Create function GetPy(@str nvarchar(4000))
returns nvarchar(4000)
declare @word nchar(1),@PY nvarchar(4000)
set @PY=''
while len(@str)>0
set @word=left(@str,1)
set @PY=@PY+(case when unicode(@word) between 19968 and 19968+20901
then (select top 1 PY from (
select 'A' as PY,N'驁' as word
union all select 'B',N'簿'
union all select 'C',N'錯'
union all select 'D',N'鵽'
union all select 'E',N'樲'
union all select 'F',N'鰒'
union all select 'G',N'腂'
union all select 'H',N'夻'
union all select 'J',N'攈'
union all select 'K',N'穒'
union all select 'L',N'鱳'
union all select 'M',N'旀'
union all select 'N',N'桛'
union all select 'O',N'漚'
union all select 'P',N'曝'
union all select 'Q',N'囕'
union all select 'R',N'鶸'
union all select 'S',N'蜶'
union all select 'T',N'籜'
union all select 'W',N'鶩'
union all select 'X',N'鑂'
union all select 'Y',N'韻'
union all select 'Z',N'咗'
) T
where word>=@word collate Chinese_PRC_CS_AS_KS_WS
order by PY ASC) else @word end)
set @str=right(@str,len(@str)-1)
return @PY
returns nvarchar(4000)
declare @word nchar(1),@PY nvarchar(4000)
set @PY=''
while len(@str)>0
set @word=left(@str,1)
set @PY=@PY+(case when unicode(@word) between 19968 and 19968+20901
then (select top 1 PY from (
select 'A' as PY,N'驁' as word
union all select 'B',N'簿'
union all select 'C',N'錯'
union all select 'D',N'鵽'
union all select 'E',N'樲'
union all select 'F',N'鰒'
union all select 'G',N'腂'
union all select 'H',N'夻'
union all select 'J',N'攈'
union all select 'K',N'穒'
union all select 'L',N'鱳'
union all select 'M',N'旀'
union all select 'N',N'桛'
union all select 'O',N'漚'
union all select 'P',N'曝'
union all select 'Q',N'囕'
union all select 'R',N'鶸'
union all select 'S',N'蜶'
union all select 'T',N'籜'
union all select 'W',N'鶩'
union all select 'X',N'鑂'
union all select 'Y',N'韻'
union all select 'Z',N'咗'
) T
where word>=@word collate Chinese_PRC_CS_AS_KS_WS
order by PY ASC) else @word end)
set @str=right(@str,len(@str)-1)
return @PY
Select Id,Title From Table_a order by dbo.getpy(title)
还有一个取汉字取拼音首字母(大写) 函数
1 Public Shared Function Extract_HZ(ByVal HZ As String) As String
2 Dim ZW(2) As Byte
3 Dim HZ_INT As Long
4 ZW = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(HZ)
5 Dim i1 As Integer = CType((ZW(0)), Short)
6 Dim i2 As Integer = CType((ZW(1)), Short)
7 HZ_INT = i1 * 256 + i2
8 If (HZ_INT >= 45217) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 45252) Then
9 Return "A"
10 End If
11 If (HZ_INT >= 45253) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 45760) Then
12 Return "B"
13 End If
14 If (HZ_INT >= 45761) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 46317) Then
15 Return "C"
16 End If
17 If (HZ_INT >= 46318) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 46825) Then
18 Return "D"
19 End If
20 If (HZ_INT >= 46826) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 47009) Then
21 Return "E"
22 End If
23 If (HZ_INT >= 47010) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 47296) Then
24 Return "F"
25 End If
26 If (HZ_INT >= 47297) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 47613) Then
27 Return "G"
28 End If
29 If (HZ_INT >= 47614) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 48118) Then
30 Return "H"
31 End If
32 If (HZ_INT >= 48119) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 49061) Then
33 Return "J"
34 End If
35 If (HZ_INT >= 49062) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 49323) Then
36 Return "K"
37 End If
38 If (HZ_INT >= 49324) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 49895) Then
39 Return "L"
40 End If
41 If (HZ_INT >= 49896) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 50370) Then
42 Return "M"
43 End If
44 If (HZ_INT >= 50371) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 50613) Then
45 Return "N"
46 End If
47 If (HZ_INT >= 50614) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 50621) Then
48 Return "O"
49 End If
50 If (HZ_INT >= 50622) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 50905) Then
51 Return "P"
52 End If
53 If (HZ_INT >= 50906) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 51386) Then
54 Return "Q"
55 End If
56 If (HZ_INT >= 51387) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 51445) Then
57 Return "R"
58 End If
59 If (HZ_INT >= 51446) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 52217) Then
60 Return "S"
61 End If
62 If (HZ_INT >= 52218) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 52697) Then
63 Return "T"
64 End If
65 If (HZ_INT >= 52698) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 52979) Then
66 Return "W"
67 End If
68 If (HZ_INT >= 52980) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 53640) Then
69 Return "X"
70 End If
71 If (HZ_INT >= 53689) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 54480) Then
72 Return "Y"
73 End If
74 If (HZ_INT >= 54481) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 55289) Then
75 Return "Z"
76 End If
77 ' Return ("")
78 Return (UCase(Left(HZ, 1)))
79 End Function
2 Dim ZW(2) As Byte
3 Dim HZ_INT As Long
4 ZW = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(HZ)
5 Dim i1 As Integer = CType((ZW(0)), Short)
6 Dim i2 As Integer = CType((ZW(1)), Short)
7 HZ_INT = i1 * 256 + i2
8 If (HZ_INT >= 45217) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 45252) Then
9 Return "A"
10 End If
11 If (HZ_INT >= 45253) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 45760) Then
12 Return "B"
13 End If
14 If (HZ_INT >= 45761) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 46317) Then
15 Return "C"
16 End If
17 If (HZ_INT >= 46318) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 46825) Then
18 Return "D"
19 End If
20 If (HZ_INT >= 46826) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 47009) Then
21 Return "E"
22 End If
23 If (HZ_INT >= 47010) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 47296) Then
24 Return "F"
25 End If
26 If (HZ_INT >= 47297) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 47613) Then
27 Return "G"
28 End If
29 If (HZ_INT >= 47614) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 48118) Then
30 Return "H"
31 End If
32 If (HZ_INT >= 48119) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 49061) Then
33 Return "J"
34 End If
35 If (HZ_INT >= 49062) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 49323) Then
36 Return "K"
37 End If
38 If (HZ_INT >= 49324) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 49895) Then
39 Return "L"
40 End If
41 If (HZ_INT >= 49896) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 50370) Then
42 Return "M"
43 End If
44 If (HZ_INT >= 50371) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 50613) Then
45 Return "N"
46 End If
47 If (HZ_INT >= 50614) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 50621) Then
48 Return "O"
49 End If
50 If (HZ_INT >= 50622) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 50905) Then
51 Return "P"
52 End If
53 If (HZ_INT >= 50906) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 51386) Then
54 Return "Q"
55 End If
56 If (HZ_INT >= 51387) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 51445) Then
57 Return "R"
58 End If
59 If (HZ_INT >= 51446) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 52217) Then
60 Return "S"
61 End If
62 If (HZ_INT >= 52218) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 52697) Then
63 Return "T"
64 End If
65 If (HZ_INT >= 52698) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 52979) Then
66 Return "W"
67 End If
68 If (HZ_INT >= 52980) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 53640) Then
69 Return "X"
70 End If
71 If (HZ_INT >= 53689) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 54480) Then
72 Return "Y"
73 End If
74 If (HZ_INT >= 54481) AndAlso (HZ_INT <= 55289) Then
75 Return "Z"
76 End If
77 ' Return ("")
78 Return (UCase(Left(HZ, 1)))
79 End Function
1 Private Function DownListInsertZM(ByVal DropDownListId As DropDownList, ByVal InsertHH As String) As DropDownList
2 Dim j, s, i, c, r As Integer
3 Dim tempdual As String
4 For c = 65 To 90 '大写ASCII码循环
5 i = 0
6 For j = 0 To DropDownListId.Items.Count - 1
7 tempdual = Extract_HZ(DropDownListId.Items(j).Text).Trim
8 If tempdual = Chr(c) Then
9 i = i + 1 '统计相同项数
10 s = j
11 End If
12 Next
13 r = s - i + 1 '计算插入位置的索引号
14 If r < 0 Then
15 r = 0
16 End If
17 If i <> 0 Then
18 DropDownListId.Items.Insert(r, New ListItem((InsertHH & Chr(c) & InsertHH), "*"))
19 End If
20 Next
21 DropDownListId.Items.Insert(0, New ListItem((InsertHH & "请选择" & InsertHH))) '插入"请选择"为Dropdownlist为第一项
22 End Function
2 Dim j, s, i, c, r As Integer
3 Dim tempdual As String
4 For c = 65 To 90 '大写ASCII码循环
5 i = 0
6 For j = 0 To DropDownListId.Items.Count - 1
7 tempdual = Extract_HZ(DropDownListId.Items(j).Text).Trim
8 If tempdual = Chr(c) Then
9 i = i + 1 '统计相同项数
10 s = j
11 End If
12 Next
13 r = s - i + 1 '计算插入位置的索引号
14 If r < 0 Then
15 r = 0
16 End If
17 If i <> 0 Then
18 DropDownListId.Items.Insert(r, New ListItem((InsertHH & Chr(c) & InsertHH), "*"))
19 End If
20 Next
21 DropDownListId.Items.Insert(0, New ListItem((InsertHH & "请选择" & InsertHH))) '插入"请选择"为Dropdownlist为第一项
22 End Function