11 2014 档案
解决 linux [Fedora] 升级 导致VMware启动出现"before you can run vmware workstation, serveral modules must be complied and loaded into the runing kernel" 而无法卸载
摘要:解决: 开机启动 进入 升级之前的内核系统 然后 执行卸载 VMware 命令# vmware-uninstall You have gotten this message because you are either downgrading VMwareWorkstation, Player, ...
Fedora20 MATE Destop 环境下安装Sougoupinyin输入法+皮肤
摘要:卸载ibus# yum erase ibus* 选择性安装 fcitx# yum install fcitx fcitx-configtool vi .bashrc .bash_profile /etc/profile#追加____~~~ export GTK_IM_M...
linux [Fedora] 下的 "飞秋/飞鸽传书"
摘要:官方网址: http://www.msec.it/blog/?page_id=11http://software.opensuse.org/download.html?project=home:colomboem&package=dukto# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/# wget h...