SQL Server建库-建表-建约束
----------------------------------------SQL Server建库-建表-建约束创建School数据库--------------------------------------
--exists关键字:括号里边能查询到数据则返回‘true’ 否则返回‘false’
if exists(select * from sysdatabases where name = 'School')
drop database School
create database School
on primary
name = 'School', --主数据文件逻辑名
fileName = 'D:\project\School.mdf', --主数据文件物理逻辑名
size = 5MB, --初始值大小
maxsize = 100MB, --最大大小
filegrowth = 15% --数据文件增长量
log on
name = 'School_log',
filename = 'D:\project\School_log.ldf',
size = 2MB,
filegrowth = 1MB
create database employee
on primary
name = 'employee1',
filename = 'D:\project\employee1.mdf',
size = 10MB,
filegrowth = 10%
name = 'employee2',
filename = 'D:\project\employee2.ndf',
size = 20MB,
maxsize = 100MB,
filegrowth = 1MB
log on
name = 'employee_log1',
filename = 'D:\project\employee_log1.ldf',
size = 10MB,
filegrowth = 1MB
name = 'employee_log2',
filename = 'D:\project\employee_log2.ldf',
size = 10MB,
maxsize = 50MB,
filegrowth = 1MB
select * from sysdatabases
drop database School
use School
if exists(select * from sysobjects where name = 'Student')
drop table Student
create table Student
--具体的列名 数据类型 列的特征(是否为空)--
StudentNo int identity(2,1) not null,
LoginPwd nvarchar(20) not null,
StudentName nvarchar(20) not null,
Sex int not null,
GradeId int not null,
phone nvarchar(50) not null,
BornDate datetime not null,
Address nvarchar(255),
Email nvarchar(50),
IDENTITYcard varchar(18)
select * from sysobjects
drop table Student
if exists(select * from sysobjects where name = 'subject')
drop table subject
use School
create table subject
SubjectNo int not null identity(1,1),
SubjectName nvarchar(50),
ClassHour int,
GradeID int
if exists(select * from sysobjects where name = 'Result')
drop table Result
use School
create table Result
StudentNo int not null,
SubjectNo int not null,
ExamDate Datetime not null,
StudentResult int not null
if exists(select * from sysobjects where name = 'Grade')
drop table Grade
use School
create table Grade
GradeId int not null,
GrandeName nvarchar(50)
alter table Student
add constraint pk_StuNo primary key(StudentNo)
alter table Student
add constraint uq_StuIdcard unique(IDENTITYcard)
alter table Student
add constraint df_stuaddress default('地址不详') for Address
alter table Student
drop constraint df_stuaddress
alter table Student
add constraint ck_stuBorndate check(Borndate > '1980-01-01')
alter table Grade
add constraint pk_graid primary key(GradeId)
alter table Student
add constraint fk_stuGradeID foreign key(GradeId) references Grade(GradeId)
alter table subject
add constraint pk_SubID primary key(SubjectNo)
-----with nocheck:已经存在数据不通过check约束-------
alter table subject with nocheck
add constraint ck_subName check(SubjectName is not null)
alter table subject with nocheck
add constraint ck_ClassHour check(ClassHour > 0)
alter table subject with nocheck
add constraint fk_GradeID foreign key(GradeID)
references Grade(GradeID)
alter table Result
constraint pk_No_subID_date primary key(StudentNo,SubjectNo,ExamDate),
constraint df_examdate default(getdate()) for ExamDate,
constraint ck_StudentResult check(StudentResult between 0 and 100),
constraint fk_StuNo foreign key(StudentNo) references Student(StudentNo),
constraint fk_subNo foreign key(SubjectNo) references Subject(SubjectNo)
alter table Result
drop constraint pk_No_subID_date,fk_subNo,fk_StuNo,ck_StudentResult,df_examdate
alter table Result
alter column StudentResult int
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