
1.实现昨天讲过的 删除 回复邮件



1 package com.sk.dao;
 3 import java.sql.Connection;
 4 import java.sql.DriverManager;
 5 import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
 6 import java.sql.ResultSet;
 7 import java.sql.SQLException;
 9 public class BaseDao {
10     public Connection conn = null;
11     PreparedStatement ps = null;
12     ResultSet rs = null;
14     //获取连接
15     protected Connection getConnection(){
17         try {
18             //加载驱动
19             Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");
20             //建立连接
21             conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test","root","123456");
22         } catch (Exception e) {
23             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
24             e.printStackTrace();
25         }
26         return conn;
27     }
29     //关闭连接
30     protected void closeAll(Connection con, PreparedStatement ps, ResultSet rs){
31         try{
32             if(rs != null)
33                 rs.close();
34             if(ps != null)
35                 ps.close();
36             if(con != null)
37                 con.close();
38         }catch (SQLException e) {
39             e.printStackTrace();
40         }
41     }
42 }
 1 package com.sk.dao;
 3 import java.sql.Connection;
 4 import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
 5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
 6 import java.sql.SQLException;
 8 import com.sk.entity.Users;
10 public class UsersDao extends BaseDao {
11     //关于用户的增删改查
13     //登录
14     public boolean login(String uname,String upwd){
15         boolean f = false;
16         Connection conn = getConnection();
17         String sql = "select * from users where uname=? and upwd=?";
18         PreparedStatement ps = null;
19         ResultSet rs = null;
20         try {
21             ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
22             ps.setString(1, uname);
23             ps.setString(2, upwd);
24             rs = ps.executeQuery();
25             if(rs.next())    //查到结果
26                 f = true;        
27         } catch (SQLException e) {
28             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
29             e.printStackTrace();
30         }finally{
31             closeAll(conn,ps,rs);
32         }
33         return f;
34     }
35     //注册
36     public int reg(Users u){
37         int i = 0;
38         Connection conn = getConnection();
39         PreparedStatement ps = null;
40         String sql = "insert into users(uname,upwd) values (?,?)";
41         try {
42             ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
43             ps.setString(1, u.getUname());
44             ps.setString(2, u.getUpwd());
45             i = ps.executeUpdate();
46         } catch (SQLException e) {
47             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
48             e.printStackTrace();
49         }finally{
50             closeAll(conn, ps, null);
51         }
52         return i;
53     }
54 }


1 package com.sk.dao;
  3 import java.sql.Connection;
  4 import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
  5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
  6 import java.sql.SQLException;
  7 import java.util.ArrayList;
  8 import java.util.Date;
  9 import java.util.List;
 11 import com.sk.entity.Msg;
 13 public class MsgDao extends BaseDao {
 14     //关于邮件的增删改查
 15     public static void main(String[] args) {
 16         MsgDao md = new MsgDao();
 17         Msg m= md.details(11);
 19         System.out.println(m.getSendto());
 20     }
 21     //添加邮件(写邮件、回复邮件都调用,邮件状态为未读=0,时间为系统时间)
 22     public void addMsg(Msg m){
 23         Connection conn = getConnection();
 24         String sql = "insert into msg(username,title,msgcontent,state,sendto,msg_create_date) value(?,?,?,0,?,?)";
 25         PreparedStatement ps = null;
 26         try {
 27             ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
 28             ps.setString(1, m.getUsername());
 29             ps.setString(2, m.getTitle());
 30             ps.setString(3, m.getMsgcontent());
 31             ps.setString(4, m.getSendto());
 32             ps.setDate(5, new java.sql.Date(new Date().getTime()));//获取系统当前时间
 33             ps.executeUpdate();
 34         } catch (SQLException e) {
 35             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
 36             e.printStackTrace();
 37         }finally{
 38             closeAll(conn, ps, null);
 39         }
 40     }
 42     //删除邮件(根据id)
 43     public void delMsg(int id){
 44         Connection con = getConnection();
 45         String sql = "delete from msg where msgid=" + id;
 46         PreparedStatement ps = null;
 47         try {
 48             ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);
 49             ps.executeUpdate();
 50         } catch (SQLException e) {
 51             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
 52             e.printStackTrace();
 53         }finally{
 54             closeAll(con, ps, null);
 55         }
 56     }
 57     //查看邮件详情 修改邮件状态(根据id 已读  = 1)
 58     public void updateState(int msgid){
 59         Connection con = getConnection();
 60         String sql = "update msg set state=1 where msgid=?";
 61         PreparedStatement ps = null;
 62         try {
 63             ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);
 64             ps.setInt(1, msgid);
 65             ps.executeUpdate();
 66         } catch (SQLException e) {
 67             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
 68             e.printStackTrace();
 69         }finally{
 70             closeAll(con, ps, null);
 71         }
 72     }
 73     public Msg details(int msgid){
 74         Msg m = new Msg();
 75         Connection con = getConnection();
 76         String sql = "select * from msg where msgid=?";
 77         PreparedStatement ps = null;
 78         ResultSet rs = null;
 79         try {
 80             ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);
 81             ps.setInt(1, msgid);
 82             rs = ps.executeQuery();
 83             while(rs.next()){
 84                 m.setMsgid(rs.getInt(1));
 85                 m.setUsername(rs.getString(2));
 86                 m.setTitle(rs.getString(3));
 87                 m.setMsgcontent(rs.getString(4));
 88                 m.setState(rs.getInt(5));
 89                 m.setSendto(rs.getString(6));
 90                 m.setMsg_create_date(rs.getDate(7));
 91             }
 92         } catch (SQLException e) {
 93             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
 94             e.printStackTrace();
 95         }finally{
 96             closeAll(con, ps, rs);
 97         }
 98         return m;
 99     }
100     //查看邮件(根据  收件人username)
101     public List<Msg> getMailByReceiver(String uname){
102         List<Msg> list = new ArrayList<Msg>();
103         Connection con = getConnection();
104         String sql = "select * from msg where username=?";
105         PreparedStatement ps = null;
106         ResultSet rs = null;
107         try {
108             ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);
109             ps.setString(1, uname);
110             rs = ps.executeQuery();
111             while(rs.next()){
112                 //每读取一行,创建一个msg对象,对象放在list中
113                 Msg m = new Msg();
114                 m.setMsgid(rs.getInt(1));
115                 m.setUsername(rs.getString(2));
116                 m.setTitle(rs.getString(3));
117                 m.setMsgcontent(rs.getString(4));
118                 m.setState(rs.getInt(5));
119                 m.setSendto(rs.getString(6));
120                 m.setMsg_create_date(rs.getDate(7));
121                 list.add(m);
122             }
123         } catch (SQLException e) {
124             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
125             e.printStackTrace();
126         }finally{
127             closeAll(con, ps, rs);
128         }
130         return list;
131     }
133     //查看未读邮件(根据  收件人username)
134         public List<Msg> getUnReadMailByReceiver(String uname){
135             List<Msg> list = new ArrayList<Msg>();
136             Connection con = getConnection();
137             String sql = "select * from msg where username=? and state=0";
138             PreparedStatement ps = null;
139             ResultSet rs = null;
140             try {
141                 ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);
142                 ps.setString(1, uname);
143                 rs = ps.executeQuery();
144                 while(rs.next()){
145                     //每读取一行,创建一个msg对象,对象放在list中
146                     Msg m = new Msg();
147                     m.setMsgid(rs.getInt(1));
148                     m.setUsername(rs.getString(2));
149                     m.setTitle(rs.getString(3));
150                     m.setMsgcontent(rs.getString(4));
151                     m.setState(rs.getInt(5));
152                     m.setSendto(rs.getString(6));
153                     m.setMsg_create_date(rs.getDate(7));
154                     list.add(m);
155                 }
156             } catch (SQLException e) {
157                 // TODO Auto-generated catch block
158                 e.printStackTrace();
159             }finally{
160                 closeAll(con, ps, rs);
161             }
163             return list;
164         }
165 }


 1 package com.sk.entity;
 3 public class Users {
 4     private int id;
 5     private String uname;
 6     private String upwd;
 9     public Users() {
10         super();
11     }
12     public Users(String uname, String upwd) {
13         super();
14         this.uname = uname;
15         this.upwd = upwd;
16     }
17     public int getId() {
18         return id;
19     }
20     public void setId(int id) {
21         this.id = id;
22     }
23     public String getUname() {
24         return uname;
25     }
26     public void setUname(String uname) {
27         this.uname = uname;
28     }
29     public String getUpwd() {
30         return upwd;
31     }
32     public void setUpwd(String upwd) {
33         this.upwd = upwd;
34     }
37 }
1 package com.sk.entity;
 3 import java.util.Date;
 5 public class Msg {
 6     private int msgid;
 7     private String username;
 8     private String title;
 9     private String msgcontent;
10     private int state;
11     private String sendto;
12     private Date msg_create_date;
14     public int getMsgid() {
15         return msgid;
16     }
17     public void setMsgid(int msgid) {
18         this.msgid = msgid;
19     }
20     public String getUsername() {
21         return username;
22     }
23     public void setUsername(String username) {
24         this.username = username;
25     }
26     public String getTitle() {
27         return title;
28     }
29     public void setTitle(String title) {
30         this.title = title;
31     }
32     public String getMsgcontent() {
33         return msgcontent;
34     }
35     public void setMsgcontent(String msgcontent) {
36         this.msgcontent = msgcontent;
37     }
38     public int getState() {
39         return state;
40     }
41     public void setState(int state) {
42         this.state = state;
43     }
44     public String getSendto() {
45         return sendto;
46     }
47     public void setSendto(String sendto) {
48         this.sendto = sendto;
49     }
50     public Date getMsg_create_date() {
51         return msg_create_date;
52     }
53     public void setMsg_create_date(Date msg_create_date) {
54         this.msg_create_date = msg_create_date;
55     }
57 }
 1 <%@page import="com.sk.dao.MsgDao"%>
 2 <%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
 3 <%
 4     request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8");
 6     int id = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("id"));
 7     MsgDao md = new MsgDao();
 8     md.delMsg(id);
10     response.sendRedirect("main.jsp");
11  %


1 <%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
 2 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
 3 <html>
 4 <head>
 5 <title>send</title>
 6 </head>
 7 <body>
 8 <div align="center">
 9     <h3>编写你要发送的邮件</h3>
10     <h3><a href="main.jsp" >返回上一页</a></h3>
11     <form action="dosend.jsp" method="post">
12         <table>
13             <tr>
14                 <td>收件人:</td>
15                 <td><input type="text" name="username" value="<%=request.getParameter("reply")%>"></td>
16             </tr>
17             <tr>
18                 <td>标题:</td>
19                 <td><input type="text" name="title"></td>
20             </tr>
21             <tr>
22                 <td>内容:</td>
23                 <td><textarea rows="6" cols="18" name="msgcontent"></textarea></td>
24             </tr>
25         </table>
26         <table>
27             <tr>
28                 <td><input type="submit" value="提交"> </td>
29                 <td>    </td>
30                 <td><input type="reset" value="重置"></td>
31             </tr>
32         </table>    
33     </form>
34 </div>
35 </body>
36 </html>


1 <%@page import="com.sk.dao.MsgDao"%>
 2 <%@page import="com.sk.entity.Msg"%>
 3 <%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
 4 <%
 5     request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8");
 7     String uname = (String)session.getAttribute("uname");//发件人在session中获取
 8     String title = request.getParameter("title");
 9     String username = request.getParameter("username");
10     String msgcontent = request.getParameter("msgcontent");
12     Msg m = new Msg();
13     m.setTitle(title);
14     m.setMsgcontent(msgcontent);
15     m.setSendto(uname);
16     m.setUsername(username);
18     MsgDao md = new MsgDao();
19     md.addMsg(m);
21     out.print("发送成功,即将跳回首页......");
22     response.setHeader("refresh", "3;url=main.jsp");
24  %>
 1 <%@page import="com.sk.entity.Msg"%>
 2 <%@page import="com.sk.dao.MsgDao"%>
 3 <%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
 6 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
 7 <html>
 8   <head>  
 9     <title>邮件详情</title>
10   </head> 
11   <body>
12       <div align="center">
13           <%
14               int msgid = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("id"));
15             MsgDao md = new MsgDao();
16             md.updateState(msgid);
17             Msg m = new Msg();
18             m = md.details(msgid);
19         %>
20           <h3>邮件详情</h3>
21           <h3><a href="main.jsp">返回上一页</a></h3>
22         <table border="1">
23             <tr>
24                 <th>发件人</th>
25                 <th>标题</th>
26                 <th>时间</th>
27                 <th>内容</th>
28                 <th colspan="2">操作</th>
29             </tr>
30             <tr>
31                 <td><%=m.getSendto()%></td>
32                 <td><%=m.getTitle()%></td>
33                 <td><%=m.getMsg_create_date()%></td>
34                 <td><%=m.getMsgcontent()%></td>
35                 <td><a href="send.jsp?reply=<%=m.getSendto()%>">回复邮件</a></td>
36                 <td><a href="del.jsp?id=<%=m.getMsgid()%>">删除邮件</a></td>
37             </tr>
38         </table>
39     </div>
40   </body>
41 </html>


1 <%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
2 <%
3     session.invalidate();
4     out.print("退出成功,即将跳回登录页......");
5     response.setHeader("refresh", "1;url=login.jsp");
6  %>































posted @ 2022-05-22 21:39  王佳瑜  阅读(8)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报