- 分类:有类别,如对错:1,0;去银行贷款:贷,不贷
- 回归:和具体数值或范围相关:如:去银行贷款多少钱:10000元(在具体范围中的取值:1到1000取99)
- 有无标签进行监督,而回归就是有监督的问题,需要x1,x2特征,y标签

- 1.特征:年龄(x1),工资(x2)
- 2.预测:额度(y)
- 3.思考:x1,x2在贷款额度所占权重不同,可得公式 y=x1θ1+x2θ2,而θ1,θ2即权重,即是需要求的未知变量。
- 4.求解思路 :
- 首先:

- 其次:

- 再其次


- 再其次

- 然后
- 然后求解θ(最小二乘法求解(矩阵可逆))

- 注意

| * 2.随机梯度法 随机找一个数据(得到的不够准确,但是快) |

| * 3.小梯度批量下降法(常用) 找部分数据,α为学习率:越小越好,为走小步的意思 |


| import matplotlib |
| import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
| import numpy as np |
| |
| plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 14 |
| plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 12 |
| plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 12 |
| |
| X = 2*np.random.rand(100,1) |
| print(X) |
| y = 4+ 3*X +np.random.randn(100,1) |
| |
| plt.plot(X,y,'b.') |
| plt.title("数据") |
| plt.xlabel('X_1') |
| plt.ylabel('y') |
| |
| plt.axis([0,2,0,15]) |
| plt.show() |
- 2.先对数据处理,增加一列x0为1,原因:三中已经介绍;再使用上述求解θ公式得到θ(矩阵)
| X_b = np.c_[np.ones((100,1)),X] |
| theta_best = np.linalg.inv(X_b.T.dot(X_b)).dot(X_b.T).dot(y) |
| theta_best |
| #预测 |
| X_new = np.array([[0],[2]]) |
| X_new_b = np.c_[np.ones((2,1)),X_new] |
| y_predict = X_new_b.dot(theta_best) |
| y_predict |
| #画图 |
| plt.plot(X_new,y_predict,'r--') |
| plt.plot(X,y,'b.') |
| plt.axis([0,2,0,15]) |
| plt.show() |
| |
| from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression |
| |
| lin_reg = LinearRegression() |
| lin_reg.fit(X,y) |
| |
| print (lin_reg.coef_) |
| |
| print (lin_reg.intercept_) |
| |
| eta = 0.1 |
| n_iterations = 1000 |
| m = 100 |
| theta = np.random.randn(2,1) |
| for iteration in range(n_iterations): |
| gradients = 2/m* X_b.T.dot(X_b.dot(theta)-y) |
| theta = theta - eta*gradients |
| theta |
| y_predict2=X_new_b.dot(theta) |
| y_predict2 |
- 4.当学习率不同是,对结果的影响(得到结果:学习率类似表示图中线段中间隔;当学习率较大是,幅度过大,会越过最佳θ;当学习率较小,幅度较小,需要在递归很多次的时候θ才趋向稳定)
| |
| |
| |
| |
| theta_path_bgd = [] |
| def plot_gradient_descent(theta,eta,theta_path = None): |
| m = len(X_b) |
| plt.plot(X,y,'b.') |
| n_iterations = 1000 |
| for iteration in range(n_iterations): |
| y_predict = X_new_b.dot(theta) |
| plt.plot(X_new,y_predict,'b-') |
| gradients = 2/m* X_b.T.dot(X_b.dot(theta)-y) |
| theta = theta - eta*gradients |
| if theta_path is not None: |
| theta_path.append(theta) |
| plt.xlabel('X_1') |
| plt.axis([0,2,0,15]) |
| plt.title('eta = {}'.format(eta)) |
| |
| theta = np.random.randn(2,1) |
| |
| plt.figure(figsize=(10,4)) |
| |
| plt.subplot(131) |
| plot_gradient_descent(theta,eta = 0.02) |
| |
| plt.subplot(132) |
| plot_gradient_descent(theta,eta = 0.1,theta_path=theta_path_bgd) |
| |
| plt.subplot(133) |
| plot_gradient_descent(theta,eta = 0.5) |
| plt.show() |
| |

| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| theta_path_sgd=[] |
| m = len(X_b) |
| np.random.seed(42) |
| n_epochs = 50 |
| |
| t0 = 5 |
| t1 = 50 |
| |
| def learning_schedule(t): |
| return t0/(t1+t) |
| |
| theta = np.random.randn(2,1) |
| |
| |
| for epoch in range(n_epochs): |
| for i in range(m): |
| random_index = np.random.randint(m) |
| xi = X_b[random_index:random_index+1] |
| yi = y[random_index:random_index+1] |
| gradients = 2* xi.T.dot(xi.dot(theta)-yi) |
| eta = learning_schedule(epoch*m+i) |
| theta = theta-eta*gradients |
| if epoch < 10 and i<10: |
| y_predict = X_new_b.dot(theta) |
| plt.plot(X_new,y_predict,'r-') |
| theta_path_sgd.append(theta) |
| |
| plt.plot(X,y,'b.') |
| plt.axis([0,2,0,15]) |
| plt.show() |

| |
| |
| |
| theta_path_mgd=[] |
| n_epochs = 50 |
| minibatch = 16 |
| theta = np.random.randn(2,1) |
| t0, t1 = 200, 1000 |
| def learning_schedule(t): |
| return t0 / (t + t1) |
| np.random.seed(42) |
| t = 0 |
| for epoch in range(n_epochs): |
| shuffled_indices = np.random.permutation(m) |
| X_b_shuffled = X_b[shuffled_indices] |
| y_shuffled = y[shuffled_indices] |
| for i in range(0,m,minibatch): |
| t+=1 |
| xi = X_b_shuffled[i:i+minibatch] |
| yi = y_shuffled[i:i+minibatch] |
| gradients = 2/minibatch* xi.T.dot(xi.dot(theta)-yi) |
| eta = learning_schedule(t) |
| theta = theta-eta*gradients |
| if epoch < 10 and i<10: |
| y_predict = X_new_b.dot(theta) |
| plt.plot(X_new,y_predict,'r-') |
| theta_path_mgd.append(theta) |
| |
| |
| plt.plot(X,y,'b.') |
| plt.axis([0,2,0,15]) |
| plt.show() |

| # 将list转换为ndarray类型 |
| theta_path_bgd = np.array(theta_path_bgd) |
| theta_path_sgd = np.array(theta_path_sgd) |
| theta_path_mgd = np.array(theta_path_mgd) |
| type(theta_path_bgd) |
| |
| #展示 [:,0] 权重θ0和 [:,1] 偏置项θ1 |
| plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) |
| plt.plot(theta_path_sgd[:,0],theta_path_sgd[:,1],'y-s',linewidth=1,label='SGD') |
| plt.plot(theta_path_mgd[:,0],theta_path_mgd[:,1],'g-+',linewidth=2,label='MINIGD') |
| plt.plot(theta_path_bgd[:,0],theta_path_bgd[:,1],'b-o',linewidth=3,label='BGD') |
| plt.legend(loc='upper left') |
| plt.axis([2.5,5.5,2.5,4.5]) |
| plt.show() |
| |

六.多项式回归(y=x+x ²+b)
- 对二次,三次,多次等进行多项式回归预测
- 代码实现
| |
| |
| |
| |
| m = 100 |
| X = 6*np.random.rand(m,1) - 3 |
| y = 0.5*X**2+X+np.random.randn(m,1) |
| |
| |
| plt.plot(X,y,'b.') |
| plt.xlabel('X_1') |
| plt.ylabel('y') |
| plt.axis([-3,3,-5,10]) |
| plt.show() |
| |
| |
| from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures |
| |
| poly_features = PolynomialFeatures(degree = 2,include_bias = False) |
| |
| X_poly = poly_features.fit_transform(X) |
| prinnt(X[0]) |
| print(X_poly[0]) |
| print(1.76886782 ** 2) |
| |
| |
| |
| from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression |
| lin_reg = LinearRegression() |
| lin_reg.fit(X_poly,y) |
| print (lin_reg.coef_) |
| print (lin_reg.intercept_) |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| X_new = np.linspace(-3,3,100).reshape(100,1) |
| X_new_poly = poly_features.transform(X_new) |
| y_new = lin_reg.predict(X_new_poly) |
| plt.plot(X,y,'b.') |
| plt.plot(X_new,y_new,'r--',label='prediction') |
| plt.axis([-3,3,-5,10]) |
| |
| plt.legend(loc='upper left') |
| plt.show() |

| |
| |
| |
| |
| from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline |
| from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler |
| plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) |
| for style,width,degree in (('g-',1,100),('b--',2,3),('r-+',3,1)): |
| |
| poly_features = PolynomialFeatures(degree = degree,include_bias = False) |
| std = StandardScaler() |
| lin_reg = LinearRegression() |
| |
| polynomial_reg = Pipeline([('poly_features',poly_features), |
| ('StandardScaler',std), |
| ('lin_reg',lin_reg)]) |
| polynomial_reg.fit(X,y) |
| |
| y_new_2 = polynomial_reg.predict(X_new) |
| plt.plot(X_new,y_new_2,style,label = 'degree '+str(degree),linewidth = width) |
| plt.plot(X,y,'b.') |
| plt.axis([-3,3,-5,10]) |
| plt.legend() |
| plt.show() |

- 特征变换的越复杂,得到的结果过拟合风险越高,并且数据样本对过拟合影响也大。
- 样本数量产生过拟合对结果影响代码实现(线性回归,多项式回归)
| #数据样本数量对过拟合的影响 |
| #sklearn中的评估模块metrics,mean_squared_error均方误差 |
| #random_state随机种子,可以使得运行任何一次得到的随机结果相同,即切分数据集模式不变 |
| #X_train,y_tain训练集(80%),X_val,y_val验证集(20%) |
| from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error |
| from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split |
| |
| def plot_learning_curves(model,X,y): |
| X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(X,y,test_size = 0.2,random_state=100) |
| #train_errors 训练集的均方误差,val_errors 验证集的均方误差 |
| train_errors,val_errors = [],[] |
| #观察样本从一个到所有,误差变化情况 |
| for m in range(1,len(X_train)): |
| model.fit(X_train[:m],y_train[:m]) |
| #训练集预测 |
| y_train_predict = model.predict(X_train[:m]) |
| #验证集预测 |
| y_val_predict = model.predict(X_val) |
| train_errors.append(mean_squared_error(y_train[:m],y_train_predict[:m])) |
| val_errors.append(mean_squared_error(y_val,y_val_predict)) |
| plt.plot(np.sqrt(train_errors),'r-+',linewidth = 2,label = 'train_error') |
| plt.plot(np.sqrt(val_errors),'b-',linewidth = 3,label = 'val_error') |
| plt.xlabel('Trainsing set size') |
| plt.ylabel('RMSE') |
| plt.legend() |
| |
| lin_reg = LinearRegression() |
| plot_learning_curves(lin_reg,X,y) |
| plt.axis([0,80,0,3.3]) |
| plt.show() |

| |
| polynomial_reg = Pipeline([('poly_features',PolynomialFeatures(degree = 25,include_bias = False)), |
| ('lin_reg',LinearRegression())]) |
| plot_learning_curves(polynomial_reg,X,y) |
| plt.axis([0,80,0,5]) |
| plt.show() |

- 总结1:在[0,5]区间,训练集误差较小,但是实际验证时,却误差较大,出现过拟合;当数据量在[10,80],两条曲线是越来越接近的,误差比较稳定,过拟合风险较低。
- 总结1:数据量越少,训练集的效果会越好,但是实际测试效果很一般。实际做模型的时候需要参考测试集和验证集的效果。
- 解决过拟合方法正则化
- 正则化 :对权重参数进行惩罚,α为惩罚项,越大说明后面比重越大,惩罚力度越大。让权重参数尽可能平滑一些,有两种不同的方法来进行正则化惩罚:岭回归(平方),lasso(绝对值)
MSE 均方误差
- 岭回归(平方)代码实现

| from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge |
| np.random.seed(42) |
| m = 20 |
| X = 3*np.random.rand(m,1) |
| y = 0.5 * X +np.random.randn(m,1)/1.5 +1 |
| X_new = np.linspace(0,3,100).reshape(100,1) |
| |
| def plot_model(model_calss,polynomial,alphas,**model_kargs): |
| |
| for alpha,style in zip(alphas,('b-','g--','r:')): |
| model = model_calss(alpha,**model_kargs) |
| if polynomial: |
| model = Pipeline([('poly_features',PolynomialFeatures(degree =10,include_bias = False)), |
| ('StandardScaler',StandardScaler()), |
| ('lin_reg',model)]) |
| model.fit(X,y) |
| y_new_regul = model.predict(X_new) |
| |
| lw = 2 if alpha > 0 else 1 |
| plt.plot(X_new,y_new_regul,style,linewidth = lw,label = 'alpha = {}'.format(alpha)) |
| plt.plot(X,y,'b.',linewidth =3) |
| plt.legend() |
| |
| plt.figure(figsize=(14,6)) |
| |
| plt.subplot(121) |
| plot_model(Ridge,polynomial=False,alphas = (0,10,100)) |
| |
| plt.subplot(122) |
| plot_model(Ridge,polynomial=True,alphas = (0,10**-5,1)) |
| plt.show() |

| from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso |
| |
| plt.figure(figsize=(14,6)) |
| plt.subplot(121) |
| plot_model(Lasso,polynomial=False,alphas = (0,0.1,1)) |
| plt.subplot(122) |
| plot_model(Lasso,polynomial=True,alphas = (0,10**-1,1)) |
| plt.show() |

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