layer 的一些知识
1. 一个view有一个underlying layer,它是这个view所有的draw的实现者,可通过view的layer property获得,但是它没有相应的view property,相反的,view是这个layer的delegate.
如果想改变view的underlying layer, 需实现view的 +(class) layerClass{}函数,返回自定义的layer类.往往这个类不负责具体的画图,只是负责组织多个子layer的显示.
replacesublayer:with; removefromsuperlayer.
同uiview的subviews property不同,layer的sublayers是可写的.因此可以一次性改变layer的多个sublayers;如果要移除所有的,只需置nil即可.
position 一个superlayer坐标系下的坐标;
anchorpoint 一个本身坐标系下的坐标;
Talking to the superlayer (the CAScrollLayer)
scrollToPoint: changes the CAScrollLayer’s bounds origin to that point. scrollTo- Rect: changes the CAScrollLayer’s bounds origin minimally so that the given por- tion of the bounds rect is visible.
Talking to a sublayer
scrollPoint: changes the CAScrollLayer’s bounds origin so that the given point of the sublayer is at the top left of the CAScrollLayer. scrollRectToVisible: changes the CAScrollLayer’s bounds origin so that the given rect of the sublayer’s bounds is within the CAScrollLayer’s bounds area. You can also ask the sublayer for its visibleRect, the part of this sublayer now within the CAScrollLayer’s bounds.
当一个layer的bounds发生改变或者显式调用了setNeedsLayout,它的layoutsublayers函数被调用,因此需要重写该函数实现layout.同时也可以在delegate中重写layoutsublayersoflayer,比如在uiview中为实现其underlying layer的layout,实现该函数.
layout的key-value codeing:
6.drawing in a layer
layer有一个content property,类似于uiimageview的image.但是它的类型是cgimageref.
display in a subclass
Your CALayer subclass can override display. There’s no graphics context at this point, so display is pretty much limited to setting the contents.
drawInContext: in a subclass
Your CALayer subclass can override drawInContext:. The parameter is a graphics context into which you can draw directly; the discussion of drawing from Chap- ter 15 thus pertains.
displayLayer: or drawLayer:inContext: in the delegate
You can set the CALayer’s delegate property, and implement displayLayer: or drawLayer:inContext:. They are parallel to display and drawInContext:, the former providing no graphics context so that it’s fit mostly for setting the contents, and the latter providing a graphics context into which you can draw directly.
不能改变underlying layer的delegate.
当一个uiview调用了setneessdisplay,他的underlying layer被也被发送了setneedsdisplay函数,除非该view没有任何drawrect的实现(这种情况下,默认view不需要重绘).因此如果需要view重绘时underlying layer同时重绘,至少需要实现一个空的drawrect:.
7. layer的contents resizing and positioning
contentsRect:用于表述将要绘制的contents image的部分内容.使用这个属性,可以很方便的绘制一个大图的一部分,而不需要重绘或者改变contents image.同样可以使用contents rect缩小contents image,只需要把contents rect设置的比contents大,为了防止边缘效应,需要给contengs image一个清晰的像素边框
catextlayer拥有string property,可以是NSString或NSAttributedString,以及其他的format的property,然后她负责绘制string.text和contents的是冲突的,因此一般不对catextlayer设置contents.
However, there’s a widely used trick for introducing a quality of perspective into the way layers are drawn: make them sublayers of a layer whose sublayerTransform prop- erty maps all points onto a “distant” plane. (This is probably just about the only thing thesublayerTransform property is ever used for.) Combined with orthographic projec- tion, the effect is to apply one-point perspective to the drawing, so that things do get perceptibly smaller in the negative z-direction.
g.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(1,0.5);
g.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMaxX(self.bounds), CGRectGetMidY(self.bounds)); g.transform = CATransform3DMakeRotation(M_PI/4.0, 0, 1, 0);
CATransform3D transform = CATransform3DIdentity;
transform.m34 = -1.0/1000.0;
self.sublayerTransform = transform;
g.transform = CATransform3DMakeRotation(M_PI/4.0, 0, 1, 0);
[g setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:M_PI/4.0] forKeyPath:@"transform.rotation.y"];
rotation.x, rotation.y, rotation.z, rotation (same as rotation.z), scale.x, scale.y, scale.z, translation.x, translation.y, translation.z, and translation
A layer can have a shadow, defined by its shadowColor, shadowOpacity, shadowRadius, and shadowOffset properties. To make the layer draw a shadow, set the shadow- Opacity to a nonzero value. The shadow is normally based on the shape of the layer’s nontransparent region, but deriving this shape can be calculation-intensive (so much so that in early versions of iOS, layer shadows weren’t implemented). You can vastly improve performance by defining the shape yourself and assigning this shape as a CGPath to theshadowPath property.
border and cornerA layer can have a border (borderWidth, borderColor); the borderWidth is drawn inward from the bounds, potentially covering some of the content unless you compensate.
A layer can be bounded by a rounded rectangle, by giving it a cornerRadius greater than zero. If the layer has a backgroundColor, that background is clipped to the shape of the rounded rectangle. If the layer has a border, the border has rounded corners too.
If a layer is complex (perhaps with shadow, sublayers, and so forth) and if this seems to be a performance drain (especially when scrolling or animating the layer), you may be able to gain some efficiency by “freezing” the entirety of the layer’s drawing as a bitmap. In effect, you’re drawing everything in the layer to a secondary cache and using the cache to draw to the screen. To do this, set the layer’s shouldRasterize to YES and its rasterizationScale to some sensible value (probably [UIScreen main- Screen].scale). You can always turn rasterization off again by setting should- Rasterize to NO, so it’s easy to rasterize just before some massive or sluggish rear- rangement of the screen and then unrasterize afterward. (In addition, you can get some cool “out of focus” effects by setting the rasterizationScale to around 0.3.)
13.layer的key-value coding(KVC)