vue echart 中国地图 疫情图
vue echarts中国地图 各省疫情确证人数图
npm i echarts --save
import echarts from "echarts"; import "../../node_modules/echarts/map/js/china.js"; // 引入中国地图数据
chinaConfigure() { const _this = this; this.chart = echarts.init(this.$refs.myEchart); //这里是为了获得容器所在位置 window.onresize = this.chart.resize; this.chart.setOption(option)}
tooltip: { enterable: true, trigger: "item", triggerOn: "click", position: (point, params, dom, rect, size) => { let div = getHtmlComponent(params); dom.innerHTML = ""; //新生成的节点(div)挂载到提示框的dom上面 dom.appendChild(div.$el); let w = dom.offsetWidth; let clientW = document.documentElement.clientWidth; = "scale(.6)"; //避免提示框超出页面 if (clientW / 2 < rect.x) { rect.x = rect.x - w / 2; } //提示框位置 return [rect.x, rect.y]; }
//生成div节点 function getHtmlComponent(params) { const infoContent = `<div style="font-size:12px;text-align:left;display:flex;align-items: center" @click="myClick"> <div style='padding-right:10px;'><p style='margin: 0;line-height:16px;'>省份:${}</p> <p style='line-height:16px;margin: 0;'>现有确诊人数:${}</p></div> <div style='border-left:1px solid #eee;padding-left:10px;align-content:conter'>详情</div> </div>`; const MyComponent = Vue.extend({ template: infoContent, methods: { myClick: function() { console.log("点击事件监听到"); } } });
visualMap 各省份疫情数据不同来展示不同颜色配置
*配置visualMap 以后,将覆盖series数组的对象类型为'map'的颜色
visualMap: { type: "piecewise", calculable: true, itemHeight: 10, itemWidth: 10, textGap: 3, itemGap: 4, inverse: true, pieces: [ { min: 100001, max: 10000000, color: "#a11", symbol: "roundRect", label: "100001-1000000" }, { min: 10001, max: 100000, color: "#a21", symbol: "roundRect", label: "10001-100000" }, { min: 1001, max: 10000, color: "#b31", symbol: "roundRect", label: "1001-10000" }, { min: 101, max: 1000, color: "#c71", symbol: "roundRect", label: "101-1000" }, { min: 11, max: 100, color: "#d91", symbol: "roundRect", label: "11-100" }, { min: 1, max: 10, color: "#ed1", symbol: "roundRect", label: "1-10" }, { value: 0, label: "", color: "#eee",
//imge引入的图片 symbol: `image://${imge}`, symbolSize: "50" } ], left: "left", top: "bottom" },
*如果serise数组下的对象的coordinateSystem: 'geo',那么会option里的geo属性的配置
{ // name: '中国新冠病毒各省分布图', type: "map", mapType: "china", roam: false, label: { show: false, normal: { show: false }, emphasis: { show: false } }, emphasis: { itemStyle: { areaColor: "#ddd", borderColor: "blue" } }, data: [..._this.mapData] },
{ type: "custom", coordinateSystem: "geo", z:10, data: [ ..._this.mapData ], renderItem: function(params, api) { let image=''; if(_this.mapData[params.dataIndex].value===0){ image=imge; } return { type: "image", style: { image: image, x: api.coord([ _this.mapData[params.dataIndex].c[0], _this.mapData[params.dataIndex].c[1] ])[0], y: api.coord([ _this.mapData[params.dataIndex].c[0], _this.mapData[params.dataIndex].c[1] ])[1], width: "10", height: "10" } }; } }
<div class="echarts">
<div :style="{height:'400px',width:'100%'}" ref="myEchart"></div>
import Vue from "vue";
import echarts from "echarts";
import "../../node_modules/echarts/map/js/china.js"; // 引入中国地图数据
import imge from "../assets/logo.png";
function getHtmlComponent(params) {
const infoContent = `<div style="font-size:12px;text-align:left;display:flex;align-items: center" @click="myClick">
<div style='padding-right:10px;'><p style='margin: 0;line-height:16px;'>省份:${}</p>
<p style='line-height:16px;margin: 0;'>现有确诊人数:${}</p></div>
<div style='border-left:1px solid #eee;padding-left:10px;align-content:conter'>详情</div>
const MyComponent = Vue.extend({
template: infoContent,
methods: {
myClick: function() {
var component = new MyComponent().$mount();
return component;
export default {
name: "echarts",
props: ["userJson"],
data() {
return {
chart: null,
mapData: []
mounted() {
setTimeout(() => {
this.mapData = [
{ c: [115.46, 40.92, 12], name: "北京", value: 0 },
{ c: [117.2, 39.13, 72], name: "天津", value: 1122 },
c: [121.48, 31.22, 88],
name: "上海",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 100)
c: [106.54, 29.59],
name: "重庆",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [114.48, 38.03],
name: "河北",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [113.65, 34.76],
name: "河南",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 100)
c: [102.73, 25.04, 22],
name: "云南",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [123.38, 41.8],
name: "辽宁",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [126.63, 45.75],
name: "黑龙江",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [113, 28.21],
name: "湖南",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [117.27, 31.86],
name: "安徽",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 100)
c: [117, 36.65],
name: "山东",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [87.68, 43.77],
name: "新疆",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 100)
c: [118.78, 32.04],
name: "江苏",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 10)
c: [120.19, 30.26],
name: "浙江",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [115.89, 28.68],
name: "江西",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [114.31, 30.52],
name: "湖北",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [108.33, 22.84],
name: "广西",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 10)
c: [103.73, 36.03],
name: "甘肃",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [112.53, 40.87],
name: "山西",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [111.65, 43.82],
name: "内蒙古",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 0)
c: [108.95, 34.27],
name: "陕西",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [125.35, 43.88],
name: "吉林",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [119.3, 26.08],
name: "福建",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [106.71, 26.57],
name: "贵州",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [113.23, 23.16],
name: "广东",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [101.74, 36.56],
name: "青海",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [91.11, 29.97],
name: "西藏",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [104.06, 30.67],
name: "四川",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [104.06, 30.67],
name: "宁夏",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [110.35, 20.02],
name: "海南",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [104.06, 30.67],
name: "台湾",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [104.06, 30.67],
name: "香港",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
c: [104.06, 30.67],
name: "澳门",
value: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
beforeDestroy() {
if (!this.chart) {
this.chart = null;
methods: {
chinaConfigure() {
const _this = this;
this.chart = echarts.init(this.$refs.myEchart); //这里是为了获得容器所在位置
window.onresize = this.chart.resize;
title: {
text: "疫情图",
subtext: "数据为虚构",
left: "center"
tooltip: {
enterable: true,
trigger: "item",
triggerOn: "click",
position: (point, params, dom, rect, size) => {
let div = getHtmlComponent(params);
dom.innerHTML = "";
let w = dom.offsetWidth;
let clientW = document.documentElement.clientWidth; = "scale(.6)";
if (clientW / 2 < rect.x) {
rect.x = rect.x - w / 2;
return [rect.x, rect.y];
visualMap: {
type: "piecewise",
calculable: true,
itemHeight: 10,
itemWidth: 10,
textGap: 3,
itemGap: 4,
inverse: true,
pieces: [
value: 0,
label: "",
color: "#eee",
symbol: `image://${imge}`,
symbolSize: "50"
min: 100001,
max: 10000000,
color: "#a11",
symbol: "roundRect",
label: "100001-1000000"
min: 10001,
max: 100000,
color: "#a21",
symbol: "roundRect",
label: "10001-100000"
}, // 不指定 max,表示 max 为无限大(Infinity)。
min: 1001,
max: 10000,
color: "#b31",
symbol: "roundRect",
label: "1001-10000"
min: 101,
max: 1000,
color: "#c71",
symbol: "roundRect",
label: "101-1000"
min: 11,
max: 100,
color: "#d91",
symbol: "roundRect",
label: "11-100"
min: 1,
max: 10,
color: "#ed1",
symbol: "roundRect",
label: "1-10"
value: 0,
label: "",
color: "#eee",
symbol: `image://${imge}`,
symbolSize: "50"
left: "left",
top: "bottom"
toolbox: {
show: true,
orient: "vertical",
left: "right",
top: "center",
feature: {
mark: { show: true },
dataView: { show: true, readOnly: false },
restore: { show: true },
saveAsImage: { show: true }
geo: {
map: "china",
roam: true
series: [
// name: '中国新冠病毒各省分布图',
type: "map",
mapType: "china",
roam: false,
label: {
show: false,
normal: {
show: false
emphasis: {
show: false
emphasis: {
itemStyle: {
areaColor: "#ddd",
borderColor: "blue"
data: [..._this.mapData]
type: "custom",
coordinateSystem: "geo",
data: [
renderItem: function(params, api) {
let image='';
return {
type: "image",
style: {
image: image,
x: api.coord([
y: api.coord([
width: "10",
height: "10"
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