




select bumen as 部门,COUNT(*)as 人数 from haha group by bumen having COUNT(*)>5 
select MAX(age) from haha where bumen = '销售部'
select *from haha where bumen = '销售部' and age = 45

select *from haha where age in (
select MAX(age) from haha where bumen = '销售部'
)and bumen in (
select bumen from haha group by bumen having COUNT(*)>5 )


select top 3 *from haha where code not in(
select top 5 code from haha order by age)
order by age
select *from haha where code not in(
select top 5 code from haha order by age)
and code in(select top 8 code from haha order by age)


select top 1 *from haha where sex in(select sex from haha where sex = '') 
order by age


select *from haha where bumen in (
select top 1 bumen from haha group by bumen order by  COUNT(*) desc)
and age = 35

--select MAX(COUNT(*))from haha order by bumen

select top 5*from haha where code not in(select top 10 code from haha)

select ceiling(COUNT(*)/5.0)from haha