DSM-CC 相关名词缩写




ISO/IEC  13818-1  Information technology — Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems


ISO/IEC 13818-6  Information technology -- Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information ——Part 6: Extension for Digital Storage Media Command and Control





AFI Authority and Format Identifier 授权和格式标识

API Application Portability Interface 应用移植接口

BIOP Broadcast Inter ORB Protocol 广播ORB间协议

bslbf bit string, left bit first 比特串,左位在先

CA Conditional Access 条件接收

CDR Common Data Representation 公用数据表示

CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture 公共对象请求代理结构

CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗余校验

DC Data Carousel 数据轮播

DDB DownloadDataBlock message of DSM-CC DSM-CC下载数据块消息

DII DownloadInfoIndication message of DSM-CC DSM-CC下载指示消息

DSI DownloadServerInitiate message of DSM-CC DSM-CC下载服务器初始化消息

DSM-CC Digital Storage Media - Command & Control 数字存储媒体-命令与控制

DSM-CC U-N DSM-CC User to Network DSM-CC用户-网络模式

DSM-CC U-U DSM-CC User to User DSM-CC用户-用户模式

EIT Event Information Table 事件信息表

EPG Electronic Program Guide 电子节目指南

ES Elementary Stream 基本流

GIF Graphics Interchange Format 图形交换格式

HTML HyperText Mark-up Language 超文本描述语言

IDL Interface Definition Language 接口定义语言

IETF Internet Engineering Task Force 互联网工程任务组

IIOP Internet Inter ORB Protocol 互联网ORB间协议

IOR Interoperable Object Reference 互操作对象基准

IP Internet Protocol 互联网协议

JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group 联合图像专家组

LLC Logical Link Control 逻辑链路控制

MAC Media Access Control 媒体接入控制

MTU Maximum Transport Unit 最大传输单元

NPT Normal Play Time 正常播放时间

NSAP Network Service Access Point 网络业务接入点

OC Object Carousel 对象轮播

OMG Object Management Group 对象管理组

OMT Object Modelling Technique 对象建模技术

ORB Object Request Broker 对象请求代理

OUI Organizational Unique Identifier 组织机构统一标识

PAT Program Association Table 节目关联表

PCR Program Clock Reference 节目时钟参考

PES Packetized Elementary Stream 打包的基本流

PID Packet Identifier 包标识

PLL Phase Locked Loop 锁相环

PMT Program Map Table 节目映射表

PPP Point to Point Protocol 点到点协议

PSI Program Specific Information 节目特定信息

PTS Presentation Time Stamp 展现时间戳

RFC Request For Comments 评议征求

rpchof remainder polynomial coefficient,higher order first 余数多项式系数,高阶在前

SDT Service Description Table 业务描述表

SI Service Information 业务信息

SNAP SubNetwork Attachment Point 子网附属点

simsbf signed integer,most significant bit first 有符号整数,高位在先

TCP Transfer Control Protocol 传输控制协议

TS Transport Stream 传输流

uimsbf unsigned integer, most significant bit first 无符号整数,高位在先


posted @ 2012-08-21 20:42  wleiyeah  阅读(1224)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报