Learning Data Binding with Windows Forms 2.0(1)-The Quest for Type Safety

Take a look at the code:
If you believe in writing maintainable code, seeing hard-coded column and table names and/or indices like in this code example should make you nervousif the underlying schema changes, you have to hunt down all the places where the table and column names are used. If you use indices to get at the columns in a row, as the last line of code in this snippet does, the problem is even worse. At best, you can use find and replace, which is error prone and time consuming; often you will miss something, and you won't know about the problem until runtime.
Using typed data sets solves these problems. When you create a typed data set, code is generated that wraps the data set in a type-safe way by exposing tables and columns as strongly typed properties.
Another implicit benefit is that typed data sets expose the data set's schema through strongly typed properties and methods, and that enhances productivity.
Using typed data sets lets you write code like this:
the beauty of the above code is that there aren't any hard-coded schema references. There aren't any string literals for table or column names, and you don't have to index any column positions because you can more easily and clearly get to them through the typed properties exposed on the typed row object.
The other part that isn't apparent from a block of code like this is actually one of the best benefits of typed data sets from a productivity standpoint: IntelliSense!
posted @ 2009-09-02 17:15  wispzone  阅读(224)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报