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  在很多场景下,我们需要一个强密码来保证可访问的数据或系统。如何检查你的密码安全级别,可以到Microsoft Online Safety – Using strong password这个网站。代码并不复杂,看下面片段代码:

   1:          /// <summary>
   2:          /// create another string which is a concatenation of all above
   3:          /// </summary>
   4:          private string allChars = alphaCaps + alphaLow + numerics + special;
   5:          /// <summary>
   6:          /// create constant strings for each type of characters
   7:          /// </summary>
   8:          private static readonly string alphaCaps = "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM";
   9:          private static readonly string alphaLow = "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm";
  10:          private static readonly string numerics = "1234567890";
  11:          private Random random = new Random();
  12:          private static readonly string special = "@#$";
  14:          #endregion Fields 
  16:          #region Methods (3) 
  18:          // Public Methods (1) 
  20:          /// <summary>
  21:          /// Generates the strong password.
  22:          /// </summary>
  23:          /// <remarks>
  24:          /// Generate four repeating random numbers are postions of lower, upper, numeric and special characters
  25:          /// By filling these positions with corresponding characters,we can ensure the password has atleast one character of those types
  26:          /// </remarks>
  27:          /// <param name="length">The length.</param>
  28:          /// <returns>password  string</returns>
  29:          public string GenerateStrongPassword(int length)
  30:          {
  31:              StringBuilder generatedPassword = new StringBuilder(length);
  33:              if (length < 4)
  34:                  throw new Exception("Number of characters should be greater than 4.");
  36:              int pLower, pUpper, pNumber, pSpecial;
  37:              string posArray = "0123456789";
  38:              if (length < posArray.Length)
  39:                  posArray = posArray.Substring(0, length);
  40:              pLower = GetRandomPosition(ref posArray);
  41:              pUpper = GetRandomPosition(ref posArray);
  42:              pNumber = GetRandomPosition(ref posArray);
  43:              pSpecial = GetRandomPosition(ref posArray);
  45:              for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
  46:              {
  47:                  if (i == pLower)
  48:                      generatedPassword.Append(GetRandomChar(alphaCaps));
  49:                  else if (i == pUpper)
  50:                      generatedPassword.Append(GetRandomChar(alphaLow));
  51:                  else if (i == pNumber)
  52:                       generatedPassword.Append(GetRandomChar(numerics));
  53:                  else if (i == pSpecial)
  54:                       generatedPassword.Append(GetRandomChar(special));
  55:                  else
  56:                      generatedPassword.Append(GetRandomChar(allChars));
  57:              }
  58:              return generatedPassword.ToString();
  59:          }
  60:          // Private Methods (2) 
  62:          /// <summary>
  63:          /// Gets the random char.
  64:          /// </summary>
  65:          /// <param name="fullString">The full string.</param>
  66:          /// <returns></returns>
  67:          private string GetRandomChar(string fullString)
  68:          {
  69:              return fullString.ToCharArray()[(int)Math.Floor(random.NextDouble() * fullString.Length)].ToString();
  70:          }
  72:          /// <summary>
  73:          /// Gets the random position.
  74:          /// </summary>
  75:          /// <param name="posArray">The pos array.</param>
  76:          /// <returns></returns>
  77:          private int GetRandomPosition(ref string posArray)
  78:          {
  79:              string randomChar = posArray.ToCharArray()[(int) Math.Floor(random.NextDouble()
  80:                                                                          *posArray.Length)].ToString();
  81:              int pos = int.Parse(randomChar);
  82:              posArray = posArray.Replace(randomChar, "");
  83:              return pos;
  84:          }


例如我们用上面的CODE生成一个长度为8位密码是: ASSu#zO3,你可以写一个UI去显示它们了。


Author: Petter Liu

posted on   PetterLiu  阅读(1317)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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