(obj, SIGNAL(someSignal()), this, SLOT(someSlot())); } // reimplement run void SubThread1::run() { obj->callEmitSignal(); exec(); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class SubThread2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SubThread2::SubThread2(QObject* parent) : SubThread(parent) { obj=0; } // reimplement run void SubThread2::run() { obj = new SomeObject(); //由当前子线程创建 connect(obj, SIGNAL(someSignal()), this, SLOT(someSlot())); obj->callEmitSignal(); exec(); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class SubThread3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SubThread3::SubThread3(QObject* parent) : SubThread(parent) { obj=0; } // reimplement run void SubThread3::run() { obj = new SomeObject(); connect(obj, SIGNAL(someSignal()), this, SLOT(someSlot()), Qt::DirectConnection); obj->callEmitSignal(); exec(); }
"SubThread1::obj's thread is MAIN thread; someSlot executed in MAIN thread;" "SubThread2::obj's thread is SUB thread; someSlot executed in MAIN thread;" "SubThread3::obj's thread is SUB thread; someSlot executed in SUB thread;"