

That which does not kill us makes us stronger!



–add-drop-database 每个数据库创建之前添加drop数据库语句。mysqldump -uroot -p –all-databases –add-drop-database

–add-drop-table       每个数据表创建之前添加drop数据表语句。(默认为打开状态,使用--skip-add-drop-table取消选项)

--no-create-info,-t       导出sql文件时使用该参数会跳过 create table 语句

--compact  优化输出内容的大小,让容量更少,适合调试。默认开启以下几个标红的参数,配合--no-create-info,则导出的只有INERT语句了。

  --compact           Give less verbose output (useful for debugging). Disables
                      structure comments and header/footer constructs.  Enables
                      options --skip-add-drop-table --skip-add-locks
                      --skip-comments --skip-disable-keys --skip-set-charset.




mysqladmin  -uroot  -r -i 1   status/processlist/debug 

1. 使用-r/-i参数

使用mysqladmin extended-status命令可以获得所有MySQL性能指标,即show global status的输出,不过,因为多数这些指标都是累计值,如果想了解当前的状态,则需要进行一次差值计算,这就是mysqladmin extended-status的一个额外功能,非常实用。默认的,使用extended-status,看到也是累计值,但是,加上参数-r(--relative),就可以看到各个指标的差值,配合参数-i(--sleep)就可以指定刷新的频率,那么就有如下命令:

mysqladmin -uroot -r -i 1 -pxxx extended-status
| Variable_name                            | Value                |
| Aborted_clients                          | 0                    |
| Com_select                               | 336                  |
| Com_insert                               | 243                  |
| Threads_created                          | 0                    |

2. 配合grep使用


mysqladmin -uroot -r -i 1 -pxxx extended-status \
|grep "Questions\|Queries\|Innodb_rows\|Com_select \|Com_insert \|Com_update \|Com_delete "
| Com_delete                               | 1                    |
| Com_delete_multi                         | 0                    |
| Com_insert                               | 321                  |
| Com_select                               | 286                  |
| Com_update                               | 63                   |
| Innodb_rows_deleted                      | 1                    |
| Innodb_rows_inserted                     | 207                  |
| Innodb_rows_read                         | 5211                 |
| Innodb_rows_updated                      | 65                   |
| Queries                                  | 2721                 |
| Questions                                | 2721                 |

3. 配合简单的awk使用


mysqladmin -uroot -p -h127.0.0.1 -P3306 -r -i 1 ext |\
awk -F"|" '{\
  if($2 ~ /Variable_name/){\
    print " <-------------    "  strftime("%H:%M:%S") "    ------------->";\
  if($2 ~ /Questions|Queries|Innodb_rows|Com_select |Com_insert |Com_update |Com_delete |Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests/)\
    print $2 $3;\
<-------------    12:38:49    ------------->
 Com_delete                             0
 Com_insert                             0
 Com_select                             0
 Com_update                             0
 Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests       589
 Innodb_rows_deleted                    0
 Innodb_rows_inserted                   2
 Innodb_rows_read                       50
 Innodb_rows_updated                    50
 Queries                                105
 Questions                              1
 <-------------    12:38:50    ------------->
 Com_delete                             0
 Com_insert                             0
 Com_select                             0
 Com_update                             0
 Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests       1814
 Innodb_rows_deleted                    0
 Innodb_rows_inserted                   0
 Innodb_rows_read                       8
 Innodb_rows_updated                    8
 Queries                                17
 Questions                              1

4. 配合复杂一点的awk


mysqladmin -P3306 -uroot -p -h127.0.0.1 -r -i 1 ext |\
awk -F"|" \
"BEGIN{ count=0; }"\
'{ if($2 ~ /Variable_name/ && ((++count)%20 == 1)){\
    print "----------|---------|--- MySQL Command Status --|----- Innodb row operation ----|-- Buffer Pool Read --";\
    print "---Time---|---QPS---|select insert update delete|  read inserted updated deleted|   logical    physical";\
else if ($2 ~ /Queries/){queries=$3;}\
else if ($2 ~ /Com_select /){com_select=$3;}\
else if ($2 ~ /Com_insert /){com_insert=$3;}\
else if ($2 ~ /Com_update /){com_update=$3;}\
else if ($2 ~ /Com_delete /){com_delete=$3;}\
else if ($2 ~ /Innodb_rows_read/){innodb_rows_read=$3;}\
else if ($2 ~ /Innodb_rows_deleted/){innodb_rows_deleted=$3;}\
else if ($2 ~ /Innodb_rows_inserted/){innodb_rows_inserted=$3;}\
else if ($2 ~ /Innodb_rows_updated/){innodb_rows_updated=$3;}\
else if ($2 ~ /Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests/){innodb_lor=$3;}\
else if ($2 ~ /Innodb_buffer_pool_reads/){innodb_phr=$3;}\
else if ($2 ~ /Uptime / && count >= 2){\
  printf(" %s |%9d",strftime("%H:%M:%S"),queries);\
  printf("|%6d %6d %6d %6d",com_select,com_insert,com_update,com_delete);\
  printf("|%6d %8d %7d %7d",innodb_rows_read,innodb_rows_inserted,innodb_rows_updated,innodb_rows_deleted);\
  printf("|%10d %11d\n",innodb_lor,innodb_phr);\


----------|---------|--- MySQL Command Status --|----- Innodb row operation ----|-- Buffer Pool Read --
---Time---|---QPS---|select insert update delete|  read inserted updated deleted|   logical    physical
 10:37:13 |     2231|   274    214     70      0|  4811      160      71       0|      4146           0
 10:37:14 |     2972|   403    256     84     23|  2509      173      85      23|      4545           0
 10:37:15 |     2334|   282    232     66      1|  1266      154      67       1|      3543           0
 10:37:15 |     2241|   271    217     66      0|  1160      129      66       0|      2935           0
 10:37:17 |     2497|   299    224     97      0|  1141      149      95       0|      3831           0
 10:37:18 |     2871|   352    304     74     23|  8202      226      73      23|      6167           0
 10:37:19 |     2441|   284    233     82      0|  1099      121      78       0|      3292           0
 10:37:20 |     2342|   279    242     61      0|  1083      224      61       0|      3366           0



posted on 2015-09-25 10:50  星辰大海ゞ  阅读(196)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报