如何通过命令行使用Wisdom RESTClient?

Wisdom RESTClient V1.2版本开始支持命令行方式运行。



使用说明:java -jar restclient-1.2.jar [-参数] [文件]

   -help     打印帮助信息
   例如: java -jar restclient-1.2.jar -help
   -gui      启动rest-client主界面
   例如: java -jar restclient-1.2.jar -gui sample/http_history.json
   -apitest  测试接口
   例如: java -jar restclient-1.2.jar -apitest sample/http_history.json
   -apidoc   创建接口文档
   例如: java -jar restclient-1.2.jar -apidoc sample/http_history.json

The rest-client v1.2 starts to support CLI.

Usage: java -jar restclient-1.2.jar[-argument] [file]

Without argument will launch rest-client GUI

Without file will use default work/http_history.json

-help     print this help message
E.g.: java -jar restclient-1.2.jar -help

-gui      launch rest-client GUI
E.g.: java -jar restclient-1.2.jar -gui sample/http_history.json

-apitest  test API
E.g.: java -jar restclient-1.2.jar -apitest sample/http_history.json

-apidoc   create API documentation
E.g.: java -jar restclient-1.2.jar -apidoc sample/http_history.json
posted @ 2018-02-07 21:35  千里驹  阅读(732)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报