3. 接口自动化框架---配置文件(settings.py)
""" 配置文件 """ import os # 项目根目录 # 配置文件的绝对路径 BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # 项目的HOST PROJECT_HOST = 'http://www.XXX.com/XXX' # 接口信息 INTERFACE = { 'register': '/XXX/XXX', 'login': '/XXX/XXX', } # 鉴权方式请求头 CUSTOM_HEADERS = { 'v1': {'X-XXX-XXX-Type': 'XXX.v1'}, 'v2': {'X-XXX-XXX-Type': 'XXX.v2'}, 'v3': {'X-XXX-XXX-Type': 'XXX.v3'}, } # 测试数据配置 # 测试用例路径 TEST_CASE_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'testcases') # 测试数据文件路径 TEST_DATA_FILE = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'testdata', 'testcases.xlsx') # 日志配置 LOG_CONFIG = { 'name': 'WJ-test', 'file': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'log', 'WJ-test.log'), 'fmt': '%(levelname)s %(asctime)s [%(filename)s-->line:%(lineno)d]:%(message)s', 'debug': True } # 数据库配置 DATABASE_CONFIG = { 'host': '数据库链接地址', 'user': '账号', 'password': '密码', 'db': '库名', 'charset': 'utf8', 'autocommit': True, # 解决了可重复读的问题 } # 测试报告配置 TEST_REPORT_CONFIG = { 'file': 'WJ-report.html', 'report_dir': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'report'), 'title': 'wj-test-report', 'description': None, 'tester': 'WJ', 'type_': 'htr' # htr--->HTMLTestRunner # bf--->BeautifulReport } # 配置allure结果路径 ALLURE_RESULT_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'allure-result') TEST_NG_RESULT_FILE = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'testng_result', 'testng-results.xml') # 邮件地址 EMAIL = { 'mail_host': 'smtp.163.com', 'mail_user': 'XXXXXX@163.com', 'mail_pass': '*********', 'mail_port': 25, 'sender': 'xxx@163.com', 'receiver': 'xxxx@qq.com/xxxx@qq.com', 'subject': 'python', 'content': "All interface test has been complited\nplease read the report file about the detile of result in the attachment.", 'testuser': 'Someone', 'on_off': 1, }