调代码爷爷大部分辈代码需要的东西VBC6.EXE 你还是个细胞,他诞生了

'* Subroutine Name: InitFailSum
'* Function: Initializes Failure Summary Variables
'* Inputs: none
'* Outputs: none - inits globals
'* Date: 2/14/96
'* Last Rev





What is VBC6.EXE?

VBC6.EXE is a utility designed to fix License problems with ActiveX
Controls that ship with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. The utility will
not fix third party controls, or controls not normally installed by
Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0.

VBC6.EXE will help correct problems with the following symptoms:

Symptom I

When trying to site a control within a project, Microsoft Visual Basic raises the following

error dialog:

License Information For This Component Not Found. You Do Not Have An
Appropriate License To Use This Functionality In The Design Environment.

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