Polycarp and Letters(set首战!)
Polycarp loves lowercase letters and dislikes uppercase ones. Once he got a string s consisting only of lowercase and uppercase Latin letters.
Let A be a set of positions in the string. Let's call it pretty if following conditions are met:
- letters on positions from A in the string are all distinct(与众不同的) and lowercase(小写字母的);
- there are no uppercase letters in the string which are situated between positions from A (i.e. there is no such j that s[j] is an uppercase letter, and a1 < j < a2 for some a1 and a2 from A).
Write a program that will determine(确定,下决心) the maximum number of elements(元素) in a pretty set of positions.
The first line contains a single integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 200) — length of string s.
The second line contains a string s consisting of lowercase and uppercase Latin letters.
Print maximum number of elements in pretty set of positions for string s.
Sample Input
In the first example the desired positions might be 6 and 8 or 7 and 8. Positions 6 and 7 contain letters 'a', position 8 contains letter 'b'. The pair of positions 1 and 8 is not suitable because there is an uppercase letter 'B' between these position.
In the second example desired positions can be 7, 8 and 11. There are other ways to choose pretty set consisting of three elements.
In the third example the given string s does not contain any lowercase letters, so the answer is 0.
解题思路:利用set中存储的元素的唯一 性去重,第一次使用set,还是对set中的删除不是很熟悉,当时使用set的迭代器也就是一个个删除的
for(it=st.begin(); it!=st.end();) { st.erase(it++); }
1 #include<cstring> 2 #include<cstdio> 3 #include<algorithm> 4 #include<set> 5 using namespace std; 6 char s[210]; 7 int main() 8 { 9 int n,i,sum,sum1; 10 char a; 11 sum=0; 12 sum1=0; 13 scanf("%d",&n); 14 getchar(); 15 scanf("%s",s); 16 set<char>st; 17 set<char>::iterator it; 18 for(i=0; i<n; i++) 19 { 20 if(s[i]>='A'&&s[i]<='Z') 21 { 22 sum1=st.size(); 23 /*for(it=st.begin(); it!=st.end();) 24 { 25 st.erase(it++); 26 }*/ 27 st.clear(); 28 if(sum1>sum) 29 { 30 sum=sum1; 31 } 32 } 33 else if(s[i]>='a'&&s[i]<='z') 34 { 35 st.insert(s[i]); 36 } 37 } 38 sum1=st.size(); 39 if(sum1>sum) 40 { 41 sum=sum1; 42 } 43 printf("%d\n",sum); 44 }